Latest website: I don’t know if it’s because of Lin Shu’s few sentences. The law test is a hobby.

The atmosphere on the scene became very harmonious, and of course there was a hint of weirdness in the harmony.

In this way, the following interview questions have become quite simple.

Looking at the back of Lin Shu leaving, the teacher wearing glasses couldn't help but smile, and said: "If he said that in front of the law school, I don't know what will happen."

"It's just a hobby, hahaha, it's quite simple and interesting."

"It's very interesting, the point is that he speaks very naturally, haha."

At the beginning, Zhou Jie, who had asked several questions, heard this, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he shook his head noncommittal.

"His grades are quite good. Although he has no scientific research experience or published papers, he has no big problems and his initial test scores are too high."

Lin Shu's initial test results are known to all the teachers present, and it should be the highest score in the history of the mechanical engineering major.

It's really too high!

They are so high that they are teachers who are inferior to them.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty good, but I have to ask Professor Qin what he thinks."

It is Qin Cheng, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, who wears glasses, and he also involved in the field of parallel robots. He smiled and said: "It's good, but it still depends on the interview situation of the candidates later."

Obviously, the meaning of this statement is also very obvious. After all, Lin Shu's initial test scores are so high, and the interviews are not bad. Although there are no scientific research and papers, most undergraduates are like this, and rarely will be in the undergraduate stage. Related scientific research has been carried out. If there are no better students behind, no one will deliberately brush Lin Shu, a high-scoring monster.

As for Lin Shu and Shonan University, no one would particularly care. After all, Lin Shu said that that was the reason why he left Shonan and chose Huaqing.

Although the political scores of the teachers present may not be as high as Lin Shu, their political consciousness is not so low.

Lin Shu ended the interview here, and he didn’t know if he would be brushed off. After all, during the interview, the teacher Zhou Jie kept asking him some questions that made him difficult to answer, especially Zhou Jie’s job at Shonan University. graduated.

However, Lin Shu did not entangle this issue too much. In fact, he also graduated from Shonan University.

Maybe Zhou Jie will see him as an alumnus, maybe let him pass with a high score.


It won’t take long for the results of the re-examination to come out, and Lin Shu was not in a hurry to go back. After all, he has already finished the re-examination, and there is still a long time to relax. He can have fun with Yanjing first.

Lin Hua waited for Lin Shu's re-examination to be over, so he called Lin Shu the first time and asked him when he would go back and how long he planned to stay in Yanjing. Then he knew that Lin Shu would stay in Yanjing for a while, so he naturally proposed I took Lin Shu to play with Xu Hui.

Naturally, Lin Shu would not refuse.

However, I don't know if Xu Hui really doesn't have time, has some temporary affairs, or deliberately doesn't want to make light bulbs, so Lin Shu and Lin Hua have fun together, and they didn't come.

Therefore, Lin Hua accompanied Lin Shu in some scenic spots in Yanjing.

Yenching University, School of Law.

"Lin Hua, did you play with your male friend again today?"

A girl next to Lin Hua smiled and asked, "Which male friend is it? How come I haven't seen you bring it back. When will I bring it back to us?"

"Yes, it's been hidden and tucked all the time."

Lin Hua smiled and replied, "I didn't hide it, it was Lin Shu."

"I'm going, did you hang out with Lin Shu? You two really know each other."

The girls next to him were shocked. They never thought that Lin Hua actually went out to play with Lin Shu. They knew that Lin Hua and Lin Shu knew each other. After all, Lin Hua had told them before that Lin Shu was helping in the ancient city. She caught the thief and retrieved her wallet.

That's how the two knew each other, and at that time I made the classmates tease about their incredible fate.

Obviously, neither Lin Hua nor Xu Hui told the police about Lin Shu in the ancient city and provided clues to catch the wanted man, because the classmates thought her and Lin Shu's fate was nothing more than that.

"When were you two together?"

Lin Hua flashed his eyes when he heard this, shook his head, and said, "We are just friends."

"It's just a friend, would you be so active to accompany others to visit Yanjing?"

Lin Hua smiled and did not answer the question.

In fact, she had thought about it, but it was obvious that Lin Shu didn't seem to mean that to her, it really seemed to just treat her as a friend, and had no other thoughts.

This is something she can clearly feel.

This clear cognition made Lin Hua feel a little confused.


Within a few days, the official website of Huaqing University graduate students gave the results of the postgraduate entrance examination for the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2021.

Here, the results of the first test and the second test will be put together, and admission will be made according to the final ranking from high to low. The reason for the proposed admission is not a real admission, but also because there will be other changes in it, and it is necessary to adjust the students with lower grades to choose other professional opportunities.

Lin Shu's grades do not need to be adjusted.

Because the first name is him-Lin Shu!

In fact, at first, Lin Shu felt that the possibility of being brushed down was quite small, but now he was really relieved to see the final result, and he was happy instead.

His retest score was not the first, but even so, in the case of his unattainable initial test scores, his total score is still far ahead of second-placed Liu Zheng.

There is no need to have any doubts, now Lin Shu is really admitted to the graduate student of Huaqing University majoring in mechanical engineering!

He will study at Huaqing University in the future.

This kind of feeling is really indescribable. You must know that he was also under considerable pressure from Xiangnan University, and then resolutely dropped out, and then persisted in the hospital, and now he is admitted to Huaqing University. NS!

Lin Shu told his parents the good news right away. He believed that his parents would be very happy to know that he was admitted to Huaqing University.

You know this is Huaqing University!

Lin Shu looked at the Huaqing school motto in front of which was clearly engraved with "Continuous improvement, virtuous and virtuous", and he was really indescribable excitement and excitement.

He knows what these two sentences mean. A gentleman should be resolute and strong in his life, demand self-improvement, be aggressive and strong, and at the same time pay attention to virtue, strengthen virtue, and use it to contain all things.

This is where he should come!

This feeling is really great!

so happy! (*^▽^*)

He really got admitted to Huaqing University!

If he could go back in time, he would definitely tell the little boy who has been struggling with contradictions--

You are a man destined to go to Huaqing!

Ha ha!

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