“That’s it.”

The location is the classroom of Class D of the first grade, but the current time is 7 o’clock in the evening.

But the fact that none of the students in Class D, male or female, are gathered here is really a very strong unity.

Probably the students in this class will consider collective interests before personal interests. So they are very unique classes.

“The above are my suggestions to you.”

Qinglong dropped the chalk and walked off the podium and said, but the students in Class D were still staring at him blankly.

Because the words [100,000 per person] were written on the blackboard.

And Qinglong’s intention was also very straightforward, that is, to ask each of them to hand over 100,000.

“It’s just that Ayanokōji needs to buy and sell the test papers of Class A, and each of them needs 4 million points in total?”

A student from a class he didn’t know said, “It’s a bit too much.”

Yes, because I originally wanted to drag Ichinose to eavesdrop on Ryuuen, but in the end Ichinose was brainwashed by Ryuuen, so after thinking about it, Kiyotaka decided to lend a helping hand to Class D of the first grade.

Let them get rid of the current extremely low state.

At the same time, let her image be better.

Class A confronts Class D. For now, Class A has more advantages, because the students in Class D are very worried about failing the exam this time and then not being able to get up again.

Because this class D is Ichinose’s class, they were class B before, and many people find it difficult to accept their sudden drop, so as long as they lose one more time at this time, Shibata, who not only hurts the class greatly, will directly commit suicide Close, even ordinary students will have problems in their hearts.

Then the worst thing was that they gave up completely, lost their will to fight, and then they could only stay in the lower class.

And this is undoubtedly what Class A wants to see the most.

It’s also what the students in Class D are most afraid of.

At this time, Qinglong gave them the rules to win.

Let them re-read the exam questions this time and get the answers.

The answer is to get the test papers and answers given to them by Class A.

In this way, high scores are directly guaranteed, but legitimate methods are definitely not acceptable, so they can only use profit to win over the students of Class A.

But now they feel that the asking price is too much.

This is a good performance, because they didn’t think about whether it was reasonable to buy and sell test papers, but felt that they were too expensive, which meant that they also lost something after being beaten to the bottom. Start to really face up to this school.

“4 million!” Qinglong tapped on the blackboard, “This is just the basic price.”

“What kind of danger do you think the students in Class A are going to risk to betray their own class?” Qinglong said, “If you can defeat you this time, then you will not say that you will drop out of school, but you will also lose your fighting spirit .So it’s very good for Class A.”

This is true.

It should be said that since entering this school, they seem to have achieved little results, that is, everyone has become more united and have become friends. But in various exams, he either saved his capital or was deducted. He didn’t get any results, and now he is forced to fall into class D.

“So the internal defense of Class A will be very tight, and the class that can make them betray themselves can only be lured with a lot of money.” Qinglong said.

And at this time, the students in Class D bowed their heads one by one.

Then some people started to think about whether 4 million is enough.

Because they put themselves in their shoes, they are not willing to sell out their classmates for 4 million.

“Then do you want to increase the price?Ge` 々? “Someone really made such a request, “Maybe 5 million is enough?” ”

“On average, 5 million is 10,000 per person.”

“There are still 250,000 points left over from the preferential test, so there seems to be no problem.”

Then the 100,000 per person written by Qinglong was changed to 10,000.

Obviously they initially felt that 100,000 was too much.



Mingming Qinglong was still thinking that if they thought it was too expensive, they would take out Shibata and flog the corpse again, but now the price is even higher than just now.

And watching their development, Qinglong is actually thinking about whether to join this class in the future, because the class style here is a bit too simple.

It made him extremely embarrassed.

After the assembly was unified, Kiyotaka got the 5 million points that Ichinose gave him after summarizing, but what he needed to do was to bring them the papers and answers from Class A on the day of submitting the examination papers on the 24th.

That is to say, as long as they get the answers, they can get the highest score even if it is 3 days after the exam. This is the optimal solution leading to the exam.

It’s just that the students in Class D are too simple, and they are still a little worried that there may be problems at the last minute, so they still decided to continue the study session.

And Kiyotaka is now on his way to send Ichinose back to the dormitory.

“Will Ayanokōji-kun take all 5 million to make a deal with Class A?”

In fact, when Qinglong pointed out to them that they could make a deal with Class A, they thought about going to the students of Class A on their own side, but unfortunately, the fact that they were students of Class D blocked the deal.

Because the students in Class A may lie to them. It may also be reported by the students of Class A before they have even conveyed their words.

So a middleman is needed.

It’s just that the students in Class B are very united among themselves, and they also make good friends with students from other classes, but there is no middleman who can do such important things.

So they finally chose Ayanokouji who helped them in the small island exam and sold them bases and supplies at a low price.

“Will Ayanokōji-kun take all 5 million to trade with Class A?” On the way back, when Kiyotaka confirmed that the points had been transferred, Ichinose said suddenly.

“Of course it is to collect all 5 million and then only take out 1 or 2 million…” Kiyotaka said subconsciously, but he immediately stopped talking because he found out that the person talking to him was Ichinose Hoonami.

“Ahem–no, I mean to spend all 5 million in the right place.” Qinglong said sincerely.

“That is to say, is Ayanokōji-kun trying to covet you?” But Ichinose didn’t believe it at all.

