Huaqing University.

The popularity of the Olympics has not yet receded. Now there is still a program group looking for Lin Shu, hoping to invite Lin Shu to the show. In fact, as early as when Lin Shu won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, he already had a lot of trouble. Many show invitations and advertising endorsements came to the door, but it was a pity that Lin Shu had to be hospitalized because of his injury, so it was naturally impossible to participate in the show. Now that Lin Shu has been discharged from the hospital, it has also been reported on the Internet that Lin Shu has retired due to injury. information.

I have to say that this news really caused many netizens to talk about it, worrying that Lin Shu's injury is very serious, or how could news of his retirement come out. Although Lin Shu's current age can be regarded as the golden age of athletes, but There is no doubt that Lin Shu is a history-making existence in this respect, no matter what, it will not be too bad. If you choose to retire, there must be a lot of news behind this to dig deeper.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Shen is really going to retire? This debut peak, the peak period is too short, it is really a pity."

"There is no way. The athletes are most afraid of injuries, especially those who start training halfway like Lin Shu. Normal training must be very fierce. No matter what, Lin Shu is the **** in my heart."

"I hope that Lin Shu can recover as soon as possible. No matter what kind of health is the most important thing, no matter what choice Lin Shu makes, he should bless him!"

"Regardless of whether Lin Shu really retires, he always supports Lin Shen, because he is really too strong."

"Athletes are really too difficult. It's purely physical work. One can imagine how desperate Lin Shu was in the Olympics. Looking back at Lin Shu's last dive and crossing the line, the whole person threw himself out. Really Just desperate, too hard! He really is the eternal forest god."

"Regardless of whether he retires or not, I always bless Lin Shu."


There are endless topics about Lin Shu on the Internet, and there is no doubt that this is because Lin Shu, an amateur, is very popular. Under such enthusiasm, various news emerged one after another. There was news that Lin Shu would choose to take the film and television route after he retired. Some film and television companies have already contacted Lin Shu, and that Lin Shu is about to sign an Internet celebrity company, and there is news that Lin Shu will Shu is likely to apply for postponement of graduation, because he has been training last year and did not do any scientific research at all. There are also some rumors about Lin Shu and the Sports Bureau having conflicts because of interest-related issues. Choose to retire.

The key lies in this topic, and the local team of the Yanjing Sports Bureau is not letting people go, and they are unwilling to let Lin Shu retire, and want Lin Shu to continue to run for the local team in China.

Obviously these topics are very sensitive, and it can be said that they can all become different topics.

However, some of these topics do not require Lin Shu to respond at all, and there are many fans and netizens who speak for Lin Shu.

"If Lin Shu wanted to be an internet celebrity, he could do it on the bus before he had the courage to become an internet celebrity. At that time, many internet celebrity companies were looking for an appointment with Lin Bookmark, but Lin Shu refused and prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination. Not to mention Lin Shu's previous affairs with Cannibal University, he could already be an internet celebrity. People have dropped out of school to go to Huaqing University again. They didn't even think about being an internet celebrity in the past!"

"Yes, I don't know where these absurd remarks came from. You have to know that people are now winning Olympic gold medals to win glory for the country. Can you compare Lin Shen with those Internet celebrities."

"I don't know where these unprovoked rumors are coming from, I beg those marketing accounts to be personal!"

"Regardless of whether Lin Shu has conflicts with the Sports Bureau, these are all private matters. If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense here!"

"What happened to the last show, what happened to the contracting agency, so many sports stars have entered the entertainment circle, what if Lin Shu really enters the entertainment circle, they are at least handsome, kind and positive, much better than those celebrities. ."

"Could you not be born out of nothing, Lin Shu is still studying at school! I ran into Senior Lin Shu in the school library yesterday."

"Anyone who has seen Lin Shu's last desperate moment in the finals, and throwing himself out at the moment he dived and crossed the line, is a true effort. As long as you have seen that scene, you will never be so unreasonably slandered. Lin Shu."


