Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 338: The level gap between arms! The future direction! The thoughts of the top lord!

The upgrades of [Natural Ancient Wood] and [Fairy and Demon Symbiosis Pavilion] consumed a total of 200,000 fairy and demon stones and 2,000 soul crystals.

It is also a sixth-level top-level military building, but the [Natural Ancient Wood] can only breed ninety-six natural wooden figures every day, but the [Fairy and Demon Symbiosis Pavilion] can summon 128 immortal and demon symbiosis troops.

The quantity is a full one-third difference. It is obvious that the level of [Natural Ancient Wood] is much higher than [Fairy and Demon Symbiosis Pavilion].

However, after all, they are all top-level military units, so as the units grow up, the gap will gradually become smaller.

However, the two top-level military buildings combined may not be as valuable as a unique military building.

After all, it is a unique military building, so it makes sense to be strong.

In this world, the immortal and demon arms should be a race that stands at the top of all races. It is so powerful and noble that no one dares to blaspheme it.

Therefore, Xiao Mo's [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool] actually has the smallest number of reincarnated immortal and demon arms.

If Xiao Mo didn't have those [Initial Troops Expansion Drawings] for free, compared with other lords, he would definitely have the least number of immortal and demon troops under his command.

The number of arms is small, and you may not see any disadvantages in the early and middle stages, but the disadvantages will gradually become apparent in the later stages.

In addition, the development speed of Fairy and Demon Town is fast enough, and the frequency of [Fairy and Demon Reincarnation Pool] is also very frequent, far exceeding that of billions of lords.

Nowadays, there are not many lords who have upgraded their military buildings to level five, let alone those like Xiao Mo who directly upgraded their military buildings to level seven.

The reason why Xiao Mo's current strength is able to suppress all the billions of lords stably is because he develops fast enough, has enough troops under his command, and is strong enough?

At this stage, except for Xiao Mo, no lord dares to think about millions or even tens of millions of immortal magic stones.

And Xiao Mo not only dared to think about it, he now had it in his hands. The initial unit building had also been upgraded to level seven, and the other two top unit buildings had also been upgraded to level six.

Even a sixth-level military building requires 100,000 immortal magic stones and 1,000 soul crystals. These two figures are a huge amount of wealth even for top lords.

It can be said that there are very few top lords who can come up with such an amount of resources.

Therefore, generally speaking, if the current top lords want to build military units, it will take at least ten days and a half to develop.

After all, compared to Xiao Mo, their strength and development speed are not even inferior.

They couldn't do many things that Xiao Mo could do, and they couldn't even do what Xiao Mo couldn't do.

This is a vicious cycle. As time goes by, strong people will become stronger and stronger, while weak people will become weaker and weaker.

Especially as this "game" reaches the later stages, this vicious cycle will become more obvious. Of course, the gap between arms and armies may gradually shorten.

Moreover, the resources in each area are limited, and the stronger people occupy more resources.

The competition for resources is actually the true essence of the war for hegemony among all races.

After all, resources are limited, including the entire Yuanchu Continent, and the current resources should be allocated by the strong.

In this world now, the empires that occupy the most resources are undoubtedly the empires in the central region.

They have enough strength, so they can occupy more and better resources. In contrast, it is precisely because they have so many resources that they can maintain their high status.

The territorial forces that came from another world can only be distributed in these edge areas full of endless crises, and develop slowly bit by bit.

Therefore, the first ones to compete for resources are the territorial forces and the local forces in the region, and then there is the battle between the territorial forces.

When territorial forces develop and become stronger, such as after unifying the region, they will naturally not be satisfied with the resources they currently have, or they will want more resources for development.

In this way, the war between regions began. Just like Xiao Mo's previous idea, after establishing the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons and unifying the Endless Abyss region, he began to attack the Dark Forest region.

Xiao Mo firmly believed that in a short while, a regional war would break out, and countless lords would be involved.

Countless lords will be eliminated or forced to change jobs and become loners.

In the end, only the lords who can survive can obtain more and better resources, upgrade their territory, upgrade military buildings, enhance the power of the territory, and improve their own strength.

This is the future direction of the fringe areas of the world, but Xiao Mo doesn't need to worry about this now.

At least there will be no regional civil war in the current Endless Abyss area, because there are few lords in the entire Endless Abyss area who dare to stay here.

The remaining lords are probably still wondering whether they have the courage to stay in the Endless Abyss. How can they have the courage to compete with Xiao Mo for the resources of the Endless Abyss?

Therefore, it is said that Xiao Mo now has occupied the resources of the entire Endless Abyss area, and it seems impossible for the territory's strength to develop quickly.

Those alliances that were against Xiao Mo saw this clearly, so they had to attack Xiao Mo.

After all, that is the resource of an entire region. Who wouldn’t be jealous?

In addition, they couldn't bear to see that Xiao Mo's family was the only one, occupying the resources of an entire area, and was developing faster and faster, always trampling on them, making them almost breathless.

Moreover, they have always believed that as long as they kill Xiao Mo and bulldoze the small town of Immortals and Demons, they can occupy the Endless Abyss area and use it as their second base.

By then, their territory will inevitably develop faster than other territorial forces and become more and more powerful.

Xiao Mo's acquisition of godhead and his unique military structure was just a trigger. In fact, these alliance members were probably even dreaming about how to kill Xiao Mo. They stepped on Xiao Mo and stepped on the corpses of a large number of lords. Go to the top.

This was the main reason why the top lords decided to launch this war. As for the ordinary lords who responded to their call, they were just cannon fodder in their eyes.

For them, the more cannon fodder the better, as more can consume less of their own vitality.

Therefore, these top lords have been calling on everyone to boycott Xiao Mo on public channels, just to attract more cannon fodder to work for them.

Therefore, some lords formed a neutral alliance precisely because they understood this.

But more people still only see immediate benefits, or are greedy in nature, so they naturally join the alliance.

However, what they didn't know was that the top lords who formed the alliance did not treat them as allies, but only as tools.

As a tool that can gather large armies, those armies are just cannon fodder sent to the front line to allow them to preserve their own strength.

As long as they can achieve this goal, what will it matter no matter how many ordinary lords are eliminated? Just enough to leave a lot of energy for the future.

Xiao Mo understands these things, so he doesn't like to form alliances or join any alliances.

After all, in such a world, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. How many people like little brats can there be in this world?

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