Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is the child of a celebrity. He is very good at managing funds and likes money. And a sense of justice. Very popular with girls.

“This last sentence was added casually by you.” Horikita Suzune said.

In the past two days, she felt that the probability of her being stared at had increased.

The reason is that the ranking of beautiful girls among the first-year boys was released.

The rankings are as follows.

1 Ichinose Hoonami

2. Horikita Suzune

3. Megumi Karuizawa

4. Kushida bellflower

5. Sakayanagi Youqi

6. Hiyori Shiina

After that, the evaluations were almost the same. For example, Haruka Hasebe in the class, Maya Sato in the class, and Chiaki Matsushita in the class.

It cannot be denied that the quality of the girls in Class D is much better, occupying the top 20.

And Horikita is temporarily in second place, so it’s easy for everyone in the class or other classes to stare at her.

She doesn’t like this feeling.

And the ranking of the boys who most want to date is also out.

Qinglong won the fourth place.

And that’s enough, he doesn’t want to be the top of the list, he just wants to become famous quickly.

“No no no, Horikita-san, in fact, you think I’m the better choice compared to you.” Qinglong said without blushing at all, “For example, if you want to meetVoting among me, do you think you can accept Yamauchi? ”

“…” Horikita.

Horikita Suzune was speechless, “You have no choice for this option.”

Qinglong was boycotted by some students, but Hirata-kun, who had a high degree of affection, spoke for him, so the people who resisted him shrunk down to only a few people.

But on the girl’s side, Ting is still popular.

Because he was very generous.

In just two days, while waiting for the ranking, different girls were invited to dinner.

Of course, all that was spent was the money that Horikita was cheated by him before and the monthly expenses for taking care of Horikita given by Horikita’s elder brother. So it won’t hurt too much.

“And it’s almost time to start acting.”

He knew that Horikita would definitely be on the list of beautiful girls, and Kushida Kikyo was willing to cooperate, so as long as these two were around him, it would be enough to make him popular.

Not to mention that he often went out with girls in the same class.

Today, I asked Kushida to contact some students from Class C.

Kiyotaka, Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyo, Karuizawa Megumi, Sato Maya, Wang Miyu, etc., were in the store with these cute girls, but when the students from Class C arrived, they were in a hurry. Most of them left together.

“Goodbye.” Qinglong blatantly said goodbye to the students of Class C.

By the way, I just invited them to a milk tea shop for tea and snacks.

And now only Kushida Kikyo and Horikita Suzune are left by Kiyotaka’s side.

It seems that after the others left, Kushida wanted to strike up a conversation with Horikita, but Horikita didn’t say a word, looking very cold.

It’s just that it doesn’t matter, because now the focus is not on them, but on the students of Class C. The boys in Class C are a little envious of Qinglong’s relationship with the girls.

There are 8 students in Class C, 6 boys and 2 girls.

They were all invited by Kushida Kikyo.

The excuse he used was that he had discovered a piece of information in the school.

“Does that mean opening a shop?”

It wasn’t until the students of Class C arrived that they realized that it was Kiyotaka who asked Kushida to invite them, hoping to pull them into the team and open a milk tea shop together.

“That’s right.” Because he wanted to deceive people, Qinglong took full responsibility for the deception, he said with a blushing face, “and most of the students in my class joined. It took about two months to accumulate It can be opened now. And this kind of milk tea shop is opened.”

“This is the receipt I just consumed.” Qinglong showed them the list he specially took from the waiter, “There are 7 people in total, and 7 cups of milk tea, plus snacks, just 7 people consumed 4300 points. And you look at the attendance—”

His body is slightly turned sideways so that the students of Class C can observe better. The attendance rate is 70%.

“So to put it all together, if you open a store like this, the monthly profit will be close to 2 million. It’s just that the cost of opening the store is 14 million, so there is still a shortage of funds, so I approached you. Originally, I wanted to find Longyuan, but Thinking of the last time I sold news to him, he took the news and didn’t pay, so the first requirement for you to participate is that you are not allowed to tell Long Yuan about this, I don’t want to take him to make money.”