There are lively topics about Lin Shu on the Internet, and Lin Shu also knows his rumors, because his friend Yao Chen called him and asked him if the injury on his leg was really serious, or how could it happen online? News about his retirement.

"I don't want to run anymore, I'm really tired from running."

Lin Shu didn't conceal Yao Chen, and said directly: "I also filed a retirement application report here."

From Lin Shu's point of view, he was almost running and vomiting, especially in the period of life and death in the Secret Realm of Time and Space. It was really a rush. Now Lin Shu has also completed the [difficult] level copy. He is true. Don't want to run anymore.

Yao Chen naturally supported Lin Shu's decision unconditionally, but felt that it would be better for Lin Shu to also express his views on Weibo, otherwise there will always be rumors on the Internet.

After listening to Yao Chen’s words, Lin Shu naturally took a look at some topics about him on Weibo. He couldn’t help feeling a little helpless. He quickly wrote on Weibo: “Life has different stages of the runway, and life The choice of the runway at each stage is not unique, and you still have to run to the light when you step on a different runway."

Along with this Weibo, Lin Shu also posted a textbook photo of him reading in the library.

In an instant, this Weibo of Lin Shu attracted great attention on the Internet, especially the netizens and fans about Lin Shu all liked and commented immediately.

"It turns out that Lin Shu is also reading the book "Fluid Mechanics", begging for experience!"

"Lin Shu is right. Life itself is a runway with different stages. Just choose the runway you like and go all out to run."

"Support Lin Shen, I hope Lin Shen will still step on the Hot Wheels and run all the way to the end."

"I believe Lin Shu will be very strong no matter what kind of track he steps on. He is a god, an omnipotent god."

"Do any of you doubt Lin Shu? He was admitted to Huaqing with the highest score in his major. No matter what he does, he will be the strongest. Lin Shu is a monster in my heart."

"Lin Shu supports you, ヾ(?°?°?)?? Come on!"

"Seeing that no one Lin Shu is still studying at school, touch the spirit of Lin Shen up close, bless me, I will pass the fourth level!"


Lin Shu couldn’t help but smile when he looked at the comments made by netizens. Obviously, more netizens still support his choice. Lin Shu also selectively responded to a few comments. Commented below the comment, "You are the only one who can bless you, come on!"

Obviously, this will cause a tall building to reply to the post.

Lin Shu's face was full of smiles, but what made him even more happy was that the system gave him some experience points for killing monsters.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you said the law, Haoran killed monsters in the air, and caused serious damage to the Lv1 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. Experience + 1050; 2. 107 gold coins. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you say the law and follow the law, Haoran is righteous to kill the monsters in the air, causing serious damage to the Lv1 monster rumor old monster, gain 1. experience + 990; 2. gold coins 97. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you say the law and follow the law, Haoran righteously kills monsters in the air, and causes some damage to the Lv2 monster rumor old monster, gaining 1. experience + 850; 2. 87 gold coins. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you say the law and follow the law, Haoran is righteous and kills monsters in the air...]

【Ding! ……】

Obviously, Lin Shu’s simple replies and a picture on Weibo also explain some things. Some rumors are really self-defeating. It can be said that they are invisible to those monsters. [Rumor Old Demon] has caused a certain amount of damage. He is so righteous and frank. All dark rumor monsters will be wiped out, wiped out cleanly, and light and innocence will spread to the world.

Looking at those experience points, Lin Shu smiled very happily, because the experience points for killing monsters were totally unexpected joy.

He is really amazing, but just a few words can kill so many monsters, there are so many monsters on the Internet, so happy (*^▽^*)

"Lin Shu, is there anything happy?"

Just as Lin Shuzheng was looking at those experience points happily, a familiar voice came from beside him.

Lin Shu turned his head and saw that it was Mu Yang.

Mu Yang also had a smile on his face, looking at Lin Shu, and asked curiously: "Smiling so happy?"

