“I’m the one who’s finally ashamed. Give me some self-knowledge!” If you get close, you can be sure that it’s Horikita Gaku’s voice.

This voice was not filled with the anger that should exist literally, but cold.

“Let’s quit school, Suzune.”

From the beginning of the pronunciation of dropping out of school, the tone became more and more cold.

Is there a ringtone?

Looking around, Horikita Suzune was indeed there. Horikita Gaku didn’t call anyone else by wrong name. But Horikita Suzune didn’t look like Horikita Suzune anymore. She leaned against the wall, lowered her head, showing a timid look, “I, I will definitely be promoted to Class A soon…”

“What a disobedient sister.”

However, at this time the student council presidentStand with your feet apart, then your body is slightly turned to the back, but your right hand is raised, the movement is slow but obvious.

As long as anyone can see it, this is a precursor to beating someone.


Horikita Suzune naturally noticed it too, but she didn’t run away, but closed her eyes subconsciously in fear.

This is really weak, Horikita-san.

Then do you want to help? The question is can you beat Horikita Gaku?

Although Kiyotaka is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka now, he doesn’t have the motor nerves of Horikita Gaku, so in the past it was very likely that he would be beaten back! But he has the strongest brain!


The flashlight landed on Horikita Gaku’s body.

This is a specialty of Neon mobile phones, and there will be a flash when taking pictures.

Horikita turned around abruptly.


But the first person to exclaim was Horikita Suzune. Because she found that her embarrassment was completely exposed to the eyes of her classmates.

But Qinglong has already come out completely. Serious about Horikita’s theory.

“I don’t know if she dropped out of school or not, but as the president of the student council for beating someone, you have to drop out of school!”

This is a kind of temptation. In the original book, Horikita Gaku still values ​​this younger sister very much.

And now this kind of beating behavior is obviously problematic, or Horikita is also testing whether her sister can survive coming to this school.

“Don’t be like this, Ayanokōji—” Horikita begged with lowered eyebrows.

Tsk tsk tsk, this Horikita Suzune acted too weakly, even if she was about to be beaten just now, she was still on her brother’s side.

But Horikita had already reacted. Originally, his back was facing Kiyotaka, but the unicorn arm in his right hand swung violently, then grabbed back, and then instantly twisted his leg up, trying to trip him up.

Kiyotaka’s brain had already reacted, but his body couldn’t keep up. His body wanted to spin back, but he was still tripped by Horikita Gaku.

And the phone also fell to the ground.

“You’re still too young.” Horikita directly picked up the phone and prepared to delete the photos taken by Kiyotaka.

But the mobile phone interface he saw was the group file of the first-grade class D group whose photos were uploaded.

Class group…

And it looks like the photo has already been downloaded once.


Horikita Gaku returned the phone to Kiyotaka.

And Qinglong sat up.

“so what?”

Qinglong laughed.

The strongest brain is indeed effective. Even if you can fight again, what can you do? Shouldn’t you be humbled?

“Delete the photo, and I will give you 1 million!” Horikita said with a deep breath.

“Deal!” Qinglong nodded. “But you have to transfer the money to me quickly, and you can withdraw the message within 2 minutes.”

“…” Horikita learned.

And Horikita took out his mobile phone, and Kiyotaka got the transfer information of 1 million in a short while.


He deleted the photo in front of Horikita, and disbanded the group.

And when disbanding the group, Horikita noticed that he was the only one in his group.

In other words, this group was just created, and he was the one who downloaded it once. It’s not something that gets the message out.

And how many students can Qinglong know when he enrolls? And how could the students build classes so quickly?

So they are defrauding him!

“It’s interesting.” Horikita said. “Ayanokōji, do you want to join the student council?”

You are also an interesting student council president.

Kiyotaka admired in his heart, because Horikita was deceived and invited him to join the student council, so this may be the attitude of the student council president.

“Then can you let me be the president?” Qinglong said.

