“President Horikita, please take a look at this paper. I bought it from a second-year senior and spent 50,000 points. I think this is very unfair.” Kiyotaka said in an aggrieved tone .

And Horikita Gaku was expressionless.

But Nanyun wanted to laugh, because the school has always had the habit of buying and selling papers from previous years. Every year, the midterm exams in the second month of freshmen’s enrollment are all papers from previous years. It seems that he and Horikita have already bought enough. The papers are used in the second to third grades, so for them, February when the freshmen enter school is a time to increase their scores in vain.

There is a 100-point class evaluation score as a reward, urge the students to memorize the papers, and then the basic 100-point reward can get more than 90.

But he bought all the test papers and only spent 30,000 points, but Ayanokōji Kiyotaka spent 50,000 points for one copy. It is really easy to be cheated with money.

Although I don’t know which student sold it to him, but the price is good.

Nagumo felt very satisfied.

“Buying and selling test papers.”

Horikita pushed his glasses expressionlessly, “Are you here to reflect that the price is unreasonable?”

“So you want to report it?” Horikita asked. “I took over this matter. The student union will handle it fairly.”

However, Nanyun knew that this was just a method of Tai Chi. The school did not approve of buying and selling test papers, but it also encouraged students to buy and sell test papers, because some teachers made mistakes when drawing key points, and then expressed their apologies a few days before the exam. If the key points are missed, wouldn’t it be a blood loss for students who review according to the teacher’s previous key points?

That is to say, they can only take another shortcut, that is, the road of buying and selling test papers.

And there has always been one copy of the test paper, which has been used for ten years, so this matter is actually acquiesced by the school.

But acquiescing is acquiescing, and it’s not enough to say it face-to-face.

“I’m not going to report this.” Qinglong said. “Instead, I want to ask Chairman Horikita how many students are in the second and third grades.”


Nagumo became vigilant, “There are 150 students in the second grade, and 153 students in the third grade.”

In the beginning, there were 40 students in each class, so there were 160 students in one grade. On the contrary, Nagumoya’s second-grade students were more than Horikita’s third-grade students, which meant that there were more students who dropped out this year, but it’s true. what?

Probably he was trying to make an example to others, and used this weapon of withdrawal to expel all the students who opposed him.

It’s also the same. He proudly stated in the store that time that he could get the contribution of 500,000 students in each of the four classes every month.

“Very good, I bought a total of 5 papers for 50,000 yuan, then Mr. Nanyun and Chairman Horikita, each of you will give me four for each grade, no, forget it, I will give you a discount, and each grade will give me four.” Five million is enough.” Qinglong said.

“What are you kidding!” However, Nan Yunya immediately frowned. “Why should we give you money! Buying and selling test papers will make you demerit instead.”

Getting angry here is all about being angry, but Nagumo actually planted a bomb on purpose. He used “we” to provoke Chairman Horikita Gaku. Let Horikita learn to stand in the same boat as him.

“What do you want to do, Ayanokōji, or what have you done?” Horikita looked very calm.

“I will report to the school and abolish the test papers for this exam, and now there is enough time for the school to reissue the questions.” Qinglong said, “And if this is the case, then the second grade students even in Class A or Class B also need Hard-working students, and they are expelled after reaching this point, don’t you think they don’t want it?”


Nan Yunya finally understood that Qinglong was here to blackmail, but he was not fooled, “You go and report it, the test paper is a secret method that is tacitly approved by the school, it should be trueIt is the topic of this exam to find out and then find a shortcut. Let the students not be too old-fashioned, and be tactful when it is time to be tactful. So doing this is the real solution. ”

Nan Yun saw it very clearly, so he is Nan Yunya, a student who dropped out of school and disobeyed him, squeezing 2 million points from four classes every month.

“Ayanokouji, what do you want to do?”

However, unlike Nagumo who was very confident and felt that Kiyotaka’s report was meaningless, Horikita Gaku smelled something else.

“It’s very simple, I want money now. When you entered the school, you said in the gymnasium that this is a school where strength is paramount. In other words, if my goal is to collect money, then any opportunity can be used.”

He said, “You don’t have to agree. But please wait for 10 seconds.”


Nagumo Masa and Horikita Gaku looked at each other, and then saw Qinglong took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Nan Yun was still at a loss.

“Could it be that–”

But Horikita Gaku suddenly realized that the place where Kiyotaka called them was very strange, it was the top of a laboratory building that was rarely seen, so what was he trying to do here?

