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Decheng, Sunshine Social Welfare Institute.

Like other social welfare institutes, the Sunshine Welfare Institute in Decheng adopts the "three noes" elderly, orphans, children, abandoned infants, and some disabled people. It can be said that they are all disadvantaged groups in society.

At the entrance of the orphanage, a long-haired girl, Zhong Yu, finished calling her mother Yang Jinhua, then turned to Ai Xin, a classmate next to her, and said: "My mother and I said that I won't go back tonight. It's okay, it's important to find that aunt. "

Ai Xin, with short neck-length hair and neat frowns, frowned, and said worriedly: "This hasn't been found for so long. Maybe you really need your help to see if it can be published in the newspaper and look for her."

Zhong Yu nodded. She works as a reporter at a newspaper. It is for this reason that her old classmate Ai Xin asked her to help. She used to come to the orphanage to volunteer. A deaf-mute woman with unknown origin and identity, who stayed in the orphanage for a long time, no one knew what her name was, and asked: "Is she chasing the truck again this time?"


Ai Xin felt a little heavy when she talked about it. If it weren’t for she didn’t pay attention for a while, the deaf-mute woman wouldn’t run out and regretted: “It’s all because I didn’t pay attention for a while, and she didn’t expect her to see it now. The truck reacted so much."

"Hey, I don’t know why she reacts so much to the truck. Every time she sees the truck, it seems to be stimulated. She keeps crying and yelling, very excited, she can't make any sound at all, and she keeps shouting. , And chase the truck."

Zhong Yu asked, "Don't you know?"

Ai Xin shook her head and said, "I don't know. The old employees of the orphanage don't know, either, but think she might have been stimulated by the truck before."

"I also learned that she has been in the orphanage for almost 20 years. She was really irritated before, as if she was crazy. She was injured and sent to the second hospital for treatment, and then she kept crying. The whole person was very bad. , I don’t know why I went to the police station later. I just pestered the police to sign, but no one could understand what she meant. The sign language teacher also said that not all deaf-mute people can sign language. Just like her No sign language."

"For this reason, she can't write, and no one knows why she cried so sad, or what she experienced."

Ai Xin smiled, smiling somewhat reluctantly, and sighed: "In fact, we also want to help her find her family. It was published in the newspaper before. We compared the missing persons of the security guards at the police station, but there was no news. She was Scavengers, garbage pickers. As for her spirit, she can only talk about good times and bad times, and cannot be stimulated."

"That truck should have hurt her very badly, but I don't know what it was like."

Ai Xin always remembered the crazy and sharp roar when she saw the deaf-mute woman seeing a truck for the first time, she couldn't make a sound, she also yelled desperately dumbly--


The voice really made her shiver, and the scene was really uncomfortable.

The key is that the woman has been chasing the truck, no matter who stopped it, she would struggle and cry desperately, making gestures desperately, even if no one knew what she wanted to say, she kept making gestures, kneeling down and begging...

Ai Xin shook her head and didn't want to think about the scene. It really made people feel very pitiful.

Zhong Yu actually knew about this. She had also seen the deaf-mute woman, washing her make-up and dressing up well. She was a very delicate woman, except for a hideous scar on her forehead. She was usually quiet and watched. It's no different from a normal person, except that he will go crazy when he sees the truck, and he keeps catching up to beat the truck driver.

I really don't know what it is, she has been so uncomfortable for more than ten years, and has been screaming desperately in pain.

Thinking about it makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I will find it back."


Yenching, Yenching University.

Lin Hua received a call from his father as soon as he returned to the dormitory after finishing class. He smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, I'm fine at school. No, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

"No, really no, I have enough money to spend."

"I know, you and mom take care of yourself!"

The classmates on the side listened to Lin Hua's conversation with family members, and couldn't help but smile and say, "You and your dad have a very good relationship, and he will call you from time to time."

This is the true feelings of classmates, because she really often sees Lin Hua talking on the phone with her father, and she also sends things to Lin Hua from her hometown from time to time, so that they really let their roommates follow along and eat. A lot of Shonan delicacies.

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing when he heard these words. The smile on his face was very happy. His bright eyes were full of happiness, and he nodded and said, "Yes, my dad loved me when I was young."

"I really envy you, it's your dad's intimate little padded jacket, with such a good relationship."

Lin Hua remembered what happened to her and her father when she was young, and the smile on her face deepened. Her memory was filled with the things that her father loved her. She knew from the heart that her father loved her the most, and Lin Hua could clearly feel her. In my father's heart, he has always been the most important person.

"Lin Hua, are you the only one in your house?"

Lin Hua nodded and said, "I am the only child."

The only daughter is the one and only daughter.

"No wonder! Have you ever quarreled with your dad?"


Lin Hua thought about it for a shook his head and said, “I haven’t quarreled before. My dad is a person who doesn’t like quarreling very much. He has a very good temper. I hardly see him getting angry with others in his impression. When I was admitted to Yenching University, he was actually a little worried that I went to school so far by myself, but he didn't stop me, but he would often call me to ask me how I was missing, what was missing, and he had to talk to him about anything. ."

"Lin Hua, you are so happy, I really envy you."

The classmate looked envious and couldn't help but joked, saying, "If anyone becomes your boyfriend in the future, it must be under a lot of pressure because there is such an adult father-in-law."

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing when she heard the classmate's joke. Thinking about it, she felt that her boyfriend might be really stressful when facing her dad.

The classmate asked again, "What does your dad do?"

Lin Hua had bright and dazzling eyes and a flowery smile, and replied, "My dad is now in the fruit business."

"He used to drive a truck."

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