After Chabashira Sae successfully drove all the students off the ship, everyone stood on the beach of the small island, but still lined up in four rows, listening to Teacher Chabashira explaining the specific rules to them.

All the students in the class have to live collectively on the small island for a period of one week, which is equivalent to carrying out survival activities on the small island.

It is meaningless to unilaterally examine whether the students can adapt to the field like Mr. Pei, so the school added something and gave each class a 300-point evaluation score, but this evaluation score is not immediately included in the original Some classes evaluate scores, but need to wait for the exam to settle.

And students can use these 300 points to buy daily necessities, and the items that can be purchased will be distributed to each class in a booklet with detailed introductions.

This is a relatively simple rule. That is to say, if the students’ ability to survive in the wild is superb this week without spending a single point, then 300 points can be included in the class evaluation score after the exam is over. Individuals can get 300X100=30,000 more points next month, which is 30,000 points

“Thirty thousand points!”

“Thirty thousand!”

This is great news for the students in Class A who are poor and borrow money from each other and cannot afford to pay back.

It’s just that it’s impossible.

It’s impossible to spend nothing. Because it is really possible not to spend it, there is no need to set this point.

So Qinglong just watched them get excited and didn’t join in.

The current points ranking of each class is as follows.

Class A has 14,336 points, Class B has 790 points, Class C has 670 points, and Class D has 94 points.

And although 300 points seems like a lot, the structure of each class, that is, Class B and Class C, may change because of this 300 points. The other classes are too far apart, so 300 points is not enough.

“One more thing.” Sae Chabashira moved out a box, and there were black bracelets in the box, just like the Mi Band sports bracelet, but it was definitely better than the Mi Band.

“During the time on the deserted island, it is not allowed to take off the wristband. It has a GPS inside to prevent you from accident so that you can be found accurately~ˇ.”

“And here, there will be a bonus activity.” Cha Zhu said again.

She stood up straight, “Every class will have a team leader during this exam, and get an identity card. There are many strongholds on the desert island. You can get 1 point reward by swiping the team leader’s card to occupy a stronghold once. Points, you can swipe the card once every 8 hours. However, the leader of the class needs to be hidden. After the exam is over, that is, on the morning of the 24th, there will be an activity to guess the leader. If you guess the leaders of other classes correctly, you can get extra points , plus 50 points for every correct guess! But!”

Seeing that the students’ emotions suddenly became high, Chabashira Sae continued to maintain his calm, “If the leader is guessed correctly by other classes, every time a class guesses correctly, then 50 points will be deducted, and the reward points will be invalid! It will be deducted from your initial 300 points. Until the 300 points are deducted to 0, there will be no negative points. But for you, there are no good exceptions for the 0 points in this exam.”

First ignore Teacher Chabashira’s alarmist talk.

Let everyone appreciate the tricks ahead.

Guess 50 points for one class, and if you guess correctly for the other three classes, can you add 150 points?

A total of 450 points of temptation.

No class can deal with it calmly.

So, let the students continue to test each other. Become a scheming person.

Just like the president of the student council, Horikita Gaku, acquiesced and went to buy past test papers, what this school probably wants to cultivate is not a partner of justice, but a fat man who can move flexibly in society… Bah, it is a person who can be a part of society. The sleek elite.

And Horikita looked at Kiyotaka, because in this way, 300 points are the original points of each class, and if you guess the other three class leaders correctly, then 50X3=150 points, all added up, a distance of six Percent is not too far away. And if the stronghold occupation can exceed 150 points, then it is really possible to beat Mr. Chabashira.

“And the specific rules are here. Each class has an instruction manual, which contains the rules and the prices of the items you want to exchange with these 300 points. But before that, I hope you will first confirm the camp, and then find out the price of the item. This team leader, and then report to me, the sooner, the sooner you can get the team leader card to get reward points.”

Chabashira Sae finally said this.

Although it sounds quite brain-intensive and labor-intensive, even the whole class really needs to go camping for a week.


Now in front of Class D of the first grade with 94 points and no debts is a huge temptation.


It wasn’t just a student who uttered surprise and excited shouts like this.

“My stomach hurts… Is there a toilet—” However, when everyone was extremely excited, a person suddenly raised his hand and stepped out.

And the students around him scattered in all directions.

Because this student just farted.

And this classmate is called Sudou.

On the radio, in everyoneWhile still on board, students are asked to work on personal issues.

Obviously, Sudou didn’t do it.

“`”Toilet? There are only temporary toilets, over here. The behavior of polluting the environment by defecation at will is not allowed. 20 points will be deducted seriously. ”

There are some supplies behind Sae Chabashira, including tents, sunscreen, matches and so on. And these are provided by the school for free.

But the temporary toilets seem to be provided by the school.

So what is a temporary toilet?

Paper shell.


Use cardboard boxes and plastic bag films as shelters, and put the excrement into the bags, which contain corresponding chemicals that can quickly solidify, thereby reducing odor and nausea.


This kind is equivalent to paper diapers, and they can be reused.

And there is only one temporary toilet, and the whole class of 40 people take turns to use it?


It was simply torture.

Although not hypocritical, Qinglong’s expression is the same as that of other girls.


Want to go back to the boat.

It’s just that it’s obviously not a matter of twittering on the D side, Qinglong glanced back, Koenji nodded.

After using a super-clear camera to take pictures of Xiaodao Zhi (Le Zhao Zhao), he and Qinglong made a total of 40 places that can be suitable for human habitation, and now everyone is still explaining other rules, The rules can be understood slowly, but whoever uses the stronghold first gains points.

It is absolutely possible to attack other camps first according to the distance from near to far.

So Qinglong raised his hand, “Teacher Chabashira, I recommend Koenji Liusuke to be the team leader. Please lead Kahan to him as quickly as possible.”


Chazhu looked at Kiyotaka. For her, the D class she took had also experienced this kind of exam. It seemed that she could get 400-500 points at once, but it was impossible, like last year’s harmony. In most cases, it is only the limit score, and 600 points, is it really possible?

Now that she has agreed to the bet with Qinglong, she will not set up checkpoints.

“it is good.”

So before the students in Class D could react, Chazhu gave Koenji the team leader card on which Koenji’s name had been entered. .

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