For a quarter of an hour, Horikita was still entrusting Kiyotaka to show that learning would be useful to pass on, but in the next quarter of an hour it was understood that Kiyotaka could get a high score because the president of Horikita gave up the question.

So his high score does not come from hard work, but from [internal information].

It can be said that the positive motivation effect that Horikita wanted has been instantly reversed into a negative teaching material.

And there are still people who really want to imitate.

two months ago.

When Horikita met with Kushida, she once said that she didn’t want to embarrass her brother Horikita, who is the student council president, because of her status.

That is to say, she is absolutely repelled by others knowing that she and Horikita Gaku are brother and sister.

It’s not that I hate Horikita, but because I have low self-esteem. I feel that I will hinder Horikita and become a weapon for the enemy to attack Horikita.

Not only is it not helpful, but it also becomes a burden or something.

She really hates this kind of thing.

And now.

The brother-sister relationship between her and her elder brother Horikita Gaku has been publicized.

“You got a lot from your brother who is the president of the student council, right? It’s nothing if 26 benefits us a little bit.”

Students from Yamauchi chattered authentically. Horikita didn’t see the paler complexion at all.

And Qinglong’s biggest impression of him was that this guy wanted to chase after his family’s Airi, but after failing, he bad-mouthed Airi several times.

He is quite irresponsible.

“You said… what did I get?” Horikita’s state had become trance-like.

“This class is on leave!”

QinglongThe person he was watching said, and at the same time glanced at the girl with blond short hair in the front row at the podium table, then took Horikita’s hand and walked out.


Horikita’s body was passively carried by Kiyotaka, she did not speak.

They came directly outside, and there were some senior students outside.

However, Kiyotaka noticed that the surrounding senior students did not point out Horikita, which means that the rumors that suddenly appeared were only limited to Class D for the time being… No, some students in the class also have connections with people from other classes, But with the communicative ability of first-year students, this rumor should stop at the lower grades.

That is, ABCD four classes.

“…” Horikita said nothing.

Or her mood has not stabilized yet.

But Kiyotaka still had to say, “…Calm down, although I roughly guessed what happened, but there are rumors that are not good for you in the class now. And this is Kushida’s plan. It should be spread by her. ”

In fact, it is still not completely sure whether Kushida leaked it, but Horikita’s current state, it is undoubtedly much better to treat this matter as something done by someone. So Kiyotaka directly chose Kushida to take the blame first.

And Horikita may have some reactions to confrontation, conspiracy, plans, etc.

Kiyotaka guessed that Horikita would be afraid of such rumors because she felt that her existence might bring danger to the idol’s older brother, and that she couldn’t help her and dragged her back.

This kind of inferiority complex.

“I know.” Horikita said, “I will want to calm down.”

“But—” she held her hand, “How can I calm down!”

“The whole class, the whole class knows it… I know it… I will definitely be used as material to attack my brother, and I will cause him trouble.”

Horikita was very emotional, “It’s like Yamauchi just now, directly saying that I got some news from my brother… Wouldn’t this already damage my brother’s reputation?”

Kiyotaka looked at her. In such a state, Horikita completely lost the ability to think for herself.

He put one hand on Horikita’s shoulder, “There is something wrong with your way of thinking. It’s not so much a bad thing, but it can actually be seen as a good thing.”

“Because you are in class D, class D has been promoted to class B. So the evaluation is not very low, and you can also go to see the class evaluation scores of the second and third grades, the class D over there is not saved.

So now this is good enough, isn’t it? We are less than 100 points away from Class C or Class B. So no shame. ”

Not only is it not ashamed, it is even something that makes the president of the student council look good.


Maybe Horikita doesn’t feel it now, but she actually made a name for herself once. A first-year student is still a pig, and she believes everything she says. So in their eyes it was a rumor.

But there are many seniors in the third or second grade who admire Horikita Gaku, so Horikita is Horikita Gaku’s younger sister exposed, whether it is seeking help, gaining popularity, or even [naturally] Can get a bonus.

Just like Arisu Sakayanagi is the daughter of the school chairman, the exposure of this news will cause her to be questioned whether she entered Class A through the back door, but it will also greatly increase her popularity.

Because it is a high-ranking official, a dignitary, or the sister of the student council president, it really gives the other party extra points.

People like to be around powerful people.

So, from a certain point of view, this is actually good news.

It should be said that I want to thank the person who released the rumors.



Kiyotaka glanced behind Horikita, where Horikita didn’t notice, was standing a girl with short blonde hair.

Kushida Kikyo ran over from a distance cautiously and nervously.

“Great.” She pressed her hand lightly on her chest, “Horikita-san, I thought you would go to other places, the rumors in the class must be just rumors, so now go back with me and tell everyone Explain and make peace with everyone.”

Kushida is like a little angel, treating everyone equally, so Horikita is disturbed by rumors now, so she appeared to act as a bridge to help.

If it’s just about worrying about friends and treating friends equally, Kushida-san has done a good job.


She definitely has selfish motives in her heart.

Because her words are poisonous.

What did she want Horikita to go back and explain? Are you going to spread the rumors and admit that she is indeed the younger sister of the student council president, Horikita Gaku?

Once a rumor arises, no matter what the person in the rumor says, no one will believe it. So even if Horikita denies it when she goes back, other people will think that she just doesn’t admit it.


Horikita didn’t speak, just looked at Kushida.

The feeling of not speaking but just staring at people is very penetrating.

“Horikita-san?” Kushida looked unnatural as if being stared at.

If this is also an acting skill, then it is indeed too powerful.

“Help me tell Mr. Chabashira that I’m asking for leave today.” Horikita Suzune also responded, but after she directly said something to Qinglong, she shrank her body and walked towards the dormitory.

Leave Kushida alone. Kushida was completely ignored.

This is different from the previous state where he wanted to extend a hand of friendship and cooperation to the traitor Kushida. Now Horikita is cold and cold.

Almost regarded Kushida as an enemy.

She told Kiyotaka that Kushida spread the newsAfter hearing about it, it means that Kushida Kikyo is an absolute enemy.

Trampled on the bet with her, and then used such a conspiracy.

But being able to listen to it doesn’t mean that he can accept it. Horikita feels that he has failed especially, so he has to skip class and go back to the dormitory.

She wanted to stay for a while.

Because of this state, not only can’t attend class, but even feel uncomfortable being talked to by classmates around.


Kushida’s smile froze on his face. “That’s why I hate her, and I don’t know anything about the world.”

Kushida’s attitude is not very good, “Obviously I want to help her. Right, Ayanokōji-kun.”.

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