[I will be downstairs in the company in 5 minutes. ]

[Father told me to give you something today. ] by Kiyotaka Hikigu.

Did you give her the ring?

“Sorry, I’m back.” In just two minutes, Mrs. Yubibin came up.

And she held a small cake box in her hand.

And Yang Nai also went downstairs, and came up after a while.

Her hands are empty.


“hehe- -”

Yang Nai felt that he was still superior.

Because what Kiyotaka gave Mrs. Yubihama was just a cake.


What was going to be given to her was a ring.

It’s a real ring.

Feeling that it was too luxurious to wear on the hand, Yang Nai had already used the necklace to wear the ring around his neck when he was below.

While thinking about it, she found that Mrs. Yuigahama was about to cry with joy.

Because the packing box of the small cake was opened, there was no cake inside, but a very luxurious diamond ring.

“Congratulations really—”

A female worker next to her suddenly said.

“Ah… Is this finally getting married?”

Some people also like Mrs. Yubibin’s very much.

And Yang Nai took out his ring, and took another look at Mrs. Yubibin’s ring.

Hers is unpretentious, but Mrs. Yubihama’s is expensive and bright.

Oh, your sister.

Divorce, divorce, must divorce!


Yang Nai found that he had received another message.

[I originally wanted to give you the most expensive ring. But considering that you are still an intern and have to deal with interpersonal relationships, the most expensive one is reserved. ] by Qinglong.


Don’t get divorced for the time being.

Yang Nai thought about it.

The other party at least thought about her.

“Mrs. Yubihama is in her prime.”

“She finally opened her heart.”

“Let us also feel relieved.”

“Miss Jinwei, do you want to congratulate her together?” Someone said to Yang Nai.



Is she still going to send blessings?

Let the main room send blessings to Xiaosan?

Let’s not mention what kind of entanglement Yang Nai has become.

Qinglong is also in trouble now.

“Are you sure this is the only family in this area willing to sell their house?”

Qinglong stared at the two-story private house with house number 188…  

A real estate agent stood beside him.

“It’s very difficult, sir.”

“Because these people are more conservative and don’t like buying and selling houses.”

“They say they are very affectionate. No one is willing to sell even if the price is increased by 20 million.”

This is really troublesome.

Kiyotaka said before that he was always in a hotel with Mrs. Yuigahama and left Yui alone at home.

If the distance is closer, then we can take care of it.

So it was decided in YubiBuy a house near Binjia.

But after asking an intermediary, only one household was willing to sell.

And this lot is next to Yui’s house.

In other words.

It’s a neighbor.


It’s very convenient, and you can even find a chance to peek at the dumpling washing.


It’s also easy to be discovered.

“Then sir…won’t you buy it?” the agent asked cautiously.

He has already made it clear that this gentleman is a wealthy man, and if he can sell it, he can also get a considerable amount of agency fees.


“Forget it.” Qinglong said. “Buy it!”

Although it’s not very convenient, it’s close enough. .

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