The latest website: The topic of Lin Shu's recurring righteousness on the Internet is very hot. Yao Chen naturally also knows about this, and he also sent the video WeChat edited by netizens to Lin Shu.

"Great God Lin, do you think you really have a pair of demon eyes, hahaha, do you want to divide me half of your courage, you guard the world, haha, I will guard you!"


Lin Shu listened to the voice that Yao Chen sent him, and directly replied a word.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for exercising, 28 push-ups, rewards: 1. Experience +599; 2. Gold coins +59. 】

Lin Shu wiped the sweat from his face and ended his push-ups. Obviously, he has become standard in doing push-ups now. He has done 30 push-ups just now. Although the system has only 28, it is much better than before.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you insist on continuing to exercise, [Physique] attribute +1. 】

Lin Shu was not particularly surprised. You must know that because of his insistence on exercising before this, the [Power] in the [Basic Attributes] also has an additional attribute point. In addition, although he usually doesn't drive much, his current driving skills have also been improved to [eight-rate driving skills]. Obviously, skills and attributes can be improved with use and proficiency.

Lin Shu took a look at his personal virtual panel again-

【Name: Lin Shu】

【Level: Lv28】

[Level experience: 358000/330000]

[Basic attributes: Spirit 5, Strength 4, Constitution 5, Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Charisma 4, Lucky 4]


Seeing that his level experience progress bar could have been upgraded a long time ago, Lin Shu didn't hesitate to click on the [Upgrade] button behind him.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you successfully upgraded to Lv29!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully upgrading, reward 1 experience +2058; 2. Gold coins +205; 3. 1 mysterious gift. 】

Yeah! (^-^)V

He has successfully upgraded to a level again, and I don't know what kind of equipment can be exploded this time.

In Lin Shu's heart, he still hopes to be able to explode a piece of equipment that can be upgraded crazily like [Frenzy Zombie], or just a [Time Accelerator]? Or [experience doubler]?

The expectant Lin Shu clicked on the mysterious gift in his personal inventory, and then what appeared was——


Lin Shu was a little puzzled, a skill card appeared in front of him?

[Reward: Skill [Self-defense]]

Lin Shu was very surprised. This was the first time I opened a mysterious gift, and it was really unexpected that a skill was revealed.

Although rewards such as [attribute] have also been exploded before, this is the first time for the skill.

What's the meaning?

Could it be said that after using this skill card, he has the legendary man's self-defense?

With such curiosity, Lin Shu clicked on the skill card to use it, and saw a [Skills] column in the personal panel: [Nine Streams of Self-defense].


It was really a very strange feeling. He really had a lot of self-defense tactics in his mind. Those tactics were the same as the previous copy of the [four-rate legal skills], just like he had learned before.

Lin Shu tried a few gestures, although some were not proficient enough, but--

"Frustrated, flirted, smashed, sunk the bridge, sticky..."

I go!

What should I do? I feel a little bit better!

Although it's just a self-defense technique, I feel that these tricks are pretty cool, but I don't know what the actual battle will be like.

Lin Shu is a little puzzled, don't understand why it is [Nine Streams Self-defense Technique]?

Of course, although he is [Nine Streams], he doesn't dislike it at all. After all, he is also a man who once possessed [Nine Streams Driving Skills]. Now it seems that it is not bad to have [Nine Streams Self Defense Skills]. After all, his skills can also be improved.

I feel like I am stronger!

However, this is another [Nine Streams of Self-defense Technique] regarding defense, which has always seemed to be based on defense.

Although defense is very important, when you can have a few powerful skills, like some [First-class Killing Skill] skills, it should really be niubility to the top of your head.

Lin Shu was in a happy mood.

Especially now that Lin Shu's father's condition has improved a lot. Although he still needs to lie down for treatment and training, he doesn't need Lin Shu to stay by his side 24 hours a day. Lin Youjun can also call Lin Shu if he has any problems.

After the exercise, Lin Shu was going to pack food for his father, so he received a call from doctor Zhou Bufan.

"Hey! Lin Shu, I checked the records of the hospital, and also deliberately asked some old doctors who worked in the emergency department at that time and are now retired. There is no record or information."


When Lin Shu heard these words, he didn't have a particularly disappointed expression on his face. On the contrary, he was more relieved.

He has repeatedly looked for relevant information to confirm, but there is no, then the real world may really not.

If that [Ghost Tooth Po] monster is really a human trafficker, then it is only Lv1, and it may be the first shot.

I believe that the police in that world should be able to catch the low-level [Ghost Tooth Po] and retrieve the child.

Lin Shu thought this in his heart, and thanked Zhou Bufan.

He knew that Doctor Zhou Bufan must have done a lot for him. After all, he went to the retired doctor to ask questions. It must have been a lot of work, so I naturally thanked him again and again.

The two chatted briefly and then hung up.


Decheng, the unit community near the People's Hospital.

"Old man, have you heard? Yesterday there was a patient in the People's Hospital who wanted to kill a doctor, but luckily he was stopped, otherwise I don't know what will happen."

An old grandmother who was washing vegetables in the kitchen suddenly got up on the gossip of the People's Hospital.

An old man sitting on the sofa looking at his mobile phone with reading glasses, gray hair, said: "I heard, it seems that an orthopedic doctor in the hospital was almost hacked to death. What happened to the people you said now, I don’t know. What kind of madness, it actually hurts the doctor."

While washing the, the grandmother said, "Yes, it's not now. There were always some crazy people going crazy in the past."

"Do you still remember that I was at the Second Hospital many years ago. When I accompanied you to see a doctor, a woman went crazy in the hall and almost hurt the doctor. That is really... I still have it? I remember that woman was really crazy and didn't know what she wanted."

Hearing this, the old man seemed to think of something, put down his cell phone and asked, "Listening to what you said, I seem to have some impression. It was many years ago, 99 years? Or which year?"

"That woman seems to be deaf and mute, and I don't know what irritated her."

The grandmother answered, "Yes, that's why I have the impression that I have been going crazy and don't know what to say. I have been gesticulating there all the time. It's useless for anyone to pull her, and I keep crying!"

The old man vaguely remembered what happened in the second hospital that year. He picked up the phone, shook his head, and sighed.

"Oh-, it's also pitiful!"

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