“Where did you lose it?”

Asahina anxiously began to search in his memory, trying to find out when he last saw the amulet in his memory.

It turned out that she was too used to it, so she didn’t pay much attention after she went out.

So, I don’t know where I lost it.

She seemed a little flustered, because the amulet she obtained before entering school was missing.

If it’s an ordinary amulet, it’s fine. In fact, it’s more of a comforting effect.

After all, the biggest function of the amulet is to wear it with you to write disaster avoidance.

However, Asahina Hina is different.

Because what she is looking for is fate and love!

Because she was smart since she was a child, when she saw those boys using all kinds of clumsy methods to attract her attention, she would not be as happy as ordinary girls, nor would she feel that being pursued was something to be proud of.

On the contrary, even after entering this kind of school that required intrigue, she still maintained her desire for romance.

Her parents met by chance and became acquainted with each other. She is very envious of this kind of emotion, that is to say, she is actually very superstitious.

So she pinned all her hopes on her amulet, hoping to meet her ideal person with it.

Even if the other party is not handsome or good enough, she thinks this is fate.

However, the amulet was lost.

Azusa Asahina didn’t know where she lost it, and she didn’t know if it was picked up by someone.

So she can only use the simplest and most direct method to go back the same way, and then walk the path that she walked today again.

And the first stop, of course, is the apartment——

After all, on the other hand, Asahina Hina still took chances, maybe she forgot the amulet in the room?

However, she was just about to board the elevator when she was stopped.

“Student Asahina, please wait a moment.”

Seeing Asahina, the management personnel on the first floor quickly stood up and waved to her, and pointed to the lost and found cabinet on the wall, “May I ask if you lost this amulet?”

“That’s right, but how do you know?”

Asahina nodded slightly, but was a little surprised.

Because, she also just discovered that the amulet was lost.

“It was sent by a boy. He wasn’t sure if it was yours, so he left it here for me to ask.”

The administrator had a smile on her face, and even a hint of teasing in her eyes. Obviously, she recognized (cgad) this kind of talisman for love, “Asahina, I mentioned your name on purpose, maybe it’s someone you know Oh.”


Asahina rolled her eyes. If the administrator hadn’t been a young girl, she would have been beaten for talking like that.

Walking towards Binai, he gently took off the amulet, heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that he was lucky.

The neon talisman has its own unique name, it’s called Omoru.

As for Oshou, Oshou was first used to ward off evil spirits and relieve bad luck. Gradually derived to traffic safety, safe childbirth, good marriage, academics, health and other aspects, it has become a symbol of wishes.

And there are different names for the wards that carry different wishes.

such as entrance examinationBefore the test or the game, the victory guard will be purchased.

For example, when a child is born, they will buy a komon.

Another example is that for birthdays, old people will buy longevity amulets.

And if you are a couple, you will buy the Marriage Amulet.

And Asahina Suzuki’s omori is a good match omamori.

Marriage Omori is for couples, the premise is to have a boyfriend, and the wish is to pray for marriage.

And Liang Yuan Yushou is asking for a boyfriend.

If you are not familiar with it, you will not know the difference.

And Asahina Azusa understands this very well, and at the same time she still believes in it.

“Who picked it up?”

Asahina Hina turned to the female administrator and asked softly.

“It’s a boy with a bandaged face, but it can be seen that he should be very handsome.”

The female administrator suddenly showed a teasing smile, “He just left ten minutes ago. So maybe it’s your fate.”


Asahina lowered her head, her pretty face was slightly pink.

She believed in this, otherwise she wouldn’t ask for it.

She is also a normal girl, and she also hopes to meet her real son.

It’s just that if she is allowed to choose, she will feel dissatisfied.

So, she left the decision to God’s will.

And for so long, the amulet has never been dropped, but it happened to be lost today.

And it was picked up as soon as it was lost.

This is simply, like a dream. And if such a person is destined, then it doesn’t matter if he is not handsome enough, or not good enough.

Asahina-senpai’s mood suddenly surged.

But she is a student of Class A after all.

“Wait a moment……”

Asahina suddenly realized, looked up at the female administrator and asked, “You said he knew me?”

“Yes indeed.”

The administrator nodded slightly, feeling a little strange. If they didn’t know each other, how could they name and say that they would be handed over to Asahina?

“It’s too bad, don’t be Nan Yunya.”

Asahina’s complexion changed drastically, and he began to pace anxiously. He was so entangled in his heart that he hesitated and thought, “If it’s him, why don’t I go back? Fate or something is really not such a casual thing. At least, It takes two wins out of three.”

Obviously, Asahina rejected Nagumo in his heart.

“Nayun? It’s not him.”

The administrator said, just like the first grade, the dormitory building for the second grade is the same for men and women, so as an administrator who has been there for 2 years, she has already recognized all the students.

Among them is the very popular Nagumo.


After receiving a reassuring answer, Asahina seemed to be in a great mood.

“Then do you want specific information about the other party?” the administrator said, “Because there are also cases where lost items cannot be obtained, so I asked him to leave his mobile phone number.”

“No need.” Senior Asahina said, “If it’s fate, then it’s okay to not need this kind of thing.”

“Is it.”

The administrator watched her. As someone who has been in love, she doesn’t think Asahina is really so casual.

Then about five minutes later, Asahina’s mobile phone saved the number of this strange Mr. Makoto.


In TV dramas, there are often misfortunes that have no fate, or have not been further explored and finally missed. .

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