Because you can see the teaching building directly opposite from here.


Qinglong was counting down.

“Hmph.” Nan Yunya hugged her with her hands crossed. He really wanted to see what Qinglong wanted to do.

“Senior Nanyun, you are right. Buying and selling test papers is acquiesced by the school, so even if you go to report it, you will be suppressed, but if you can’t suppress it.” Qinglong said, “The calculation is over, you look over there.”

Qinglong suddenly pointed to the opposite side of this teaching building, and the teaching building directly opposite was a teaching building for first-year students, and three large boxes were placed on the guardrail at some time, and the side facing the outside of each box seemed to be It has been tampered with, maybe a surface was removed, and then a baffle was placed.

“It’s time.” Qinglong said.

In the eyes of Horikita Gaku and Nagumoya, the baffle of the box on the far left was suddenly opened and moved. It turned out that it was tied with a long rope and tied directly to the invisible stairs. And with the disappearance of the baffle, large pieces of A4 paper fell down.

“what is this?”

“Yucheng High School Grade 1 Chinese Examination Paper—”

“There are answers on it! Could it be the exam paper this time?”

During the lunch break, there were still many students below. The students found the test papers falling like snow. Then pick up the test paper.

And Qinglong turned around, “May I ask if the method of leaking is like this, will the school continue to use the original test papers?”

If a single person reports it, the school can suppress it, but if something like this is unscrupulous, there is no way to block it.

“…” Horikita Xue and Nagumo Masa were speechless.

“The test papers of the first grade have been leaked, and now there are only your second and third graders.” Qinglong said. “It’s still the same price, 5 million for a box. If you disagree, let’s explode together today.”

And these words made Horikita Gaku and Nagumo Masa silent.

“Don’t doubt, I also bought your second and third grade test papers. Among them, the second grade test papers were given by the seniors when I bought the first grade test papers, and the third grade was only bought for 10,000 points. Senior Yun, you have already prepared all the test papers for the third grade.”

Qinglong smiled slightly.

But this smile is simply a devil in Nanyun’s eyes. Now he can’t wait to drop out of that idiot who sold the test papers to Qinglong.

If you don’t sell test papers to this guy who loves money, then there will be no such thing?

“However, you are all excellent classes, so even if the school reissues the test papers, there must be no problem, so you don’t need the test papers from previous years.” Qinglong said, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to make a call directly, “Start the timer now, 30 Seconds later, the second grade test papers were leaked. The third graders gave them 2 minutes to think about it.”

“Why did you leak mine first!” Nan Yunya was very dissatisfied. “And only give me 30 seconds to think about it!”

Of course there is no problem with his grades. He himself entered Class B of the first grade by virtue of his excellence, and then led everyone in Class B to catch up with Class A, so he is not afraid even if the school reissues the test paper.


His situation is very bad.

His means of ruling the second grade is to maintain stability. Except for those who drop out of school and he is dissatisfied, he will provide protection for those who take refuge in him, and protect everyone from being forced to drop out of school according to some rules of the school. Otherwise, the students will not have to pay him protection money. And if the test papers are leaked and the school changes the papers, there is no problem for Class A to work hard, but Class C and Class D will definitely explode. If this matter is not handled well by then, his dignity will decline. 200 per month The protection fee of 10,000 yuan will naturally be gone.

“Then the 30-second countdown,…” Qinglong said.

“Wait!” Nan Yunya immediately said, “Why is the countdown so fast?”


Nan Yunya said this while looking at the box hanging on the opposite teaching building.

So it’s full of second grade papers?

“Then 7, 6, 5…” Qinglong continued to count.

“That’s enough!” Nan Yunya said immediately, he knew that Qingtaka Lingkouji liked to blackmail him, “I’ll pay.”

It’s really a blood loss.

The 1.22 million call from the milk tea shop was only received last month, and because yesterday was the call from the school on the 1st, everyone took 20 million on the same day.00,000 offering fee to him, plus the 1 million he often puts in his mobile phone, so now the maximum amount is only 4 million.

“But I only have 4 million on hand now, and I’m still short of 1 million. I’m going to collect it from the second graders and call you again, at the latest in the evening.” Nan Yunya said. He still didn’t want to let himself hand over all the money.

“Okay.” Qinglong nodded, and said to the phone, “Don’t move the box for the second grade.”

