
Ichinose turned into a fool.


“Why does Ayanokōji-kun think that I will drop out of school?” She said, “It is very interesting to be in school, and I have made so many friends. And I also want to be promoted to Class A with everyone in Class B.”

“Even you, Ayanokōji-kun, said that you want to come to our class and work hard towards Class A together?”

It may be that Kiyotaka said such a terrible result, so Ichinose kept denying it.

But with such emotional agitation and such refusal to drop out of school, she found that Qinglong’s expression didn’t move.

Just staring at her calmly.

“But you’ve already been doing this, haven’t you?” Qinglong folded his hands and hugged him.


“Rumors and incidents appeared one after another and then what did you do? You kept silent. And keeping silent is definitely not a good way, definitely not the worst plan that a person with an IQ like you would choose.” Qinglong said.


Ayanokouji’s words were really too much.

It’s obviously a compliment, but they always hear negative information.

“I think such silence is a good solution.” She said.

“Really? Then why do I feel that this solution will only reveal your mistakes in decision-making to others, and then you will be absent on purpose for the next few days,After waiting for a few days, I will report directly to the teacher and submit an application for withdrawal. ” Kiyotaka stared into Ichinose’s eyes.


But Ichinose just exchanged glances with him, and then hastily averted her gaze, she felt her heart was beating fast, but there was some nervousness about being exposed, “Why did you come to such a conclusion— —”

“Because you are such a person. I don’t know what you have done, and then I couldn’t choose the brightest plan to seek help from the school, but your actions now point to your wanting to drop out of school.” Qinglong sighed, “You have discovered that you have become a weapon used by others to attack Class B, so the choice you made was to drop out of school by yourself. And such a reckless dropout is definitely not acceptable to your classmates, so you made this wrong decision , and then behave so badly that everyone else turns their backs on you, and you can leave campus without your classmates feeling bad about you leaving.

And this is exactly what you are doing now, isn’t it? ”

“Ichinose Hoonami.” Qinglong finally said her name heavily.



But Ichinose became silent. Then after a while she laughed to herself.

“Sure enough, Ayanokōji-san, you shouldn’t belong to Class D, you should have been a student of Class A in the first place.

Now I don’t admit it, and there is nothing I can do. Actually… I was already ready when I came out of Horikita-san’s room. Ayanokōji-san, you said you came to Class B, you like the atmosphere of Class B, and I like that too, so… I want to ask you. ”

Although she wanted to say this easily, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she really said it, so her words were a little intermittent, “I want to ask you, I want to entrust everyone to you. Please take them to the promotion Class A.

For this, I am willing to do anything. ”

And that’s why Ichinose-san entered his room unsuspectingly.

In other words, for this, she is willing to do anything.


And hearing this kind of words, even Qinglong didn’t expect it.

“Are you serious?” When Qinglong touched her shoulder, she didn’t hide or dodge.

“Yes.” Ichinose closed her eyes.

Then the next day, Ichinose Hoonami asked for leave without warning.

She asked for leave on the grounds of catching a cold.

This made the classmates go to visit her in batches and groups. Then it was surprisingly discovered that she was just mentally depressed, not sick.

Then, why don’t you go to class?

The students are very friendly.

I know that even Ichinose is burdened by the constant rumors.

So everyone worked very well together to give Ichinose time to rest, and no one went to report to the teacher that Ichinose was not sick, so this is not a sick leave but an absence from school…  


It’s the second week now.

Ten days have passed since Ichinose didn’t come to class. And the students of Class B also found that, in the second week, Ichinose didn’t even open the door of the dormitory.

This is a very strange anomaly.

Ichinose-san must have been hurt in her heart, but. For example, when Kanzaki and Shibata proposed to seek the power of the school to find out the person behind the rumors, they were stopped.

Ichinose only said that she was fine, and then said that everything would be fine and stopped Kanzaki and the others.

This is Ichinose’s decision.

And just like what Kanzaki said, all the students in Class B trust Ichinose.

So if it’s her decision, then they will believe that they will abide by it.

The students in Class B can only look at the empty desk in the middle from time to time during class. That was Ichinose’s desk.

This table has not been sat on for nearly two weeks, but the students who are on duty every day will still take the initiative to help wipe the dust left on it with a rag.


Not being able to see Ichinose in the classroom is a very annoying thing.

So, students from Class B still go to Ichinose every day, wanting to have a heart-to-heart talk with her, wanting her to come out, and wanting her to re-enter the classroom.

But she even closed the door. No matter what everyone said, she didn’t open the door.

This made the atmosphere in Class B very low.

However, neither Itanagi nor Hashimoto in class A continued to attack during these two weeks, and the people in class A seemed quite quiet.

So Class B can’t trouble them anymore.

The student on duty kept sighing as he wiped Ichinose’s desk.

Ichinose didn’t see any of them.

Now the students in Class B can only rely on the quiz that will be held in a few days.

This school is quite strict, as long as you fail the exam, you will be expelled, so the day of Ichinose-san’s exam should appear. .

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