The three standing behind couldn't help but laugh when they heard Zhang Yuan's words, and Zhou Jun, a tall boy who walked over, said directly: "Zhang Yuan, how embarrassed you are to call Uncle Lin. They also have fans online."

   Zhang Yuan punched Zhou Jun backhand and said, "I want you to say it."

   Lin Shu looked at Zhou Jun and Zhang Yuan's teasing and found it amused, but he couldn't help but fall on the two Zhang Qiao and Zhou Yu behind.

   "It's been a long time, Zhou Yu."

   Zhou Yu's eyebrows were crooked, and he smiled and nodded, and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, but I also saw your heroic figure on the Internet."

   "That sentence is very interesting, I am not from Xiamen University, I graduated from Hunan University."

   Obviously, Zhou Yu also knew that hot search.

   Lin Shu saw that he caught the thief on the bus just before the meeting with some old classmates. He thought it was over long ago, but he didn't expect that someone would keep remembering it.

   "Don't tease me like them."

Zhang Yuan was unhappy when he heard this, and said, "Uncle Lin, I didn't tease you. I really admire you. I told you that at that time I told my sister that the thief was caught on the bus. Your handsome guy is my classmate, and they all want to know you."

"real or fake?"

   Yao Chen's ears stood up immediately, and he said, "Zhang Yuan, you also introduce me to your sister."

   "Go, go, nothing to do with you!"

   Seeing Lin Shu and others are talking and laughing, the last boy Zhang Qiao also walked over and said, "Long time no see, Lin Shu."

   Lin Shu also nodded.

  In comparison, among these people, he is more familiar with Zhang Yuan, Yao Chen, and Zhou Jun. After all, they are all in Star City. As for Zhang Qiao, there is almost no contact.

  Because they lined up at the hotel to book a place from the beginning, Lin Shu and his party went straight to the originally reserved place.

   It’s probably because my classmates haven’t seen each other for a long time, and many topics have been discussed. Of course, it’s mainly to help Zhou Yu.

   "Zhou Yu, why did you return to Star City? Pengcheng is a real first-tier city."

   Zhou Yu smiled and said, "It's close to home here."

   Zhang Yuan said directly for Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu was admitted to the career establishment of Shonan University, so naturally she will come back."

   Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Lin Shu was a little surprised. His eyes fell on Zhou Yu. He didn't expect Zhou Yu to be admitted to the career editor of the administrative management position of Shonan University. This is really very difficult.

  The key is still Shonan University.

   Lin Shu thought it was a bit funny. He was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination of Shonan University, but Zhou Yu had already gone to work at Shonan University.

   I have to say, I feel a little embarrassed inexplicably.

   Zhou Yu smiled and added, "After working, I found out that it might be better to edit a career."

   Yao Chen immediately answered, “It’s not just better. I don’t see how comfortable Zhou Jun is, my little life is nothing short of it.”

   Zhou Jun is now working as a math teacher in a middle school, and he is also staffed.

   Zhou Jun heard Yao Chen's words, shook his head, and said, "Just keep calm."

Zhang Qiao, who was sitting next to Zhou Yu, vomited: "Yes, it's just that the teacher and civil servants are comfortable. I am now the team leader of our company's project. I am the person in charge and I have long since quit."

   Zhou Jun complimented, "Okay, you, Zhang Qiao is the project leader."

   Zhang Qiao smiled and waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, but it's more tiring, and there are more things in charge, that is, I will keep doing it for the high bonus."

  As he said, Zhang Qiao couldn't help asking Lin Shu: "Lin Shu, how are you? Are you still working at that car company? Is it okay?"

   "No, I just resigned."

   "Huh? Lin Shu, you resigned?"

   Zhang Qiao looked at Lin Shu in surprise, with some doubts, and asked directly: "Have you got a good job?"

   Lin Shu shook his head, directly expressing his intention to rest for a while.

   Yao Chen directly answered and said: "He intends to take the postgraduate entrance examination again."

Lin Shu frowned. He didn't expect Yao Chen to be so careless that he would tell his plan, but Lin Shu changed his mind and said nothing, he smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, plans. Take another graduate school."

   Zhang Qiao was even more surprised. He has been working for three years, and if he goes to the postgraduate entrance examination, it is not reliable.

   "You haven't studied for three years, can you do it? You have to compete with the seniors who have been studying in school. It's not that difficult."

   Zhang Qiao frowned, as if he was not optimistic about Lin Shu's decision, and said directly: "If you have an average school, it may be okay, but if you want to take a good school, then the postgraduate entrance examination is really difficult."

   "You can't do this!"

   Lin Shu heard that Zhang Qiao was not optimistic about his resignation for the postgraduate entrance examination. He didn't know what to say. These were the truth. He actually didn't intend to say it because he knew that some people would not be optimistic about it.

   Lin Shu could only smile, and said: "Just try it, and go to work if you fail."

Before others could say anything, Zhang Qiao even shook his head and said, "It’s not good for you to be like this, really... I’ll be honest, we have all graduated almost three years ago, and it’s almost time to get married~www have to prepare to buy a house and a car, you..."

   When Yao Chen heard Zhang Qiao’s words, he couldn’t help but vomit: “Old Qiao, eat yours, don’t worry about Lin Shu about that. People have already bought a car and a house.”

When    said this, everyone in the audience was a little surprised, very surprised.

   After all, in their impression, Lin Shu's family conditions should not be very good, right? He actually bought a car and a house so quickly.

   Obviously, everyone thought that Lin Shu bought a car and a house by relying on six money bags in his family.

   Zhang Qiao was also surprised, and asked: "Did you buy the house in your hometown? The ones over there are also cheaper."

   "It's in Star City, over Jiangyuan Lake."

   Yao Chen really couldn't stand Zhang Qiao's words, and said directly for Lin Shu: "Don't worry about other people's Uncle Lin, you should worry about yourself."

   Zhang Yuan patted Lin Shu's shoulder fiercely, and said in shock: "Okay, it's Uncle Lin, you can do it, you have been a family with a car and a house after three years of graduation."

   "How about your treat today?"

   Lin Shu nodded naturally and said that there was no problem.

   Zhang Qiao was a little embarrassed, and suddenly asked: "How much do you give you at home?"

   "People buy a house and a car without taking a cent from the house."

   Yao Chen answered for Lin Shu.

   This time, everyone in the audience looked at Lin Shu's eyes really differently.

   The house prices on the riverside lake are not cheap at all, and I still took the money myself. After only three years of graduation, I actually bought a house on my own by buying a car. This is really amazing.

   Zhang Qiao's smile gradually disappeared, and he didn't know what to say. He was also surprised that Lin Shu was so powerful. He opened his eyes and looked at Lin Shu.

   What are you doing?


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