Since the exam is over, all the scores will be included in the class evaluation scores.

Class A: 1436+170=1606 points

Class B 790+109-899 points

Class C 670+152=822 points

Class D 94+608=702 points

Except for the fact that the scores of Class A are far apart, the scores of the following BCD are closely following.

“It’s amazing, Chabashira.” Class C’s Sakagami Digi-sensei pushed his glasses and said.

Teachers lead different classes, so their remuneration is also different, so basically the teachers also have the competition of strength first, and the digital teacher on the board of Class C feels that Longyuan really did a good job this time, not only Shibai got 2X40=800,000 personal points per month from Class A, and it will cost 20 million in three years, which means that he can be promoted to the class he likes and can graduate from Class A.

On the other hand, he also discovered the secret No. 41 stronghold, and got 50 reward points, which was judged as excellent.

In the end, they guessed correctly the leaders of the other two classes.

So the Kojima test for class C is like this: 50X2 (guess correctly the leader of class A, guess correctly the leader of class B in 08) + 50 (special reward for occupying the No. 41 stronghold) + 2 points (occupied two ordinary strongholds) = 152 points .

It’s just that Chazhu’s score is 608 directly, and it’s crazy to occupy 37-38 territories. If it’s funny to say that class D deducted 1000 points to 8 points in the first month’s code of conduct, then now it’s because of such a In the exam, the disadvantage was reversed in one fell swoop, and it became two classes next to BC.

“General.” Cha Zhu said.

“…” And this tone made people feel pretentious, so the digital teacher on the board of Class C decided not to talk to her.

But Chazhu understood that this score, this score of 608, is really just average.

As long as Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is serious, then it will definitely not be this score, the original score of 300 points will not be used up, and then he will also participate in the link of guessing other team leaders, and even deliberately let other classes mistake his class leader , even the stronghold bonus points of No. 41 of Class C belong to Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

So he can definitely get more than just 608 points.

It’s just that he really has no interest in leading Class D to be promoted to Class A.

Chazhu felt very troubled.

Now that this result has appeared, it means that 2/3 of her salary and 10 million yen in savings will be given to Qinglong.


Chazhu suddenly noticed something.

She made a bet with Qinglong that he would turn Class D into Class C, so that her salary could also be raised.



After the results were announced, the students were sent back to the ship to rest.

Teacher Chazhu immediately stopped Qinglong.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Chabashira, I also want to go back to the ship to rest.”

Qinglong was very dissatisfied with being stopped alone.

“You lost the bet you made with me, right?” Cha Zhu said.


Qinglong frowned, “Didn’t I get 608 points?”

“Before Class C got 670 points, we got 94 points, so if you get more than 600 points, you can surpass them—day!”

Qinglong reacted immediately.


The previous Class C scored 670 points, Class D scored 94 points, and the gap between the two classes was 586 points. In other words, Class D can catch up with 600 points.


What is the result now?

Class C 670+152=822 points

And Class D 94+608=702 points

Class C is still Class C, and Class D is still Class D. In this exam, he didn’t let Class D become Class C. Because I forgot to take into account that Class C also got points. So the distance between the two was pulled apart again.


Women are really harmful.

Kiyotaka also realized that he felt that Horikita knew about his bet with Chabashira, so he held back his physical discomfort and did not quit, and his adult beauty deliberately deducted all the original 300 points of Class D, and then let Horikita be free. Yali’s withdrawal, but this part is a loss of points.

At the same time, he completely forgot about the bet with Chabashira. He only remembered that getting 600 points was enough, but he was either a woman or a breast, or a woman in his heart. In the end, he forgot to guard against Ryuuen, so Ryuuen got points.


Clearly in my heartI have already figured it out completely, but Qinglong didn’t show any panic on his face, “Teacher, you seem to have forgotten, what did you say when I made a bet with you?”

Chabashira frowned, “Then you can promote Class D to Class C in this holiday exam, if you can do it, then I’m not just half, I can give you 2/3 of my points until graduation .And if you can’t do it… I will save you, but I want your 10 million! Is this a few words?”

“Yes, so you are talking about this vacation, not just this exam.” Qinglong said. “Now we are only one point away from Class C, just catch up in the test on the ship.”

“…” Chazhu became expressionless.

“So you really don’t have any interest in being promoted to Class A?” Chazhu reconfirmed.


Already aware of Chabashira-sensei’s intention of retreating, Qinglong walked towards Horikita who was waiting for him not far away after saying this.

“Is there really going to be an exam next?” Horikita asked, and she just realized that if it was just a bet on this exam, then Qinglong lost.

But if there are still exams, then not necessarily. He still has a chance to come back.

“I guessed it, and got the answer from Teacher Chabashira’s face.” Qinglong said, “First of all, you remember that we came out on the 15th, right? Then the exam on the 17th, today is the 24th, and for Isn’t it too early for the 24th in a month? So there may still be an exam. But this is just my guess, but Chabashira-sensei’s expression tells me that it is true.”

“So can’t we relax our vigilance next?” Horikita said.

“No.” Qinglong said, “Because the difference is only 3 points. So you can still use this opportunity to earn points for us.”

“By the way, Kouenji is on board, so let’s have a celebration banquet together. After all, we got a class evaluation score of 300.”

“Yes.” Lingyin did not refuse.

The three of them ordered steak and juice together.



It was only after eating with them that Horikita Suzune realized that Koenji Rokusuke had obtained a class evaluation score of 100 points, and 100X100X40=400,000 points would be credited every month.

And Qinglong got 200 class evaluation points, that is, 200X100X40=800,000 points per month.

This is what they are earning, so what does it have to do with her.

She, Horikita Suzune, did not earn a penny in this exam.

ps: Push two books from a friend.

[Comprehensive manga begins with five equal parts] This book is written in practice.

[Comprehensive Man: Starting from the Digital World] This book is on the shelves today, please support it if you are able. This author has a good personality. .

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