Horikita Gaku’s large group won first place.

And Horikita Gaku’s class got a class evaluation score of 126 points, and then the 14 third-grade Class A students in his group got 3 private points.

This is the third grade, and there are more classes in the second grade, with ABCD, and the first grade, with ABCD, and then added points.


Nan Yunya showed a surprised expression, but smiled in the next second, “Do you want to see me surprised? Actually, I already knew the result.”

“Lyanokouji-kun, I used to think you were very powerful, but this time, I prepared a well-prepared plan, which is very meticulous, and your expression like this shows that you haven’t seen it through at all.”

He said, “I want Class A of the third grade to fall in this exam, so it is the whole body, and Chairman Horikita, he is already very strong, and then arm his own large group so that the large group can get the first place.” One, this kind of thing is not unexpected at all. And.

Didn’t you notice that in this large group of Horikita School, I arranged a total of 15 second-year students, and there were still four classes of ABCD, so in comparison, the scores of the second-year students were even more than his. So I was actually riding his ride. ”

This is true.

Because there are only 2 classes in the third grade at Horikita Academy, there are 14 students in Class A of the third grade and one person from Class C. Then the superposition of bonus points can only be doubled.

But there are 4 classes on Nan Yunya’s side, so overall, the bonus points will be quadrupled. In other words, the second grade got 3X (15/10) X4X15=270 points, and the total is 1X (15/10) X4X15=900,000 private points.

Nanyun controls the entire second grade. No matter which class in the second grade gets a score, it needs to be redistributed after his nod.

Therefore, for each school exam, Nanyun does not need to consider how the class will fight against each other, but how to squeeze more points from the school.

So, Nan Yunya is really a terrible man.

Mrs. Mashima is still announcing, “Now the second place is announced. The third grade leader Kaede Aihara, the second grade leader Nagumo Masa, and the first grade leader Yosuke Hirata won the second place in their group. Each student can get 5000 private points, at the same time, the class evaluation score +1, and the class rewards of the person in charge are superimposed.”

This is Nagumo’s team.

Because he won the second place, his second grade gained points again.

1X(15/10)X4X15=90 points, the total is X(15/10)X4X15=450,000 private points.

Then came the third place, but it was not Kiyotaka’s group. Although Hirata-kun placed high hopes on them, it was a pity that they only got the fifth place. There are 6 male groups and 6 female groups to form 12 large groups. So the top three have passed, and the remaining 4-9 are not rewarded or punished.

Then let’s look at the last three.

“If I’m not mistaken—”

Kiyotaka said, “The reason you said that President Horikita’s Class A will fall is because——”

“Yes.” Nagumo didn’t hide it, because this kind of thing will be fully known later, “President Horikita’s classmate, the student council secretary Akane Tachibana’s group will be the last one.”

So Secretary Ju Qian really failed.

She didn’t tell Horikita Gaku about being targeted and bullied, so Horikita Gaku only had information about boys, and didn’t consider that Nagumo was actually targeting girls!

Everything he said to bet with him was a cover, Nayun was just trying to hide the real target he wanted to attack – the girls in Class A of the third grade.

Let these girls become a burden that drags down the entire Class A of the third grade.

A terrifying atmosphere appeared in Class A of the third grade.

Because the rankings of the two boys’ groups that belonged to the boys in class A of the third grade have already come out. There is no penalty.


With the ranking of the middle groupIt was continuously announced that there were 14 groups of girls in Class A of the third grade ranked fourth, but they found that the group where Secretary Ju Qian was in the girls’ group of Class A of the third grade had been unable to attack until now.

Could it be that Nan Yunya betrayed the contract and got involved with innocent people?

No, this is very possible, because the result of failing Class A of the third grade is too great, so it is possible for Nagumo to target Akane Tachibana and the others.

“Now the number 9 is announced.” Mashima-sensei said.

The ninth place is the other big groups. Secretary Ju Qian’s big group hasn’t been announced yet.

“Now we are announcing the penultimate place.” Mashima-sensei said again.


Nan Yunya smiled.

Because he has already made preparations, the composition of Ju Qian’s team is as follows.

Third grade: 6 students from Class A of the third grade and 9 students from Class B of the third grade.

Second grade: 5 students from second grade class B and 5 students from second grade class C.

First grade: 6 students from Class A, 2 students from Class C, and 3 students from Class D.

Here, the nine students in class B of the third grade will all lag behind, forcing the overall level of their group to drop. Not only that, but it’s not safe. So Nan Yunya’s order is that all 10 students in the second grade hold back!

In other words, there are 19 people in Juxi’s group who are holding back!

In this way, there will be ghosts in this group before the last place.

And here, if Ju Qian’s group is the last one, then one class B of the third grade will drop out, but Ju Qian will be designated to drop out. And wouldn’t the second grade on his side be expelled as well?

It doesn’t matter here, because you can use 20 million points to withdraw from school and resurrect, and this fee will be paid by Class B of the third grade. It can be said that Class B of the third grade has spent a lot of money in this exam, and has to make a final impact.

As for Nagumo, Horikita Gaku has lost a lot, so in order to return to Class A, he will definitely bow to him. In this way, he can obtain the status of student council president, and what’s wrong with obtaining the status of student council president Can?

“¨Ayanokoji, you can take care of it.” Nanyun said. “This exam. I won.”

“The penultimate place is announced now.” Teacher Mashima said, Shimada, the leader of Class B of the third grade, Emiya, the leader of Class B of the second grade, and Anna, the leader of Class A of the first grade. ”

“Personal (Qian Zhaozhao) points will be deducted by 10,000 points, and the class evaluation score will be deducted by the number of students in the class X3.”

Mashima-sensei is notifying.

“Then the last one is Azusa Asahina, the leader of Class A of the second grade, Tobe, the leader of Class B of the third grade. Hiyori Shiina, the leader of Class C of the first grade, is in the large group.”

“As for the last place, in addition to deducting 20,000 personal points, and deducting X5 of the number of students in the class from the class evaluation points, the three leaders will drop out.”

? ? ? ? change?

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ?

However, Nan Yunya was already full of question marks when she heard the announcement of the second-to-last result. “Ayanokouji, what did you do!”

He immediately turned around and looked at Qinglong.

Because, the penultimate place is the group that Ju Qian belongs to. Isn’t there 19 people in their group that are holding them back?

So, how could it be, how could it not be the last one!

And how could the team of childhood sweetheart Asahina be in the last place! .

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