Mobile phones are very important to a person. It should be said that for modern people, if they stop using mobile phones for 2 days, they will die.

So Karuizawa expressed great dissatisfaction with Kiyotaka’s decision.

“The reluctance is because there are shady photos in the phone?” Qinglong said.

“Not at all!”

“Then is there any selfie?” Qinglong asked again.

“Of course it’s impossible to take pictures casually!” Megumi Karuizawa said, “Because maybe the phone will be checked.”

So why did you consider the fact that your mobile phone was checked?

“Anyway.” Qinglong confiscated her mobile phone. “Remove the password first.”


Karuizawa was puzzled. “Don’t you have a mobile phone too?”

“No, I lost my phone.” Qinglong lied, “It will take some time to replace it, so lend me the phone for two days.”

“Why don’t you find Horikita-san?”

“She didn’t agree.” Qinglong said.


It seems that after feeling that Horikita did not agree to Qingtaka, Karuizawa took over her mobile phone. Just now she was not notified that the mobile phone would be borrowed, so she handed it to Qingtaka.

And now it seems that she is obediently trying to remove her own lock screen password.


Karuizawa’s finger quickly slid on the button, and then “Didi——”

Qinglong’s cell phone rang immediately.

It was a missed call, and the caller was Karuizawa Megumi.

“So you have your mobile phone with you.” Karuizawa looked at him with a puzzled look. It seemed that Qinglong was doing something confusing.



Isn’t this guy quite smart?

“Okay.” Qinglong said, “Actually, there is something that needs to be borrowed from your mobile phone. As for the reason, I can’t tell you for the time being.”

When the lies were exposed, Qinglong would not continueContinued, “So let me say it again, leave the phone with me for two days, and if you don’t agree, then I won’t hire you again.”

The employment here is not just to hire her to continue to do something that she can do and is beneficial to him. The main thing is that she will not give money to Karuizawa in the future.

Flying from class D to class B, and then falling from class B, even the idiots in the class knew that it was Qinglong who arranged it.

So if you want to survive in this class or school, it is very necessary to hug his thighs.

Of course Karuizawa is not so stupid.

“…Is it so serious?” She asked.

“En.” Qinglong nodded.

“Okay.” Karuizawa kept watching Qinglong’s expression, and then gave up, “I unlocked the lock screen.”

Then he handed the phone to him.

“Then leave the phone with me.” Qinglong said.

“Understood.” Because Qinglong looked like he was going back to the dormitory, Karuizawa didn’t ignore the atmosphere. After she answered him softly, she also went upstairs.



Karuizawa was quite obedient and didn’t ask too many questions.

Qinglong returned to the dormitory and put the two mobile phones on the table.

Suddenly taking the mobile phone from Karuizawa was not about superficially asking for her private photos, nor was it because she wanted to grasp any shady secrets about her.

It was a decision made after a showdown with Kamuro-san today.

Everything can be rounded.

Ryuuen suddenly got angry with Kouenji, but there was no real fight, and then Kamuro-san began to follow him.

It is undoubtedly Banliu’s instruction that Shenshi followed him. It’s just that Banliu wants to target him, so why not follow him during the sports festival?

So this time needs to be carefully considered.

Then let’s go back to Ryuuen’s act of leading people to surround Koenji Temple. What does Dragon Boy want to do?

Aiming at Gaoyuan Temple?

The person who really offended or suppressed (cgad) him several times was not Koenji, but him, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

Then if you want to look for it, you should come to him.

So why did you go to Gaoyuan Temple? What is the connection between Gaoyuan Temple and him? Collaborated on the Kojima Exam.

, That’s all.

However, even in this case, Gaoyuan Temple can be counted as his partner, so Long Yuan approached Gaoyuan Temple to shock Qinglong like a tiger?

Although there is this possibility, Qinglong feels that this is more like…Long Yuan is taking revenge.

The summer vacation is a bit long, and after one summer vacation, the students in Longyuan’s class haven’t accumulated 100,000 points, and now they still bear the burden of repaying 2 million points every month, so this is probably Longyuan’s attack.


The person Long Yuan is targeting is neither Gao Yuansi nor anyone else.

Probably because he has fully discovered that there are spies in his class, so every time his plan is leaked to him, and then this matter should be completely resolved.

Then as revenge, Ryuuen will also attack.

In this way, the Kouen Temple on Qinglong’s side was first targeted, but there was no fight. This may be just a warning, but Longyuan is not kind, so the next person Longyuan will target is another person who is still helping Qinglong. people.

That is Megumi Karuizawa.

On Kushida’s side, Ryuuen can judge for himself, but Ryuuen obviously hasn’t taken into consideration that Kushida is his accomplice. As for the spy of the class that Ryuuen can grasp… probably the one who appeared once in the privileged person test = Shiho Manabe.

And the people related to Manabe…

Kiyotaka thought about Karuizawa’s cell phone vibrating, as if he had received some message.

Swipe the touch screen, and the phone prompts that an anonymous email has sent a picture.

There is no one in the picture, but there is a bucket in the toilet.

And there is a line of words under the bucket, [Let me go to the roof of the special physics teaching building alone at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon! ]

It seems inexplicable, but Qinglong has no doubt that if Karuizawa sees this kind of picture, then she will definitely recall the past of being bullied and break down.

Because Karuizawa must have been splashed with water in the past.

From this point of view, this anonymous person is someone who has insight into Karuizawa’s past, so Manabe-san is really useless, and all the news has been completely exposed to Ryuuen.

Putting Karuizawa’s mobile phone down, Qinglong turned it off.

Now he feels that learning martial arts from Student Council President Horikita these days is really… great.

Because it will come in handy soon. .

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