Hashimoto felt a headache.

When he heard that Class C also had a chess project, he went to inquire about it. After searching many lines, he confirmed that there seemed to be no one who was good at chess among the students in Class C.

That is to say.

Horikita Suzune in front of her is actually just a novice.


This news must be wrong.

When facing Arisu Sakayanagi, he felt that the opposite was a mountain.

But the current Horikita Suzune directly gave him the illusion that there is no transfer of rock.

The chess moves played by the opponent are very easy to make people feel complacent.close.

Deliberately sending sweet and delicious chess pieces over to be eaten, but the reality is that a trap has been set long ago. Of course, Hashimoto would not be able to hit this simple move, so he avoided eating sweet and delicious chess pieces.

Then it directly caused the situation of being suppressed by these sweet and delicious chess pieces.

It’s almost autistic.

The other party’s conspiracy is not an obvious trap at all, but the other party’s goal is to avoid it that he will be “smart”.

He really is—— an insidious and cunning person.

If it is said that chess is like a person, then Hashimoto now wants to make himself more aware. Horikita Suzune in front of him does not seem to be an honest person.


Horikita remained expressionless.

It’s not that she is drifting away now, but that she simply hates playing chess.

After being instructed by the devil to play chess for seven consecutive days, she couldn’t help but shed tears. She felt quite nauseated.

This is not a one-time dissatisfaction and then you can win it back.


The only time he won was when the other party said, “If you just keep losing, then you may become afraid of playing chess, so you need to win once to replenish your self-confidence.”

Such an explanation will only make her more autistic.



Horikita-san is a little strange.

Because the student Hashimoto in front of him seems to be really like what he said, he only studied for a month, because the standard is not very high.

With this level, she can win the general in twenty-one moves.

“Let the soldiers advance.” Suddenly, a voice came out of the headset. Before the game, Hashimoto heard the teacher mention the function of the headset, which can receive the command from the command tower, but it seems to have been converted by the machine, so the prompt now The sound is all mechanical.

Banliu took over.

But when he heard the system’s notification sound from the headset, Hashimoto immediately recovered from his autistic state.

Although the current number of hands has only reached the end of the fourth hand, his start is already much worse, so if he continues, it may cause even greater losses.

And now that Banliu takes over, it will be an easy task.

Hashimoto felt that he had escaped a catastrophe.

As for whether Banliu’s accumulative 30-minute intervention time is enough because he started intervening in the game so early, then it’s none of his business (Nuo Hao).

Few students in the class know how to play chess, so laymen like them can’t understand the situation.


If there are powerful people around, who can see through the situation that he is being suppressed and beaten by Horikita, then his popularity will also drop.

The reputation will also drop.

Then the difficulty of collecting information will also increase.

It’s very bad.

So now Banliu’s intervention is a very good thing. .

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