The topic of the exam is society and contact and communication.

Divide the first-grade boys into six groups, and then combine them with the second and third grades respectively. It seems that this is a cross-grade confrontation, but in fact there is still a deviation.

It’s like the red-white confrontation in a sports festival. The big group is just playing [everyone’s] strength, but the final rewards and punishments are all carried out in the same grade.

So it is very important for those in the same grade to make their own arrangements.

And there is a rule here, the bonus points of each participant in the top three rewards can be X the number of classes participating in the group, that is to say, if all four classes of the same grade in the rewarding group have participants, then all The rewards that everyone gets will become X4, and if there are only three classes of students participating in the group that gets the rewards, then everyone gets-the rewards are X3.

In this way, as long as there are enough classes participating, the rewards will be enough, but Katsuragi Kohei only divided his boy team into 14 and 6 people, that is to say, he can disperse people into six groups, but he only allows Class A to participate To two groups, the reward is greatly reduced.

That is to say, deliberately control the score to prevent the first-year students from pulling up the class evaluation score in this exam.

It was really an excessive move.

It’s like he’s not strong, but he drags others down when others want to work hard, and the current Class A is very strong, and then doesn’t let others work hard, it’s simply too much.

That’s why Yukimura Teruhiko next to Kiyotaka was chattering after the group was assigned.

“The move of class A is under consideration. If I guess correctly, the girls have the same policy. They want to maintain the status of class A until they graduate, so it is a plan to maintain the existing score gap and not let any of the following classes Climb up.” Qinglong said.

“Really.” Yukimura touched his chin. He is a top student, but he is not that good at thinking, and his performance in the previous sports festival also relied on Kiyotaka’s strength. On the bus, Kiyotaka didn’t pay much attention to him, but now he Was assigned to a group with Qinglong.

In short.

There was nothing wrong with following Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

He will not change this idea.

“But Hirata really thinks highly of me.” Qinglong complained.

Because the list of members of his group has already come out.

The boys in Class A were divided into 14 Katsuragi and 6 others. And Katsuragi sent Haruki Yamauchi over there, but now he has six boys from Class A, Shibata from Class B, Albert and Ishizaki from Class C, then him, and boys from Class D Yukimura Teruhiko and Koenji Rokusuke formed a 12-member team.

It can be said that Koenji is very strong, and Yukimura is a top student, he is the only child, and then add six high-ranking boys from class A, and a student from class B, the strength of their group will change Be very strong. Although Class C discovered their match, Jintian immediately sent Ishizaki and Albert to score points, but generally speaking, their group attracted a lot of attention. And it was the only group among the boys in the first grade that had students from the four classes of ABCD.

In other words, Hirata hopes that their group will win the top three.

Getting the top three not only allows everyone to get private points, but also brings points to the class. Then because there are four classes participating, the scores obtained can be X4.

“I feel the pressure.” Yukimura said.

“Yes. Then the next step is to select the person in charge of the group.” Qinglong said.

“It seems that you first graders have already assigned groups, but before you join the second and third grade groups.” Nagumo Masa and Horikita went to the first grade, “First select the person in charge of your own group. people.”

This is a very important matter.

Because the score is only calculated according to the large group, but in the end it is a competition of each grade, so each group must promote the person in charge.

Where is the person in chargeIf the team wins the top three, the reward will be doubled, but if it loses, although the penalty will not be doubled, but if it is the last one, it will have to bear the additional risk of deducting 300 class evaluation points and the person in charge will drop out of school.

Let’s not say that the rewards can be obtained, but that requires the top three. However, if it fails, even if there is only a 1/12 chance of being the last place, as long as it is the last place, it will be an incalculable loss.

No one dared to choose.

“How to do it… Ayanokōji-kun, do you want to be the person in charge?”

Yukimura knew that Hirata hoped that they would score as much as possible in the Forest Exam this time, and the current first graders are actually very strong, and they are also the most suitable group to be in charge.

“No.” Qinglong shook his head immediately. “You have to know that if I am the person in charge, then our group will undoubtedly be the last one.”


The six boys from class A looked over, among them was the handsome boy Hashimoto who stood out.

Probably in response to Qinglong, if he recommended himself as the person in charge, then there is a high probability that all six of the boys will turn their backs on this exam, hoping that Qinglong will be the last in the exam, and then Qinglong will drop out of school.

After all, he is too much of a threat to Class A.

It is possible for a man like Katsuragi to agree to exchange the students in his class with him at the limit, and then even lose 300 points of class evaluation points.

Because Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is worth the price to force him to leave.

And they only sent 6 boys. It may not be possible to pull the entire group to the last place, but don’t forget that Kiyotaka and Nagumo are at odds, and Nagumo has absolute control over the second grade, so if you can Let Kiyotaka drop out, then Nagumo will definitely help Class A.


“If there is no one, then I will.” Shibata from Class B replied.

And he was staring at Hashimoto with a hostile gaze.

There are 6 students in class A in this group, but he has only one, the only student in class B, but he is not afraid at all.

This is also a dangerous element.

The Ichinose incident is over, but as Class B where the Holy Mother gathered, Shibata hated and even hated Hashimoto who spread rumors about Ichinose Honanami.

Even though he knew that Hashimoto was behind Banliu, he was still hostile to Hashimoto.

Because these people made the little angel of their class absent for nearly a month. If she hadn’t stood up with a strong heart in the end, then she would have dropped out of school automatically.

………. ………. 0

And this is something that no student in Class B wants to see.

“No.” Hashimoto immediately vetoed sharply.

He knows Shibata’s hostility towards him, if Shibata is the person in charge, and if there is a problem in this group and he wants to be the last one, then Shibata will definitely name him to drop out of school, then Hashimoto is still playing a fart, even if he is the last place in this group The possibility of this is very small, but Hashimoto is not willing to take the risk. “The election of the person in charge needs the approval of everyone in the group, and I object to Shibata being the person in charge, so Shibata’s proposal is invalid.”

“You guys are really arguing endlessly.” A voice broke in.

This is Koenji Liusuke.

“Then can I choose you?” Hashimoto looked directly at him.

“I don’t care about this.” Kouenji combed his hair in the mirror, “You can all push it on me, I don’t care. I don’t care even if I am the last one in this exam, but if it is true If you are the last one, then I will choose you to be buried and expelled from school.”


So, these are not good people.

“Then. Let me do it.”

In the end, he still wanted to get more points, so Yukimura raised his hand. Although he is a top student, the people at the scene, even Class C, didn’t look at him face to face, and if the identity of the person in charge is given up, their group is very strong, so it must be a loss, so if this is the case, why not he comes.

This is probably the most reasonable answer.

He can bring points to his own class without arousing strong resistance from other classes, and this is what Yukimura, who has a low sense of presence, can do.

And even if he failed, then it wasn’t him, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka who dropped out of school.

This point is clearly arranged.

ps: During the daytime, the upstairs is being renovated, and the electric drill is unable to write characters. Please forgive me. three.

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