Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 149 The Lord of Divine Dragon Blessed Land in a Dream! Investigate the Wooden Tribe!

The lord of Shenlong Blessed Land called Jinxuan obviously angry, and he immediately explained like a dog. read

"Okay, okay... don't be angry, fairy! That's what I said. Now that the fairy has said it, I won't mention it anymore! Don't worry! Liu Hu's matter is completely over!"

Jinxuan did not reply to Lord Shenlong Blessed Land.

Now she just felt that the other party was having a typical brain problem and wanted to drag her into the water.

She knew very well what kind of character Qian Mo was.

After all, I have already had the experience of being deleted once.

Let her question Qian Mo and let Qian Mo give an explanation to the Covenant Alliance of Gods?

She had no doubt that as soon as she said this, Qian Mo would delete her again without hesitation.

After finally getting back in touch with Qian Mo, the relationship has eased a bit.

Do you want to offend Qian Mo again because of the dead alliance members?

You would only do this unless your brain is filled with water.

This lord of the Divine Dragon Blessed Land is, after all, a very powerful top lord, and is one of the alliance members.

But why doesn't he have such a good thing as a brain?

Do you really think that just because you are a member of the Alliance, you will be invincible?

The Covenant Alliance of Gods is quite powerful, and it is correct to say that it is currently the most powerful alliance.

But just because of this, do you want Qian Mo, the strongest lord, to give in and bow his head?

I'm afraid this guy is still dreaming!

In the mountain forest outside Shenlong Blessed Land.

A short-haired young man riding on the dragon outside had a pale face.

After a long time, when he saw that the fairy in his mind no longer replied to him, he became even more angry and roared out.

"Qian Mo! Qian Mo! It's you again!"

"Every time it's you who ruin my good deeds! Why are you everywhere!"

"You took away the first place in the Beast Tide War that was supposed to belong to me, and now you also took away the troop expansion drawings that the fairy originally planned to give me! Moreover, because of you, the fairy who originally had a good impression of me actually lost her temper with me. !”

"Qian Mo! You bastard who doesn't want to die! Sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands!"

The short-haired young man became angrier and angrier as he roared, and his face turned the color of pig liver.

He knew that the fairy was angry with him because of Qian Mo.

However, since she is a fairy, she will definitely not make mistakes. All mistakes are because of Qian Mo.

If Qian Mo hadn't intervened, how could there have been so many things?

Suddenly, the short-haired young man thought of something.

I heard that the Immortal Killing Demon Killing Alliance in the Endless Abyss area is gathering people to attack the Immortal Demon Tribe.

It seems like you can take a step in this situation!

His territory is less than two thousand kilometers away from the Endless Abyss area.

And his unit is also a flying unit.

At Shenlong's flying speed, it can be reached in less than two thousand kilometers a day.

"No, no!"

After pondering for a moment, the short-haired young man shook his head, and then a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He decided to wait and see.

Let’s wait and see if the Immortal Killing Demon Killing Alliance has a chance of winning.

If there is a chance of winning, then he can get involved, gain some benefits, and solve Qian Mo easily.

If there is no chance of winning, I am afraid that even if he rushes over, he will only be delivering food to Qian Mo, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Hmph! I hope this Immortal-killing Demon-Slaying Alliance can give me some help!"

The short-haired young man sneered, and then commanded dozens of divine dragons to swoop down and begin to conquer a small blood demon tribe.

In the tribe of immortals and demons.

The killing demon warrior Mo Wuxin has returned to the city and is standing respectfully in front of Xiao Mo.

"Wuxin, go and investigate this Wooden Tribe! I need to know their detailed information. If there are no special circumstances, this Wooden Tribe is probably not the first large-scale indigenous intelligent race tribe we attack!"

All forces within 25 kilometers around the Immortal Demon Tribe have been wiped out.

The next step is to expand outwards, and this large wooden tribe happens to be a very good choice.

As for why this task was given to Mo Wuxin.

First, it's because Mo Wuxin's strength is infinitely close to that of a low-level spiritual warrior, but his actual combat power is much stronger than Xian Qing'er.

The second is Mo Wuxin's special ability as a killing demon warrior. He can hide in the void and walk in the void. He is a natural expert in assassination, tracking and other tasks.

It can be said that as long as Mo Wuxin doesn't think about it, even a powerful person at the monarch level may not be able to detect him.

"As you command! Master!"

Mo Wuxin glanced at the place marked by Xiao Mo and remembered the route deeply in his mind.

Then, after bowing respectfully to Xiao Mo, his body rose into the air and disappeared into the void in an instant.

After Mo Wuxin left, Xiao Mo walked straight towards the [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pond].

Although the Immortal and Demon Iron Guards are protected by the Immortal and Demon Team, after all, the initial level of these Iron Guards is still too low, and a few of them will inevitably be sacrificed.

However, after the sacrifice, the souls of these iron guards returned to the [Soul Reincarnation Pool] in the Temple of Immortals and Demons.

After collecting the souls, Xiao Mo consumed the immortal and demonic stones to reincarnate these immortal and demonic iron guards.

Although this kind of thing still consumes the immortal magic stone, Xiao Mo still enjoys it.

After all, the Immortal Demon Iron Guard is a top-notch high-level military unit, and there is nothing wrong with it being a slightly weaker top-level unit.

As long as these iron guards can be cultivated and their strength reaches the fifth level or above, it will definitely be a profitable business.

After being resurrected, Tie Wei thanked Xiao Mo profusely and was sent by Xiao Mo to join their companions again.

However, they were also warned to pay attention to safety and improve their strength as soon as possible to avoid sacrifice again.

The time soon came to evening.

Except for the immortal and demon team, all the troops that went out have returned.

After a day of hunting, the strength of the Immortal Demon Dead Soldiers Group and the Immortal Demon Iron Guard Group has been greatly improved.

Basically, all of them have been promoted to the fourth-level mid-level or above, and a few have even reached the fourth-level peak.

However, with their strength, it is of course impossible for them to carry out night hunting like the Immortal Demon Team.

Therefore, these soldiers all returned to the territory before nightfall and were responsible for transporting the loot.

Naturally, there was no need for Xiao Mo to collect and decompose the corpses of more than a thousand monsters piled up in the square.

His current task is just to count the harvested immortal magic stones, soul crystals, blueprints and other materials.

Today, a total of 312 fairy and magic stones and two soul crystals were harvested.

It's already pretty good that these soldiers could have such a record on the first day they were reincarnated.

Not long after, the immortal and demon team also returned to the city.

A total of seventy-one immortal and demonic soldiers came in and out at the same time. This scene still looked very shocking.

And through today's day's experience, the strength of the Immortal Demon Team has been improved again.

Among them, the most obvious improvement is naturally the immortal and demon soldiers who were just reincarnated today.

Of course, this is only limited to soldiers below the Xuan level.

As for the earth-level immortal and demon warriors, since the initial level is already very high, the "experience bar" is not the same length, so the difficulty of improving the level naturally increases.

However, Xiao Mo couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when he saw the troops that were already at the peak of the tenth level...

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