Because of a tacit understanding, Banliu and Banliu chose the same game – chess.

Kiyotaka also calmed down, and when he divided the book into parts for Horikita Suzune to read by himself, he also started to study.

Because the only good chess player in this school is Arisu Sakayanagi, so let Itanagi teach Horikita Suzune chess?


Probably impossible.

After all, Itanagi misunderstood that Horikita hit him, and then intentionally spread rumors to Horikita.event.

In other words, even if Itanagi is willing to teach, the honest Horikita may not be able to learn anything.

So he can only end at 26 in person.

only. Horikita thought she could learn by herself, and then she had to teach him back.

“This is simply not a chess game played by humans!”

With a sharp wave of his right hand, Horikita-san swept down the chess pieces on the table.

The purpose of a game of chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king. The rules of the game: When the king of one side is attacked by the opponent’s pieces, he becomes the king and is called the general, and the attacking side is called the “general”.

As for Horikita, from 8:00 p.m. to all night to 6:00 a.m. on weekends, she has already been photographed N times in a row.

And this state is not a day or two. It has been more than two weeks since she was dragged by Qinglong to learn chess, and there are only less than 5 days before the final match.

It took her 5 days from the beginning of chess to getting better.

Apart from her daily study, she spent most of her time learning chess by herself. As a top student, she feels that her learning ability is very strong.

And Qinglong also said that he can’t play chess.

So she taught Qinglong by the way.

If she plays chess as a chess player, it stands to reason that the Commander can intervene after 20 moves, but if Kiyotaka doesn’t know anything about it, then she won’t be able to compete with her opponent.

So it is necessary to raise his level.


This guy’s learning ability will drive people crazy. After helping the other party with tutoring for a long time, she has figured out the other party’s academic level.

It was very slow at the beginning, but it was only yesterday that I became fully proficient in the rules and completed various chess records by reading books.


Since last night, he has been beating her constantly.

At the beginning, you can play 41 hands.

But after two sets, it became 36 hands.

But now it only takes 10 moves to make her unable to go on.


Although this kind of development was not planned, it exceeded the plan.


From one night to now.

She has already lost 288 games.

After sweeping away the chess piece, Horikita-san became autistic with one hand pressing his forehead.

Because it is completely incomprehensible.

I can’t understand why it became like this.

Obviously she should be the one who is better at, but she was surpassed by the opponent overnight, and then defeated continuously.

This is something to be happy about. In this way, if the chess is really drawn, the opponent can fully play the role of the command tower.

But now Horikita is worried that her level is too low, and according to the rules, the Commander needs 20 moves before she can intervene, and if she loses the first 20 moves, then the Commander will not be able to participate.

Before, he was worried that Kiyotaka would not be able to keep up, but now Horikita is worried about being too good at it.


Qinglong walked up behind her, then hugged her.

This was a very rash move. She was slapped for a kiss before, but this time Horikita Suzune didn’t respond.

Then she heard her whispering.

“Ah… Sure enough, I’m really a waste, don’t bother with me, I want to be alone for a while.”

It is indeed pitiful.

“Actually, your move can be played here—” Kiyotaka held Horikita’s hand, and then pointed to a position on the chessboard.

“Can you stop talking?”

But Horikita raised her head, her eyes were already glowing. “I can’t think of it at all!”

“We are different!”

Wow wow wow.

At this time, I really can’t hear anything.

So, let him teach her at the beginning, what can she do. .

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