Lin Shu looked at Mu Yang and thought of the gift he had sent to Mu Yang anonymously before. Mu Yang should have received it all the time. He also saw the smile in Mu Yang's eyes and asked, "What about you? Do you have it?" What's fun?"

"Lin Shu, do you believe in light?"

Mu Yang didn't answer Lin Shu's question directly, he smiled and asked such a sentence, his eyes were clear and his smile was clear.

Lin Shu was taken aback, nodded, and said, "I believe it."

"I believe too."

Mu Yang’s eyes were full of smiles. Although he thought of his father, he would still be sad and uncomfortable, but as the letter said, his father would definitely hope that he could live well, and more importantly, he Knowing that even if his father is not by his side, he still loves him in his heart.

"I received a very special gift, and I like it very much."

Mu Yang was actually a little curious in his heart. This gift was given to him by his father’s former comrade-in-arms on behalf of his father, but he didn’t know which comrade-in-arms uncle, nor did he understand why the uncle had kept it until now. This gift is for him.

Hearing Mu Yang said that he liked the gift very much, the smile on Lin Shu's face deepened. Obviously this was what he wanted, and he couldn't help but smile and asked, "What gift? Who gave it?"

Mu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "It was given by a friend of my father's and an uncle. Actually, I don't know who it is."

Lin Shu twitched the corner of his mouth, wondering if he should laugh, his name is Lin Shu, and Uncle Lin has always taken advantage of others.

Lin Shu remembered again that Lao Mu planned to let him be his child's godfather, that is, to be Muyang's godfather in the Secret Realm of Space-Time Crack?

Lin Shu looked at Mu Yang, suddenly wanted to laugh, trying to restrain himself from laughing.

Mu Yang was a little confused, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just feel weird that you don't know who gave this gift?"

Obviously, Lin Shu would not tell Mu Yang who this uncle was. That was his secret, and the gift-giver was right in front of him.

Mu Yang shook his head. He really didn't know who gave this gift. If possible, he really wanted to find the uncle who gave him this gift, because the things written in the letter are true. , Obviously the relationship between that uncle and his father must be very good, otherwise he would not know that he likes Ultraman.

"Actually, I really want to know who that uncle is."

"Why do you want to know?"

The corner of Mu Yang's mouth rose slightly, and said, "I just want to ask more about my father. Just more."

"I really want to ask, why didn't he just give me this gift when I was young?"

Hearing Mu Yang's words, Lin Shu felt inexplicably uncomfortable for a while. He didn't know what to say. In fact, he already knew everything about Lao Mu, and he didn't know much more. Not to mention that what Lin Shu knows is only about the secret realm of space-time cracks. As for the differences in the old wood in the real world, Lin Shu actually doesn't know.

"However, I actually want to say thank you to this uncle for sending me this gift."

Mu Yang smiled again and said, "No matter what the reason, I am very grateful for him to give me this gift. At least I know some things and understand some things."

Lin Shu looked at Mu Yang, his eyes flashed, and he nodded with a smile, and said, "I think no matter what the reason is, he will give you this gift. He must be happy for you."


Mu Yang nodded and turned back: "Of course I know, so I really thank him very much, and I want to say thank you to him in person."

Lin Shu said silently in his heart, no thanks.

"Mu Whether you can say thank you in person or not, he won't care. If he doesn't leave his information for you, it should prove that he doesn't care. You don't need to keep thinking about it in person. Say thank you to him."

Mu Yang nodded and said, "I know."

"It's just that I also want to know in my heart what kind of person that uncle is like, is he someone like my father?"

Hearing Mu Yang's words, Lin Shu had a sense of guilty conscience inexplicably. He didn't feel that he could be compared with Old Mu, and said weakly, "Then he can't match it."

"What did you say?"

Lin Shu's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help answering: "I think your father is the best person."

When Mu Yang heard Lin Shu's words, he couldn't help but smile. Obviously he felt the same way, but Mu Yang smiled and added—

"That uncle should be the same."

"He is the same as his father-also light."

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