“Then what about President Horikita?”

Seeing that Nanyun was softened, Qinglong looked at Horikita Xue, but Horikita Xue said expressionlessly, “5 million has already been credited to your account.”

It was only then that Kiyotaka discovered that he was only trying to force Nagumo with his attention just now, but Horikita Gaku had already transferred the money when the first grade test paper was leaked, because the assistant hadn’t noticed it since he turned off the voice reminder.

“Thank you for your patronage.” Qinglong checked Nan Yun’s transfer, and was satisfied with Wan Wan on the balance.

Then I made a phone call, “Yes, the second and third grade boxes will not be processed, they have already paid the protection fee.”

It is indeed a protection fee.

Protect the test paper from being leaked.

“But you are really stupid.” Nanyun said elegantly.

As a member of the student union, he, as an accountant, also needs to be there to deal with the commotion of the leaked first-year test papers.

And this time, the leak of the first grade test paper has to be reported to the school to see if the school wants to change the first grade test paper.

“How to say?” Qinglong’s face remained motionless.

“Because you leaked all the test papers of the first grade, which means you offended the entire grade.” Nan Yunya gloated. “Especially Class C and Class D, I’m afraid they will tear your heart apart.”

“But it’s only the second day of May, isn’t it, so most people can buy test papers before they realize it.” Qinglong said.

So others don’t know that you can still buy papers, right?

So it’s only used to threaten their second and third graders, right?

“But.” Although Nanyun was angry, he could still smile, “The school already knew that the test papers of the first grade were leaked. So you should study hard in the next month! I would like to know that as a D As a student in the class, how much score can you get in the exam?”

“You don’t need to care about it, and the school won’t know about it.” Qinglong said, bending down to pick up a paper. “What I leaked was that the topic I made up was different from the one I bought, so it’s a leak.”


[The first mid-term exam math paper for the first grade of Yucheng Senior High School]

first question.

How many chickens and rabbits are in the cage, 8 heads counted from the top and 28 feet counted from the bottom, how many chickens and rabbits are there in each? (This question comes from the old question in 1985)


Nan Yun’s eyes widened. There was indeed something wrong with this paper.

“So I’m just throwing some rubbish. What’s the point of leaking? It’s Senior Nanyun. Does it mean that you want to leak?”

“I don’t have to.” Nan Yunya immediately said, he is not sure whether Ayanokōji Kiyotaka will continue to use this midterm exam to threaten students of the same grade, and then use it to accumulate money, but after doing so, this disgusting guy It is very likely that he will be blamed, so Nan Yun immediately denied it.

“Then since I don’t have anything else to do, I’ll leave first. Remember to call me after school if you still have 1 million.”

“I see, I will accept it from the second graders.” Nanyun said.

“Actually, senior Nanyun can make a fortune from this opportunity.” Qinglong said, “Because the 5 million I want is the total of your second graders, but how much you want to charge is up to you.”

“Hehe.” Nan Yun smiled at him, “What kind of person am I?”

Although Qing Long was ignored, Nan Yunya felt that this plan was still possible. Anyway, he did not need to be responsible for the protection of the second grade’s 5 million leaked questions, since all second graders had to pay. And Ayanokōji Kiyotaka wanted a total of 5 million, but as long as he collected 40,000 from everyone, wouldn’t he have 6 million and earn an extra million?


You can also bring misfortune to the east and tell everyone that this is all because of Ayanokōji Kiyotaka’s problem.

Nan Yunya felt that her plan was very good.

“Your account has received 1 million!” by Nan Yunya.

In the classroom after school in the afternoon, Qinglong’s mobile phone beeped.

[Thank you for your patronage. ] Qinglong sent a message to Nan Yunya for the first time, [but I have prepared a new gift for you in the forum. ]


Nan Yun had just finished transferring the money, so he was still holding his mobile phone.

But he felt disgusted by the word forum, because he was smeared repeatedly, which greatly reduced his prestige.

So what the hell is this time? It’s just that he paid the money today, so Ayanokōji Kiyotaka should not continue to mess with him!

Nanyun then turned on the phone.

A post was pinned to the top.

[Evil Nanyun, you only need to pay 5 million yuan to pay, but you charge 40,000 yuan each. At this time, you are still filling your own pockets! Evil Nagumo! ]


Nan Yunya almost vomited blood, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, can’t you be a human being?

Then Nanyun returned the overcharged money.

ps: rua! This

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