This is not good, because the previous Kojima incident made him gain the favor of Ichinose and the others, so if he can act as a middleman in this incident, then he must be going to make money.

Now that Ichinose Qian has been transferred, the probability of repenting is very low, but the probability of not looking for him next time is very high.

So if you don’t answer well, your chances of making money will decrease.

So Qinglong immediately simulated 17 kinds of rhetoric in his mind.

But he didn’t say a word.

Because Ichinose suddenly held his right hand with both hands.

The strange feeling of being held by a girl suddenly made his heart beat faster.

“Ayanokouji-kun, do you want to get greedy?” She held his hands, then raised her cheeks slightly, and looked at him with a posture of looking up.

It was as if she was begging pitifully.

It makes people have a very strong sense of guilt.


You are breaking the rules like this.

And you holding his hand, hey! You are too active!


And Qinglong found himself a little shaken.

“Ayanokouji-kun, do you want to be greedy?” Ichinose repeated again. She continued to look at him with even more pitiful eyes.

Hey, this must be a foul.

The first-grade beauty-girl, you are too much, you know!

“I really want to be greedy.” Kiyotaka gave up resisting, “It’s just that Ichinose-san, you have to know that there are no absolutely good people in this world. If you want to drive people to act, then you need to give him enough benefits. ”

“That’s right.” Ichinose said, “So Ayanokōji-kun really put Ibuki-san on my side during the exam on Kojima.”

So it is too much to say that Ichinose was brainwashed by Ryuuen-kun.

But what she said was actually not wrong.

Finding that he failed to conceal this point three times, Qinglong naturally felt that there was no need to continue to conceal it, “Yes, when I saw Ibuki at that time, my first reaction was that she might be a spy, but I couldn’t guarantee whether I was wrong, and then She recommended it to you.”

“But it’s really too much to just put it in my class like this.”

“Then can you just watch them wander on the island after knowing they are spies?” Qinglong asked back.

But Ichinose couldn’t answer this answer, because at that time, even if he knew they were spies, he would definitely not be able to just leave them alone on the island.

And even now, he probably feels that it is too cruel to treat classmates from the same school like that.

So they may continue to take in Ibuki and Jintian.

“¨So this is an excellent weakness of your character. Sometimes you know it’s wrong but you still do it. For example, ifAn exam that has to drop out of school, you probably don’t want anyone to drop out of school. Even the whole class has to pay a tragic price. ”

“This…” Ichinose felt that this was irrefutable.

“Besides, we are in different classes. It is also permissible for me to target you for the benefit of my own class, because this is a different position.” Qinglong said, “So you must not blame me for the matter of Ibuki. .”


What Ichinose said was completely irresistible.

“But why did you think of hugging my hand and pretending to be cute just now?” Qinglong said doubtfully.

Because he felt that Ichinose probably wasn’t the kind of girl who would hold a boy’s hand so casually. Because that’s something Kushida doesn’t even do.

“Well… how should I put it—” But Ichinose’s cheeks turned red, “Because when I was walking with Ayanokouji-kun, Ayanokouji-kun kept looking at my chest, so I probably thought, Ayanokouji-kun He is a very nice person.”

“That’s why I wanted to test it out.” She said shyly.

But this brought strong harm to Qinglong.


Was he so obvious?

Obviously you are too big.

So the “misunderstanding” was solved, and the two arrived at the dormitory together. The girls’ dormitory was in the high-rise building, while the boys’ dormitory was in 1-3, and Qinglong’s was on the third floor. So in the elevator with only two people, Ichinose was about to say goodbye to him, but when Kiyotaka was about to get out of the elevator, Ichinose (Zhao Nuo Zhao) suddenly said, “Since you gave our class a shortcut to this exam, then you Class… um… is Ryuuen-kun trustworthy?”

She felt that since the answer after reviewing the exam questions was to obtain the test papers and answers from other classes, Qinglong might do the same. But Ryuuen-kun from Class C is a difficult person to deal with. Moreover, according to the eavesdropped news, the other party is still so hostile to Qinglong, so there is a high probability that Longyuan will reject the head-on deal.

And if it is a transaction with other students in Long Yuan’s class, but the students in the class have been brainwashed and controlled by Long Yuan, the probability of betrayal is very low. Even if it is possible, the price to be paid is very high.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t do it, so there will definitely be a large number of dropouts in Qinglong’s class. Because there are too many scumbags and it hurts my heart.

“When I eavesdropped with you, I found out that Long Yuan would worry about the scumbags in his class, so he probably wanted to make a deal in his heart. It’s just that he is indeed a pit, and he will turn back at any time.

I will deal directly with Long Yuanxiang. But this needs to dispel Ryuuen’s vigilance, and then leave him with no choice but to be forced to exchange the test papers with me. And I have arranged for someone to do this. “Qinglong said. “If there is no accident, then she will reply to me soon——”

Just as Kiyotaka said this, the name of tool man Horikita Suzune was displayed on his cell phone.

Horikita made a phone call.

[Kushida-san, I’ve kept you waiting.

I’ll get straight to the point. No matter what I say, I will keep your secret, but you will not believe me, so you also want to use this exam to let me drop out of school-are these facts correct? ]

It’s incredible news just after connecting. .

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