Xiao Mo did not pay attention to the little thoughts of those gods, but looked at the bloody slaughter of the God of Nirvana, who was blushing and choking, and felt very good for a while.

But even if he knew the thoughts of millions of gods, he would only think that these gods were too exaggerated.

Didn't the Elf Goddess keep smiling all the time? If she suddenly smiled a little happier, so what.

And when he helped the Elf Goddess before, she kept smiling at him.

It's nothing like this today.

What Xiao Mo didn't know was that although the Elf Goddess was always smiling, no one had seen her have any other expression for many years.

Now, the expression on her face suddenly changed, how could the gods not be surprised.

Lord Annihilation God Xue Tu was angry for a while, and suddenly realized that he should not follow Xiao Mo's words, as that would only lower his tone.

He snorted coldly, pointed the spearhead at the Elf Goddess again, and said in a low voice:

"Your Excellency, the beautiful Goddess of Nature, the Elf Goddess, the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons has killed many powerful gods of our evil god system, seriously injured the power of the evil god system, and even tried to kill the god lord of the evil camp. You are standing with them. One side is the evil side.”

The evil god calls others the evil party. This scene is so funny no matter how you look at it.

At this time, the Elf Goddess has returned to her holy and inviolable appearance.

Those soft green eyes looked straight at the Lord of Nirvana, Blood Tu, showing a little impatience. She said lightly:

"I didn't know, Lord Annihilation Blood Massacre, that you were so wordy. If you want to fight, fight and don't talk so much nonsense."

"If you don't want to fight anymore, then stop trying to trick the Lord of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom and lead your army of evil gods back to your own territory."

The words of the elf goddess were actually from the bottom of her heart. Their natural goddesses were not warlike.

For them, there is only one enemy, and that is the Lord of the Demonic Abyss who is still being suppressed.

So she doesn't want a war to break out, but wants to resolve the matter peacefully.

But the God of Annihilation, Blood Tu, thought that the Elf Goddess was looking down on him, so he became furious and roared:

"Since the Elf Goddess wants to start a war so much, let's have a discussion and see if tens of thousands of years have passed, who is more powerful, you or me."

Anyway, even if he dies, he will not let go of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom.

In these days, the leader of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom and the goddess have killed countless followers of their evil camp.

Even the brother of Jesse Jones, the god of the end, could not escape the disaster.

What's more, their evil pantheon and the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons have already formed a deadly feud to the point where they will never stop fighting.

The gods of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom have already made a habit of hunting down the evil gods of their evil camp.

If left unchecked for a long time, the evil gods from their evil camp will definitely be in danger all the time.

The gods of the fairy and demon kingdom will use their power to become more powerful.

By then, where in the Yuanchu Continent can they still have the status of their evil camp?

The Elf Goddess is relatively simple and upright, and has always been lazy to deal with these things. She only thinks that the Lord of Annihilation Blood Massacre is very unreasonable and vexatious.

But at this time, she still didn't want a war to happen, so she struggled for a while and said:

"Is it really impossible to be kind?"

"You should know that if a war breaks out under this starry sky between our four main gods, we will definitely not be able to withstand our power, and it will definitely cause huge harm to other gods. This is probably not what you and I want to see. scene."

The Lord of Nirvana, Blood Tu, pondered for a while and hesitated for a while.

Judging from this scene, the goddess of nature will definitely stand by the side of the fairy and demon kingdom, and Christina and the camp that believes in the beast god are the strongest allies of the fairy and demon kingdom.

But the evil gods from their evil camp can only fight alone. Now this situation is completely beneficial to the fairy and demon kingdom.

If a fight breaks out, he may be able to escape, but the evil god from the evil camp may die here.

So the God of Annihilation, Blood Tu, struggled for a while and said coldly:

"Your Majesty the Elf Goddess, I know that you love peace and are the most loyal supporter of the Yuanchu Continent, but our evil gods from the evil camp cannot die in vain. You must give me an explanation, otherwise this matter will not be completed. "

Although the God Lord of Nirvana, Xue Tu, was shaken deep down in his heart, he knew with deep thought that all this could not just be in vain.

He must get something back to make up for his losses.

The Elf Goddess tilted her head in confusion and asked: "Then how do you want to compensate? Do you need His Highness the Lord Xian'er to apologize to you?"

The Lord of Annihilation, Blood Tu, looked dissatisfied. The evil god from their evil camp had suffered heavy damage. How could it be solved with just an apology?

So he said: "This won't work. Can an apology make up for the harm I caused to the evil god of our evil camp? There must be real compensation, so that's it!"

The Elf Princess also seemed to feel that what she said was a little too hasty, so she said:

"Then let's do this. You put the damage your evil camp has suffered in this war at a price, and we will compensate you for your losses."

The Lord of Nirvana, Xue Tu, was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief:

"You mean, you, the Goddess of Nature, will compensate the Fairy and Demon Kingdom for the losses caused by the evil gods from our evil camp?"

The Elf Goddess nodded reservedly, "Yes, that's it."

However, the God of Annihilation, Xue Tu, looked like you were kidding me.

"Do you have money?"

Could this Elf Goddess be teasing him? Who in the entire Origin Continent didn’t know that the Goddess of Nature was injured and fell into a deep sleep tens of thousands of years ago, and she woke up nearly 100,000 years ago.

Their treasures had long been divided up by some emerging small gods while they were sleeping.

How could they still have money to compensate for those so-called losses?

The Elf Goddess did not hear the sarcasm in Lord Annihilation's words, but shook her head honestly and said honestly:

"No money."

Seeing that the Lord of Nirvana, Blood Tu, was about to go berserk, she immediately added another sentence.

"However, I can issue an IOU."

The Lord of Nirvana’s Bloody Massacre: “…”

He was speechless for a moment, and then said incredulously:

"Are you trying to make fun of me with nothing to show for it? What is the IOU? If you want to break the contract, it's not a matter of just one sentence, so I don't agree."

If the nature goddess wants to break the contract then, who will she cry to?

The Elf Goddess felt that Lord Annihilation's blood slaughter was extremely unreasonable. Although her face was still that holy and elegant, the impatience in her eyes was getting deeper and deeper.

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