Hirata suddenly proposed to withdraw himself from school, and then began to say exaggerated words to make his classmates confused.

But there was one person who seemed excited.

“I, I agree with Hirata’s withdrawal from school, and I will vote for him. This is Hirata’s wish, isn’t it?” Yamauchi stood up happily.

I’m afraid he is the only one in the classroom who is so happy now.

“…” Hirata.

After Yamauchi spoke like this, Hirata’s expression froze for a moment.

Hirata’s abnormal behavior today is actually very simple to say, because he has a dark history of not saving his friends, so he morbidly hopes that the relationship here can be maintained, and he doesn’t want to make himself unable to intervene again.

So he chose to quit by himself.

He also understood that he hoped that he would be enough as a sacrifice in the exit exam.

It’s just that Yamauchi said such words so directly, it really made him feel uncomfortable.

“Yamauchi, are you speaking human language?”

What Hirata said was very strange, but it was even more unacceptable for Yamauchi to jump out.

Usually, Hirata began to support the girl groups with good senses.

And the person who spoke here was Wang Meiyu, who had a crush on Hirata, who was previously obtained from Kushida’s information.

That girl who is very good at English.

“Hirata, this behavior of yours is unacceptable.” Horikita, who has nothing to do with the secret love, also came out to support, “Or you are going to be mentally disturbed, what is the difference between your current behavior and the abnormality of the day before yesterday ? You are a valuable existence in this class, there is absolutely no need to drop out.”

Actually, Horikita is also kind.

She will follow Kiyotaka’s footsteps and fly away sooner or later. If there is no Hirata in this class, Koenji doesn’t care, Yukimura is not capable enough, and Kushida is a traitor, so this class will probably end.

So in order to make things more reasonable after she flew away, she suggested to keep Hirata.

“Hehe, leaving me is useless to you.” He said.

He probably thought that everyone would hate him enough.

“It’s impossible.” But very strongly, in solidarity with Wang Meiyu

“If you want to drop out of school, then you can pretend to be yourself.”

Kushida-san’s evaluation dropped the day before yesterday, so she has to act appropriately today.

For one thing, everyone has already identified the candidate for dropout. It can’t be her, even if the candidate for dropout is not clear, then Hirata’s performance is also exaggerated, so now she plays the dropout student that the students want to vote for is also Hirata.

She is safe.

But it’s enough to buy people’s hearts.

Then there was a voice comforting Kushida in the class.

But it’s true, but no one who is infected like Kushida dares to say that he voted for himself, because what if someone really voted for him?

will vomit blood.

As for Hirata’s performance, everyone knows it.

Because just the night before yesterday, Qinglong saw Hirata Hirata’s words about dropping out of school. He recorded it and sent it to his classmates. How could a person with such moral character as Hirata let him drop out of school.


The bell rang to officially start the exam.

And Chabashira Sae also stopped the students from arguing and walked to the podium.

From the first table, the forms were handed out one by one.

surfaceThe grid is the same as what the teacher wrote on the blackboard at the beginning, there are only seven grids.

The three grids select the names of students worthy of praise in the class.

Three grids select the names of the criticized students in the class.

There is also a grid to write the names of students who are worthy of praise from other classes.

Because everyone was more or less mentally prepared, and this exam only needed to write a few names, so everyone finished the exam in less than 3 minutes.

For the sake of concealment, Cha Zhu asked everyone to turn over the anonymous form and pass it back.

Then she quickly filtered through all the votes. She didn’t want to see the results immediately, but to see if there were any students who abstained from voting. Abstentions are prohibited in this exam. Re-examination is required.

“Then just wait for the results to be announced in half an hour.”

After Chazhu put all the test papers into the kraft paper bag, she stepped on her high heels and left the classroom to go to the office.

And the students were still sitting in their seats.

But one student received special attention.

That is student Yamauchi.

No matter how stupid he is, he has discovered this.

“Why, why do you all look at me with 900 points? You should have obeyed Hirata’s wish and wrote his criticism ticket.”

“I’m sorry, Chi Hejian, I wrote your names. So the dropouts will come from the two of you.”

“…” Chi.

“…” Sudou.

Chi has been blamed by countless people in the mountains since the day before yesterday. And now that Yamauchi was still saying this, he finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Haruki, I also wrote your name.”

Chi Kuanzhi finally exploded.

He and Yamauchi met after entering school, and they usually eat together.

But obviously he just made friends and became friends with Yamauchi, but why does he always blame him every time?

Plastic emotions don’t just refer to plastic sisters, there are also plastic brothers.

For example, classmate Chi Kuanzhi completely broke out.

“And I want to break up with you!” He said.

“Break off friendship? That’s fine.” Yamauchi looked very calm, “I don’t care anymore, you will be expelled anyway.”

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