Qinglong’s face remained unchanged.


Ryuuen is a student of Class C, and at the same time is using strong means to unify Class C. Probably Long Yuan has already discovered that this school is based on strength, so it is necessary to unify the classes so that it can be communicated to the outside world.

But the students in Class C are now quite critical of Long Yuan, because Long Yuan has a bad reputation in the class, being strict and domineering, and there are many people who are unwilling to buy it. It is said that Ishizaki and the others are planning to fight Ryuuen.

“It’s just 14 million, can you really collect them all?”

The students in Class C questioned Qinglong, “And will there really be so many people joining?”

“This is the contract I released.” Kiyotaka looked at Horikita, who immediately took out a document bag.

So they were handed out to the students of Class C.

The above is a planning agreement for borrowing money to open a store.

[1. Fundraising. After joining, you need to invest 50,000 in the first month, and then 30,000 per month for 6 months. From the third month, you will return 15% of the interest on the invested capital every month, and return it in 12 months all principal. The next fundraising has the right to participate in priority.

2. This contract is valid for 12 months.

3. The investor shall pay 10,000 points as liquidated damages for unilateral breach of contract, and the points already collected shall not be refunded.

4. Long Yuanxiang is prohibited from participating in this fund-raising activity. ]]

If it’s just the first point, it’s tempting. It is a total investment of 200,000, but it is a superimposed 15% interest, and then you can get it all back in the 12th month, isn’t it very profitable? ]

“This is an action to preserve capital.” Qinglong said, “In fact, there is another option.”

He looked at Kushida.

Kushida also opened a folder and took out a new contract from it.

The contract is also a fundraising, but the content is slightly different. Instead of returning interest and principal, it becomes a shareholder and shares profits together.

You can get 10% of the profit.

If you participate, it seems that it is better to raise funds. Because you can keep the principal and get the interest. If you share the profits, who knows how much money you can make in a month.

Also, are there so many guests here? Can it really make a profit of 2 million a month? Up to 1 million.

Someone guessed.

“Boss, help me pack 20 cups of milk tea,”

And a track and field girl with short hair pushed open the glassThe door entered the milk tea shop, “I want to bring back the club.”


The staff nodded to her, and immediately got busy.

“That is to say, not only can you buy it in the store, but you can also take it away directly? And the sale of takeaway seems to be better. That is to say, this store is actually more profitable than imagined?”

A class C student noticed this.

“But now some people in my class have joined, and it will take three months at the latest to collect the money and open the store. So it doesn’t need too many people. It’s not easy to manage if there are too many people in other classes. So now we only invite you to class C, if you want to participate, you’d better give me a definite reply tonight.”

“How much money have you collected now?” A class C student asked.

This is a good question. Because of playing with the girls, and Kushida-san’s propaganda that his family is rich, these students will not believe him, but if he doesn’t have some actual combat results, then it won’t work. .

“Only these.” Qinglong took out his mobile phone, and clicked on his private balance.

Well, only ten thousand.

“only these?”

This is a student of Class C, but he doesn’t look down on it, but this is the third day of enrollment. Do you already have 10,000 points?

So they were shocked.


If one person pays 50,000 yuan, wouldn’t the whole class join in?

A project that every class joins, does it mean that it is very credible? Otherwise, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka will be killed by the whole class.

“I understand.” A student in Class C nodded.

“Then I will quietly wait for your reply, but as I said before, this matter must not be disclosed to Long Yuan. I hate him, and I will never give him money, so you should not invite students who have a lot of contact with him.” , and this is the condition of your joining.”


The day before yesterday, they had seen the scene where Qingtaka Lingxiaoji came to sell information to Long Yuan but was ruthlessly rejected by Long Yuan.

So this is an enmity with Long Yuan. Really careful.

A class C student laughed.

“There are some milk teas for you to drink, not to invite you, but to consider which brand of milk tea to choose to join after we open our own shop.” Qinglong said.

Oh oh oh.

So I thought very carefully.

The students in Class C felt more and more feasible. .

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