Since all four students came together, Mr. Mashima was going to give an explanation.

“Now let’s start explaining the special exam.” He said.

“Hey…wait a minute, where are the others? It can’t be just the four of us, and what does the explanation mean? Isn’t the exam already over?”

Karuizawa spoke directly.

“Shut up and listen carefully.” Teacher Mashima was not polite.

“…Yes yes yes, I understand, the teacher always said so.”

Karuizawa suddenly lost interest.


These things should be known after reading the text message, instead of asking questions now.

Student Karuizawa, did you really read the text message?

And four students, this can be judged by the number of chairs. But judging by her impatience, it seemed that she didn’t think about this issue.


“For this special exam, the school will divide all first graders into twelve groups. We will hold exams in those groups. The purpose of the exam is to test Thinking ability.”

Thinking ability, in other words, is the meaning of thinking ability and deep thinking ability.

Qinglong guessed the known information in his mind.

“What is Thinking?”

But someone started asking questions again.

This is Karuizawa who has just been asked to be quiet.

“Did I say that? I won’t accept questions.”

And Mashima-sensei seemed quite indifferent.


Karuizawa was deflated again.

It’s just that she didn’t speak anymore, and she also felt that the teacher was so cold that even talking back was useless, so even though her expression showed dissatisfaction, she still closed her mouth, showing that she wanted to listen to the explanation.

And because Karuizawa was singled out for criticism, or she bumped into it by herself, no one continued to ask questions about Mr. Mashima’s explanation.

In this respect, Karuizawa is really talented.

Qinglong thought quietly.

Mashima-sensei took out four sheets of paper from the folder and handed them to Qinglong and the others respectively.

This is the list of group members.

Class A: Shigeru Takemoto, Koji Machida, Takuro Morishige.

Class B: Ichinose Hoonami, Hamaguchi Tetsuya, Beppu Ryota.

Class C: Ibuki Mio, Manabe Shiho, Yabuna Nanami, Yamashita Saki.

Class D: Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, Karuizawa Megumi, Somura Hideo, Yukimura Teruhiko.

It seems that people were drawn from each class separately, but the number is not 4 for each class, some are only three students.

According to the probability of 160 people in the whole grade, they are divided into twelve groups with 13-14 people in each group. And the 12 groups are based on the twelve zodiac signs of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Naming, Kiyotaka and the others belong to the rabbit group.

I see.

“Members of other classes in your group are receiving explanations in other rooms.” Mr. Mashima said again. “The current written information will be recycled immediately after you leave the room, so write it down on the spot if necessary.”

So the students Mr. Chabashira is explaining now should all belong to this rabbit group.

“That… I don’t understand what’s going on at all!” Karuizawa, who seemed to be compromising just now, said again, “It would be more convenient for all the members to explain together, and why would I break up with these disgusting boys? together.”

“Hey…what’s the matter with nausea?”

Yukimura didn’t seem to want to bear it anymore. It finally started to soar.

“Isn’t it disgusting? This attitude… And I really don’t understand it. According to the grouping, are we supposed to form a group with people from other classes? Are we not enemies with other classes?”

Judging from the experience of the uninhabited island, Karuizawa seems to understand that other classes are the concept of the enemy.

And like Class C’s score of 152, no matter how you look at it, it’s a backstab of other classes.

“Enemy?” Mashima-sensei was finally willing to answer, “It’s not long since the start of school, and then you have developed such a relationship, the prospect is really worrisome. This time, the exam requires you to ignore Class A, Class B and even Class B.” Friction with Class C.”

“Ignore the relevance? Could it be that they want to be our companions?” Karuizawa expressed his puzzlement.

“Please shut up, okay? Maybe the exam has already started, and we will have to deduct points at that time. We managed to save 700 points. Can’t you let it be worth a few more months?” Yukimura said directly.

“Hey, I also want to keep the grades in the class, okay? I just have doubts. The teacher didn’t continue to interrupt me now, which means I can continue to ask if I’m okay!” Karuizawa directly quarreled with Yukimura.

“Calm down, both of you!”

Mashima-sensei couldn’t maintain his paralyzed face, showing a tired expression, probably because he really didn’t meet a student like Class D, “The exam hasn’t started yet, it’s just an explanation session, so don’t worry, there is no basis for you At present, points are deducted from the attitude score. But! If the attitude towards teachers is not improved, it is possible to leave records in the form of reports.”


It was only then that Karuizawa felt that he seemed to be acting badly.

“It deserves it!” Yukimura bent his lips.


These people are really children.

Qinglong directly checked the paper at the back of the roster.content.

This paper is double-sided. You can tell from the texture when you pick it up and touch it in your hand that there are actually words on both sides.

