The latest website: [ding! Player, you have left the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】

Lin Shu didn't notice this sentence at all. He just used the [Portal Gate] at the moment when he was attacked by a cannonball and was about to leave, but that was the moment when he stepped into the [Portal Gate]. His whole person seemed to have stepped into another world.

The rumbling sound was still in his ears, and he seemed to be able to see the dust flying after the artillery bombing, which really made him feel endless fear and chill.

But now, a chill came, and the cold rain made Lin Shu shiver.

Lin Shu staggered, almost falling, and the cold icy rain fell on his face.

This coldness brought Lin Shu back to his senses. He is still on the campus of Huaqing University, and it is still raining heavily outside. He is not escaping from the **** time and space crack secret realm with the injured old Mu panic behind his back. , There is no death bullet to follow him anymore.

Everything seems to be over!

He left the secret realm of space-time cracks very suddenly.

He just left, left that battlefield, left that world, without even leaving his name, nor saying goodbye to the old wood who was in trouble.

He shouldn't return to the secret realm of time and space cracks, he and Lao Mu will truly never meet again.

Lin Shu was still holding an umbrella tightly in his hand, and looking up at the surroundings, it was still heavy rain filled with mist, and no one was visible.

Lin Shu felt a chill. He didn't want to go to the library anymore. He was still at a loss. There seemed to be those terrifying scenes in his ears, so real and cruel, fierce gunshots, bullets shot behind him. On the tree, the cry of the [Disaster Guard Doll] stopped abruptly, and the life and death of those monsters [Deadly Drug Lord], and the double monster of [Murder], and the owl bird died with blood on his face. In front of him, the owl bird was shattered by the bomb, a blood mist...

Those pictures are so clear and real, it seems that he still has the smell of gunpowder and blood in the dense forest.

Lin Shu felt that he was still very tired. He really ran for a long, long time. That exhaustion made him deeply feel that the experience of that time and space crack secret realm was not virtual, but real.

The **** battle was cruel and merciless.

Mu Tianming?

Lin Shu thought of the insider of the Narcotics Bureau he had saved, and was a little at a loss for a while. If the time and space were real, and he really saved the person's life, then would that time and space be the past time and space of the present world? , If he entered the past time and space, then the real world Mu Tianming also survived.

Although in Lin Shu's view, this possibility is very small, because the time and space he has experienced before are all specious, and many things are the same, but many are different.

Lin Shu didn't plan to go to the library anymore. He just wanted to go back to the dormitory and have a good rest.

"Lin Shu, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

Lin Shu was holding his arm, feeling cold. Hearing this voice, he looked up and it was Mu Yang.

Lin Shu was a little surprised, looking at Mu Yang in front of him, if he was right, that old Mu was really Mu Yang's father.

"You, are you still in school?"

Mu Yang nodded, and said, "I didn't go back. I still need to do data in the laboratory, so I didn't go back."

"what happened to you?"

Mu Yang heard the tremor in Lin Shu's voice, and there seemed to be something wrong with his eyes, so he asked with some worry.

Lin Shu fought a cold war and said, "No, it's okay, it's just a bit cold."

Lin Shu looked at Mu Yang and looked at Mu Yang's thin body. His face was not very similar to the old wood he rescued in the Secret Realm of Time and Space. He opened his lips slightly and asked, "Did you not want you to go back at home?"

Hearing Lin Shu's question, Mu Yang's eyes flashed, and his clear eyes flashed with a trace of imperceptible sadness. He smiled and said to Lin Shu: "No, I am alone now. My dad passed away very early, my mom. Remarried, I grew up with my grandfather, and he passed away a few years ago."

Hearing Mu Yang's words, Lin Shu was taken aback, staring at Mu Yang in a daze, and said hurriedly, "I'm sorry."


Mu Yang smiled and motioned Lin Shu not to care too much.

"Your father—"

"He is a policeman."

Mu Yang replied with a smile, that smile was faintly bitter.

When Lin Shu heard Mu Yang's words, he was naturally sure that Mu Yang was really Mu Tianming's child.

Mu Yang was a little low, and he was ready to leave without saying more.

Looking at the back of Mu Yang turning and leaving, Lin Shu did not ask how Mu Yang's father passed away. He also heard Liu Zheng say before. The point is that he has witnessed such a cruel and **** struggle with his own eyes. He is really alive. Walking on the edge of death is a specious time and space. Some things are different, but some things are always the same.

Obviously, Lin Shu saved the Mu Tianming in the secret realm of space-time cracks, but it seems that in the real world, he didn't really go back to the past to save the sacrificed anti-narcotics hero.

What Lin Shu couldn't tell was a little uncomfortable.

Obviously those battles are unknown, and the blood-stained land is still guarding the border, guarding the people on this side of the border.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Lin Shu stood there, looking at Mu Yang's thin back, thinking of Lao Mu talking to him about the excitement of his child and the smile on his face, Lao Mu always remembered himself. Child, but even if he remembered, Lao Mu still chose to fight those terrifying monsters.

Until Lao Mu died, maybe his child didn't see the last side.

Thinking of this, Lin Shu felt uncomfortable, unspeakably uncomfortable and admired.

There are many unsung heroes like Lao Mu who are fighters like Lin Shu doesn't know that he is also an unsung hero in that time-space fissure secret realm.

Looking at Mu Yang, Lin Shu remembered that he had also told Lao Mu in that secret space-time crack to ask Lao Mu to say hello to his children. Now it seems that he wants to wait for Lao Mu to greet Muyang.

Lin Shu thought of the time when his parents came to the hospital to visit him, and he also understood the meaning of Mu Yang's eyes when he looked at his father.


Lin Shu yelled at Mu Yang, Mu Yang stopped, turned around, and looked at Lin Shu.

"Your father is a great people's hero."

Hearing Lin Shu's words, Mu Yang smiled, the smile in his clear eyes was a little sad, even if it was a hero, his father never came back.

He doesn't come back anymore, and this is the real parting.

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