Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 578: The Elf Queen’s Fear of the Threat from the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom

You know, she originally thought that the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom could have several god kings, which was already an exaggeration.

But now she was told that a divine master had appeared in the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons, which really made her unbelievable.

"It's beyond my imagination."

The Elf Queen really didn't expect that there was actually a divine master in the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom. In just one month, the power of this small territory had grown to such an extent.

It's really terrifying. The king is simply unfathomable.

It's not an exaggeration to call him a monster.

On the Yuanchu Continent, this kind of thing has never existed. Which God Lord has not gone through countless years to become a God Lord.

As a result, the king of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom created a divine master in just one month.

The Elf Queen really wants to ask Xiao Mo, how does your fairy and demon kingdom develop day by day? Do you eat God Lord every day?

Otherwise, why would the growth rate be so incredible!

The more she thought about it, the more shocked and fearful the Elf Queen became.

Sure enough, her feeling was correct. The territorial forces would indeed cause a huge impact or even threaten the local forces.

Originally she only had this kind of speculation, but now that she knows about the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons, she understands that this has become a reality.

The kingdom of immortals and demons with a divine master has no fear of any local forces!

Unless the local forces join forces to besiege them, there is no chance of destroying the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons.

"It seems that what I feared has come true."

The Elf Queen thought to herself that in the past she speculated that the territorial forces would become the biggest threat to the local forces, and it really happened.

"The territorial forces are indeed very dangerous to our local land. If they are allowed to grow, the blow they will cause us will be second only to the evil spirits from other worlds."

At this moment, the Elf Queen really wanted to lead the army to attack the Fairy and Demon Kingdom directly, but she understood that it would be too late to attack at this time.

Moreover, due to the constraints of the world's laws, she will pay a heavy price.

"If the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom develops like this for a few months, my Night Elf Empire will no longer be its opponent."

The Elf Queen was filled with emotion.

Due to the laws of the world, these local forces are still unable to destroy the territorial forces.

They can only wait for the territorial forces to declare war on them first, so that their local forces can cause trouble.

Now, of course, she can only watch the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons slowly grow stronger. There is no hope of destroying it.

The Night Goddess saw the Elf Queen's thoughts through her expression, and couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "You must also know the laws of the world and the purpose of summoning them here."

"Compared to the evil spirits from other worlds, territorial forces are actually not a big threat to us."

"Because the demons are tens of thousands or a hundred thousand times more powerful than the territorial forces."

"Under such a dangerous situation, if there is still civil strife, then our chances of winning will be even smaller."

The goddess of the night is very afraid of evil spirits from other worlds, and does not want us to fall into civil strife at this time.

After all, in her eyes, Yuanchu Continent's hope of winning was very slim.

If we don't cherish every living force before the divine war comes, and instead fall into internal friction, the Yuanchu Continent will definitely be destroyed.

Hearing this, the Elf Queen also frowned. She didn't quite understand what the Night Goddess said.

So she asked: "Can't the God of Faith and the Gods of Origin join forces to defeat the evil demons from another world? You must know that the combined power of both of us has long surpassed the Origin Continent in ancient times."

"It shouldn't be that difficult to fight against evil spirits from another world, right?"

The goddess of the night shook her head and said: "It's different. The danger this time is far beyond that of ancient times. Evil demons from other worlds will come out in force. When the divine war comes, their scale will exceed your imagination."

"In addition to all the evil demons in the other world, there are also ten evil masters, powerful gods like the Dark Emperor, who will come. You can just imagine how powerful they are."

"And how high is the probability that we can defeat them?"

"You might as well prepare for the worst, and think about it carefully. Wouldn't it be better to be fully prepared than not to be unprepared?"

Having said so much, the Night Goddess hopes that the Elf Queen can understand the seriousness of the strangeness and stop trying to think about this time with the arrogant thoughts of the past. After all, the danger she will face is really terrifying.

The ten evil masters of the alien world can almost suppress most of the gods in the Yuanchu Continent. If the dark emperor takes action again, he will really be unstoppable.

And under this situation, if they continue to fight among themselves, it is directly equivalent to self-destruction.

The Elf Queen said nothing after listening.

In fact, what she hates is not the Fairy and Demon Kingdom, but the entire territorial force, because once the entire territorial force grows up, the threat it poses is very great, and it is simply not comparable to a single Fairy and Demon Kingdom.

Imagine, if the entire territorial power grows, there will be countless vitality, wouldn't it be able to directly shake the rule of the local power?

In fact, the Elf Queen still has some favorable impressions of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom, because the Fairy and Demon Kingdom shelters a branch of the night elves.

This is very admirable in her opinion. If possible, she can even give some help to the Fairy and Demon Kingdom.

But that is the case, but once the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons becomes a force that can shake her empire.

Then she couldn't ignore the threat level of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom.

Favorability is nothing compared to interests. In the eyes of the Elf Queen, the Night Elf Empire is the most important thing.

Only by eliminating this force that is about to grow can the rule of the Elf Empire be more stable.

Otherwise, what will we do if one day in the future, the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom begins to invade the Night Elf Empire?

At that time, it would not only affect her as the queen, but also the entire night elf empire and the elves in it.

This is something the Elf Queen cannot tolerate.

In her eyes, racial interests are much greater than mere favorability.

"I know you're probably afraid of him growing up."

"But it would be different if we formed an alliance."

"At that time, the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom will be our most powerful and stable ally."

"And you also know their growth rate. After the God War starts, maybe we will still have to rely on them."

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