And Horikita Suzune looked at him dumbfounded. From the beginning when Kiyotaka took a photo saying that his brother would drop out of school, and then when his brother gave him 1 million, he was speechless.

What’s more, he didn’t expect that the insurance that he uploaded to the group sharing after taking the photo was actually fake, and it was used to deceive that outstanding brother.

In other words, he cheated his outstanding brother of 1 million! Horikita Suzune had already gone shopping in the afternoon, and she learned that the points can indeed be spent as money, and one point is 1 yen.

1 million is 1 million yen, even if you become an adult, it takes nearly half a year to earn such an amount.

This guy is too scary.

And now he still speaks out the words of being the president.

“What will you do when you become the president?” Horikita didn’t completely refuse.

“Of course it is to pay the shared fund of the student union.” Qinglong said, “It is collected from each student.”

This school has three grades, each grade has 480 students.

If everyone gives him 50,000, 20 million is fine.

“Then let them express their dissatisfaction with this system, so as to stir up the election of the student council president next year, which is a disguised form of incentive for them to move forward.” Qinglong nonsense said.

“Hmm.” Horikita was taken aback for a moment.

“Then forget it.” Horikita Xuedao, “If you really want to do it, wait until after I retire.”

“But the position of secretary can still be given to you.” He said.

“Then forget it.” Qinglong said, “I’m not interested in a job that doesn’t make money but has to work. No, wait.”

Qinglong said, “If I agree, will the post of secretary be mine?”

“That’s right.” Horikita Xuedao, “I am the president of the student council. I will uphold justice and at the same time discover talents, so if you have the strength, I will give you this position.”

“That’s what you said.” Qinglong said. “But wait a few minutes.”

talking, heI made two phone calls in front of Horikita Gaku. “Yes, it’s me… That’s right. This time, I’m not selling information, but a position. What position? Of course, it’s the secretary of the student union. Joining the student union can get a lot of information. It’s very effective for the class, 200,000, you look down on me Me? 300,000? Are you sending the beggar? Katsuragi-san, please be more cautious, you want to maintain your status in class A, right? 1 million, in installments… um… Then I will change the partner and give it to me next month? Yes .So 1 million. Then wait a minute, I’ll turn on the PA.”

Kiyotaka turned on the phone’s loudspeaker in front of Horikita Gaku.

“President Horikita Student Council.” The voice of Katsuragi Kohei from Class A came from the phone, “May I ask if I can get your approval to join the Student Council under the recommendation of Ayanokōji Kiyotaka?”

“…” Horikita Xue rolled his eyes. But I held back, “Yes, you can report to the student union tomorrow.”

“Understood. President! I was a member of the student union when I was in junior high school, so I am looking forward to continuing in high school. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!” Katsuragi on the other side of the phone seemed very excited.

And Qinglong hung up the phone after saying a few more words.

“You guys love money like your life!” Horikita said speechlessly. “But the post of secretary of the student union is given to you, and I have no right to ask how you handle it. But.”

“Then Suzune.” Horikita Gaku looked at his younger sister, because just now his sister called out the name of Aya Koji Kiyotaka. The reason why Horikita Gaku knew about him was because he had read all the first-year students’ materials, and at the same time, he also discovered this Aya Kojiro. Although Xiaolu Qinglong’s evaluation was mediocre, he scored 70 points in every entrance paper, which means he intentionally controlled his points, and he might be a big boss.

He thought so, and his sister knew that Qingtaka Ayanokouji was cheated? So he said, “How much money have you been cheated by this guy who loves money like his life?”

Horikita Suzune’s face turned red all of a sudden.

But this is a shame.

“90,000.” She replied ashamedly.

The school gave 100,000 yuan, but was cheated of 90,000 yuan on the first day.

There are still 30 days of living expenses in the next month, and my sister is in Class D, so I don’t know if there will be 20,000 points next month.

“My stupid sister.” He said so. “My stupid sister.”

I really think that my sister can just drop out of school like this.

ps: Grass, there are really 1000 flowers, you are poisonous. Then ask for a reward of 1000. .

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