[This test is a subject based on the “Privilege” assigned to each group.

1. The school will send an email to notify students at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the exam. At the same time, the fact of being selected will be communicated to those who have been selected as “preferred recipients”.

2. The exam schedule is from tomorrow to nine o’clock in the evening three days later.

3. The team members will gather in the designated room twice a day at 9-10 am and 20-21 pm, and have one-hour discussions respectively. Students who do not cooperate will have corresponding deductions from their class evaluation points.

4. The content of the discussion will be decided by the group independently.

5. Regarding the answer part, you can answer freely during the exam. In addition, each person can answer the question at most once. After finishing the answers, the group’s exam ends directly. Only those who answer from 9:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the end of the exam on the third day will not be deducted from class points.

6. The school only accepts students using their mobile phones to send letters to the designated mailbox for answering questions.

7. “Privilege” has no right to send answers by mail.

8. Answers to groups other than the stem and branch group to which you belong will be considered invalid.

9. The school will notify all students of the details of the test results by email at 11:00 p.m. on the last day. ]

This time there are many more rules than those on the uninhabited island.

Qinglong immediately started sorting out the known information.

That is to say.

The school will send another text message to the students at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, announcing whether the students have been selected as preferential treatment recipients.

The preferential treatment here is to randomly select a student from each of the 12 groups to become a special existence.

It’s a bit like an undercover game, where people from the same group find out who the bully is, to get rewards or punish 0…

And finding this undercover agent here is also a bit interesting.

During the period from 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the third day of the exam, during this period, if everyone finds the beneficiary and unites as one, except that the beneficiary and the class to which the beneficiary belongs do not participate in the answer, and everyone else answers correctly, then it will be Everyone gets 500,000 points, and the favored person gets 1 million points. (50W for each member of the group, 100W for the preferential treatment)

However, the answer is still made between 9:30 and 10:00 on the third night, so among the 12 students, as long as someone gives the wrong answer, or if not all of them answer the answer together, then the preferential treatment person can get 50 points alone. million points. (Preferential recipients get 50w alone)

And answering during the test answering time here will not involve the increase or deduction of class evaluation scores. but.

You can also rush to answer.

The duration of the exam is three days.

And within three days, they can answer at any time. But during this period, points will be deducted or added for answering questions.

The first is to score points for correct answers. During this period, other classes have guessed the preferred person and answered correctly, then this student can get 500,000 points and also bring 50 points of class evaluation points to the class. At the same time, 50 class evaluation points will be deducted from the class that is guessed to be the preferential treatment. (class +50 points, individual 50w, other classes -50 points)

The one above is strong and correct, so what about the wrong answer? The class of the person who guessed wrong will lose 50 points of the class evaluation score. The class to which the preferential treatment belongs gets 50 class evaluation points, and the preferential treatment person can also be rewarded with 500,000 personal points. (Class – 50 points, preferential treatment 50w)

This is a bit similar to guessing the leader on the uninhabited island, but this time the leader is called the preferential treatment, and the reason why he is called the preferential treatment, let’s see the result, except for being guessed, he can do everything else. Get points. So it is really being treated preferentially.

It’s just that the identity of this favored person is that the school’s arrangement is not the student’s choice, but the school’s choice. At the same time, the student will not be notified until 8:00 tomorrow morning.

Therefore, I believe what Mr. Mashima said about putting aside previous grievances with other classes and treating them as partners is just a pretense. As long as there are considerable benefits after betrayal, then it is impossible to cooperate.

But there are still a lot of trivial matters.

Mashima-sensei continued to report, such as prohibited items, stealing or threatening or even intimidating behaviors are not allowed to confirm the identity of the privileged person.

It is also forbidden to use other people’s mobile phones to answer mistakes. And individuals are not allowed to delete or falsify the information sent by the school, etc.

That is to say.

Detangly and uprightly, he was helpless to find the preferential treatment. Then you have to use your own mobile phone to answer.

Who would believe such words?

Qinglong has no doubts that people like Ryuuen from Class C must have waited for the message of the privileged person to be sent, then immediately called all the students in their class together, and then forced everyone to hand in their mobile phones to confirm the identity of the privileged person .

after all.

Even those in the same class are untrustworthy, and if you can stick to your status as a privileged person, you can get a high value of 500,000 points. Or cheat people to guess wrong, then not only can get 500,000 but also deduct points from the opponent’s class, Long Yuan will definitely plan well.

And what is five hundred thousand?

This is equal to the living expenses of class D for ten months, equal to the living expenses of class C for ten months, and equal to the living expenses of class A for three months.

It’s hard for someone…not to be tempted.

So, this is playing with people’s hearts.

The educational purpose of this school has never beenchanged. .

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