The course of the forest exam this time is a bit interesting.

“Morality”, “Spiritual Exercise”, “Law”, and “Autonomy”.

This is an item that is almost never learned in school.

So if you can, you can also consider changing your mood. You are usually tired from class and then learn something else… What a fart.

Because if it wasn’t a written test, Qinglong’s ability to get a full score in the high school exam would be completely wasted. It’s just that this time the test is based on the average score of a large group of dozens of people.Ranking is based on performance, so even if someone is very strong, it is of no use if someone is holding back.

“It seems that it’s time to eat as stated in the manual—”

It was about 11:30, and there was a commotion in the dormitory.

It seems that because of being in the dormitory, the students in Class A also seemed very relaxed, knocking on Erlang’s legs or shaking their feet, and now it was one of the boys named Dashan who spoke.

There is no class today, and it will start the next day.

The task in the morning is to assign the small group to join the big group, and then select the person in charge.

According to the rules, students can get meals provided by the school at noon, from 11:30 to 12:30, and the meals will be removed at that time. In the morning and evening, the students have to prepare meals for their own group in the kitchen of a specific person according to the group as a unit. However, my large group of students also went to that cafeteria to eat.

Qinglong came to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is very spacious and can accommodate a large number of people. It has a design where one can overlook the first floor by walking up the stairs. According to the information I have browsed, it seems that this place can accommodate about 500 people, but now it is crowded with quite a lot of students.

The preliminary estimate is that there are already about 500 people.

Because the mobile phone was confiscated and there were still so many people, it was basically difficult for anyone to find anyone, unless someone was willing to stand on the second floor and give up the opportunity to eat and keep looking at people.

And such people do exist.

Qinglong noticed that there were a few students standing on the second floor. Their heads looked left and right as if they were looking for someone, and then Qinglong noticed that they were staring at him at the same time.

And this kind of student can’t be from the Horikita school, and he has seen all first-year boys, so this should be a second-year student.

Nagumo is really boring.

Qinglong thought in his heart.

He knew very well that Nanyun’s confrontation with Horikita this time was fake, and it was true that he wanted to pit Horikita at such a critical moment, so it was probably him that Nanyun was most wary of right now.

I don’t want him to disturb the situation.

“It’s just that it’s very inconvenient not to have a mobile phone.” Qinglong felt a little uncomfortable after finding an empty seat for the trays and food that he had obtained in line.

Because the queue was full of people I didn’t know, it can be said that it is very difficult to find someone to eat with at this time.

And Horikita or Karuizawa may be looking for him, but it’s very difficult to screen out among 500 people, unless he immediately does something that attracts a lot of attention.

But Qinglong didn’t. Because there is no need.

The school provides a meal for one hour at noon, but the breakfast and dinner are used as an excuse for students to be self-reliant and let them eat in a separate small cafeteria, which means that this lunch is an hour for students to exchange information.

So is there any information to exchange now?

“Ah, Ichinose-san, it’s dangerous to be with Itanagi and the others, what should I do if I’m arrested and buried with you…”

Someone in front of Qinglong started a conversation.

“It’s okay, Chihiro. Because as long as you take the exam seriously, it won’t be like that. And the feeling of getting along with everyone in Class A is not so bad, at least I haven’t noticed the smell of gunpowder.”

“Is… is that so… It’s just that Banyan is too much, isn’t it? If they bully Ichinose, then Ichinose won’t say anything in order not to worry us—”

“There is no such thing. I have become friends with some of them, and Banliu, I am actually quite grateful to her for the previous incident.”

“Why, why? She kept Ichinose from going to school for a month.”

“Because she made me see some people clearly, and then made myself no longer a stain on the class.”

“I said it’s not Ichinose’s fault, Ichinose is so kind—”



He just said that it is difficult to meet acquaintances or find the right person in such a place of 500 people, but the fact is so clear.

Kiyotaka looked over and saw Ichinose lazily laying her upper body on the table.

It seems that because of this, she found him sitting a little far away.

“Ah… Ayanokōji-san──ahhoo──” Ichinose sat up all of a sudden.

This reaction was a bit extreme.

Because in normal situations, [It’s you, I didn’t find out──].

“You guys had a really heated chat just now.” Qinglong brought the topic back to ordinary. “But I just heard your conversation. Are the girls in class A also divided into 14+6 people?”

“So boys are too?” Ichinose seized the time to exchange information. “It seems that everyone in Class A wants to suppress everyone’s scores, and then consolidate their status in Class A.”

Returning to Class B again, although more than half of them were given away for nothing, Ichinose and the others are still the target Class A.

Want to rush upwards.

Although the current class evaluation score of Class A is 1643 points

And their scores were only 929 points, a gap of more than 700 points between the two, but they also wanted to work hard.

“I can’t be sure if there will be such a big chance of getting points in the next exam.” Ichinose said.

She must have considered that the class evaluation score rewards for the two written exams were both 50 or 100. And if it’s all this kind of trivial score, then it’s impossible to catch up with Class A.

She seemed to feel that this kind of topic was a bit depressing, so she changed the topic.

“But speaking of this exam, Ayanokōji-kun and you boys made the decision very quickly.I met Kanzaki-san just now, and as he said, the arrangements were made within half an hour. ”

“Is it troublesome for girls?” Qinglong asked.

“Wum… Maybe it should be said that it was very hard before forming the current group. Should we say that girls have distinct likes and dislikes? Because there are also many people who say they hate girls in front of each other. So it is difficult to arrange.” Nose replied.

This is really scary.

It’s just that Kushida-san, whom Kiyotaka knew, was more blatant, kicking the railing in front of Horikita without hesitation and scolding Horikita, so what Ichinose said was just drizzle, and it was acceptable.

“Anyway, don’t be too pushy.” He said, and was about to get up.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. The only advantage I have is energy. See you later, Ayanokōji-san.”

Ichinose waved lightly and watched him off.

The one-hour lunch time in the exam rules this time is undoubtedly for students to share information, and the purpose is probably to collect information, give instructions, and then fight on.

This is the exam question.

Society, contact.


“It’s not suitable for me at all.” Qinglong thought, because he didn’t even bother to use this short hour. .

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