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   Zhang Yun didn't know what was wrong with Lin Weiguo. Ever since he sent Lin Hua to the station and returned, the whole person looked as if something had happened, and the whole person really lost his soul.

   The key is that this state is not for a while, but it's not right for so long. From time to time, I froze, my eyes were empty, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

   This looks a bit like many years ago.

   "Old Lin, what's the matter with you?"

   Zhang Yun poured Lin Weiguo a cup of tea, sat next to Lin Weiguo, and asked, "What happened?"

   "What's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

   Lin Weiguo came back to his senses and looked at Zhang Yun. His mind kept on thinking. He didn't know what to say. His daughter is now going to help the deaf and mute woman find a child. He is also looking for the man who snatched the child.

   He didn’t expect that, that person would be turned out again. He knew that the woman was a deaf and mute woman at that time. No one would know, and that woman would not say that, but now—


  Why would anyone tell the story after so many years!

Lin Weiguo was in a mess. He didn't know how things had been investigated now, and he didn't even know whether Lin Hua would recognize each other after meeting the deaf-mute woman, would he know the truth of the matter, would he know her Not his own birth, he snatched it from a deaf-mute woman.

   Lin Weiguo is really in chaos now, he has no idea what to do.

   He wanted to call Lin Hua back and stop participating in that incident, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that Lin Hua would ask him why. He was afraid that Lin Hua would know.

   Zhang Yun looked at Lin Weiguo's expression and became more worried, frowning, wondering what was going on, and asked: "What the **** is going on, don't you scare me?"

   "Did Lin draw something out of it?"

   Zhang Yun stood up abruptly, looked at Lin Weiguo and asked, "You say it! I'll call Lin Hua now."

Zhang Yun took out his mobile phone and was about to call Lin Hua and ask if Lin Hua was in Decheng and how it is now, but when Lin Weiguo saw Zhang Yun was about to call Lin Hua, he became nervous and stopped Zhang Yun's call. , Said: "It's okay, don't call her anymore."

   "Then you said what happened?"

   "No, nothing--!"

Lin Weiguo shook his head, trying hard not to appear particularly upset, calm down, and don't scare yourself. Maybe the matter is not as serious as he thought, maybe Lin Hua just happened to help out, and no one would know about it. After calming down, he said, "It's okay to paint, I'm just thinking about some business matters."

   "Don't lie to me!"

   "What did I lie to you, when did I lie to you."

Zhang Yun heard Lin Weiguo’s words and was about to say that Lin Weiguo lied to her before, but he quickly swallowed the words and said, “Then what are you so unwilling to do? I thought something serious happened. ."

   "What can happen to me."

   "Don't worry, it's okay."

   This seems to be said to Lin Weiguo himself.

   At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

   Zhang Yun got up and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw three policemen in police uniforms standing outside the door. He was shocked instantly and asked in a panic, "You, who are you looking for?"

   "Hello, this is Zhao Lin from Tancheng Police Station."

   Another policeman said, "We are from the Decheng Police Station. Is Lin Weiguo at home?"

   "There is a case that requires Lin Weiguo to be investigated."

Zhang Yun's face has changed, and it turned pale in an instant, because she heard the police say that the police station is Decheng, and she suddenly thought of the thing that she had been worried about for so many years, but still her voice Tremblingly asked: "What, what case?"

   "It's about a kid-robbing case 21 years ago."

   Hearing these words, Zhang Yun went cold all over, shook his body, and almost fell while holding the door.

   She didn't expect that she would come to her door after worrying for so many years now.

   Zhang Yun naturally knew what had happened 21 years ago, turning his head to look at Lin Weiguo with red eyes, tears fell in that moment.

   Lin Weiguo trembled, walked towards the door step by step, watching the tears on Zhang Yun's face, his heart sank at that moment, and he knew that the matter was still coming to the door.

   "Are you Lin Weiguo?"

   Lin Weiguo stiffened and nodded.

   "Here, please return to the police station with us for investigation."

   Zhang Yun grabbed Lin Weiguo's hand, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything, tears kept streaming down like that.

   Lin Weiguo patted Zhang Yun's hand, did not say anything, and walked out with the police.

   Zhang Yun chased it out. She knew that it was very serious that it was turned out, and she didn't know what would happen to Lin Weiguo.

Lin Weiguo looked a little dazed, and lowered his head. Although the whole person seemed to be a few years older and his back was a little bit squiggly, he was not particularly resisted or nervous. It seemed that he had already thought about this result before the police came. .

   Many people in the community watched this scene, watching Lin Weiguo follow the police into the police car, and they talked a lot, not knowing what happened.

  Because the case is from Decheng's side, it is natural to take Lin Weiguo to Decheng for investigation.

   Outside the Decheng Police Station, Lin Shu saw Lin Weiguo coming out of the police car, the man with the name of the monster [Ghost Tooth Po] on his just followed the policeman.

   That face is still the same face that drove him out in a short while, but it was much older.

   Lin Weiguo seems to have seen Lin Shu too, his eyes are a bit complicated, this is his daughter's friend, he has seen it before.

   But he knew that it was because of Lin Shu that it was uncovered.

  Lin Weiguo's eyes looking at Lin Shu were very complicated, but what was more complicated was that Lin Hua seemed to know about it, and hurried over in the car. When I got off the car, I saw Lin Weiguo being taken by the police to the police station.

   At that moment, Lin Hua stayed on the spot, her throat seemed to be pinched, she just looked at what she wanted to say, but in the end she shouted out the word--


   Lin Weiguo heard this sound, the whole person was in a daze, turning his head and looking behind him, he saw his daughter Lin Hua with tears on his face.

  Lin Weiguo looked at his daughter like that, and looked at the tearful and sad Lin painting. His eyes were red and his mouth opened, as if he wanted to answer the "dad", but he couldn't answer anything.

   At that moment, only tears fell from the face of the monster [Ghost Tooth Po].

   It turns out that monsters also have tears, and monsters also cry.


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