Kiyotaka picked up the fried chicken that Horikita made.

“Well…it’s delicious.” However, the moment he bit it off, the feeling of instant satisfaction came out.

He is not a picky person, but he still feels satisfied. All he can say is that Horikita Suzune really has cooking skills.

“Really… Considering that Ayanokōji is usually a person with heavy taste, I made it salty.” Horikita seemed relieved.


Horikita-san, making food salty is the way to deal with mother-in-law, can you stop using it against him?

Although he complained in his heart, Qinglong still expressed his gratitude.

“And tea, would you like it?”

And Horikita took out another bottle~. The cover can be detached.

So I just poured the tea in the bottle into the – lid.

Then hold it in your hand.

Isn’t this the cover she usually uses? Horikita Suzune you knowwhat are you doing


Qinglong pretended not to notice the opportunity to secretly lick the girl’s lips, why would he refuse it? So he reached out directly.

Stretch out your hand.

Stretch out your hand.

But Horikita Suzune was holding the cover in her hand, but she only moved it a little bit, and didn’t intend to come over.

“…I said, I can’t get it like this.”

The distance between the tables was 40 centimeters, and Horikita didn’t reach out at all, so he couldn’t reach it at all.

“…” However, Horikita was still sitting on the seat, she said, “I said, do you want me to stand up for you?”


This woman.

The bento was a gift she made to thank him.

so. Does she think just lunch is enough? It’s like handing something over on purpose. If she did, would it be giving him more? Does she feel it’s unfair?

Horikita Suzune, you will have no friends like this.

Please think about it carefully, you made a friend, and then made her a lunch box, which brought the relationship between the two closer, and that friend also felt that Horikita-san was easy to get along with, and Horikita also prepared tea , Immediately said, “Ha, don’t you come to get it? Do you still want me to get it?”

It’s like a sigh of relief.

I will make friends directly.

It’s just that Qinglong is a very tolerant person.

He stood up and walked in front of her.

“Here you are.” But at this time, she would really hand over the tea.

So this is a little cute.

Bentos are generally cold food, but even cold food tastes good if served with hot tea.

Then maybe she felt that it was boring to just watch Qinglong eat alone, so she took out the bento box herself.

Actually, Qinglong was thinking at this time, all the tea was put in a bottle, and then he would return the bottle cap later, so would she drink it?


Qinglong looked at the other party from the corner of his eye.

She took out the bento box she usually uses.

The dishes in the bento are the same as his.

But there is no extra tea.


However, Horikita Suzune took out a bottle of juice.


Can it still be like this?

“…Or do you want to?” Maybe she felt that Qinglong’s eyes were too strange, and she was holding the lid of the teacup she had drunk, so she spoke again.


Kiyotaka was not overly disappointed. He knew that Horikita was a person who didn’t know how to get along with others. I will spontaneously create a distance from others.

So even though it was a stomachache, he still took action.

A heartbeat is not as good as an action, or it is actually an evil movement. Kiyotaka put the cover on the table, and then the whole person moved the table directly to Horikita’s side, and then with a snap, the two tables changed from 40 cm to 3 cm.

Put them together.

“Shhh—” A few bento-eating students who stayed in the class made a shhh sound.

These are boys.

Because they only eat the bread bought at the convenience store in class, but they still want to talk about other people’s dog food for nothing?

Usually, Kiyotaka deliberately created a good relationship between himself and Horikita Suzune in class, so he only felt that their relationship was getting closer again. However, some people had already speculated that he and Horikita Suzune had already dated, but they didn’t say it.


Qinglong also heard their booing, but this kind of blow had no fighting power at all, so he made a gesture of pointing his middle finger down and ignored these people.

If it were another classmate, they might immediately reject Kiyotaka’s move, but the one here now is the ignorant Horikita.


Judging from Ji Horikita’s closed thinking, Horikita felt that giving him a thank you gift was a bento, then she wouldn’t mind even if there were some excessive movements before eating the bento.


Let’s see.

Although she looked at him, she didn’t say much.

Qinglong held the lid, and she would continue to refill the tea.

Then continue to enjoy lunch.

“…I said.” It’s just that even if he doesn’t care about other people’s gazes, he is very resistant to other people’s gazes, but after giving him another cup of tea, Horikita Suzune finally uttered the voice that a normal girl should have , “Hey, I said, you came too close.”

“Huh? What did you say?” It’s fine to pretend not to know at a time like this.

……….. . . . .

“…No.” Horikita Suzune really sulked herself, but she didn’t mention asking him to return to his original position.

So a wonderful lunch was completed.

And because I brought my own bento box, there was another move that I didn’t have in the cafeteria, “Do you want me to wash it and return it to you?”

It is necessary to wash the tableware.

“No need.” Horikita Suzune refused, “That would have to be washed twice.”

Is it. He washes once and she has to wash again. How disbelief must it be? He also did housework.

But this is not what Qinglong cares about.

“Well…then, Horikita, will you make lunch for me again?” Now it’s rare that Horikita Suzune is not so cold, so Kiyotaka asked again.

It can be said that eating with girls, no, it should be said that it was the first time for Qinglong to eat girls’ cooking.

That’s why he tried his best to make it perfect.

“I won’t do it.”

However, even if he is not so aloof, the current HorikitaStill refused. It’s just that her gaze was not so calm, and there was a slight deviation, “However, according to Lingkouji-kun’s performance in the future, it’s not impossible to continue cooking for you.”

“In other words, do you want to distribute according to work?”

“Specifically, it should be so.” Horikita did not deny it.

“Then… let’s deal with Ichinose’s matter this time.” Kiyotaka said, “And here you can come in handy.”


Horikita blinked at him. three.

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