Latest URL: [Frenzy Zombie: The skill is to lose the mind and go crazy. Note: Extremely dangerous. 】

Lin Shu stopped in place, staring straight at the middle-aged man walking past him. Such a monster [Frenzy Zombie] was the first time he saw it. The key is that the monster’s remarks still contain extremely dangerous things. In other words, this makes Lin Shu a little worried.

He doesn't know what kind of monster this [Frenzy Zombie] is, will it go crazy and attack people?

Lin Shu was a little uncertain, so naturally he followed this [mad zombie] forward.

Lin Shu noticed that [Crazy Zombie] was carrying a bag, and he didn't know what was in the bag. An idea came to him for no reason. Could it be that this monster is going to violently attack people?

Just after the monster entered the outpatient building, Lin Shu followed up with the lunch box. Although Lin Shu was a little uncertain, he walked to the side and said to the security guard on the first floor of the hospital: "That man feels something is wrong."

The security guard was a little puzzled, and didn't know what Lin Shu meant when he said this to him suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Shu didn't know how to explain it, because all this was just his guess.

However, there is the name of the monster named "Crazy Zombie". It doesn't look like a very simple little monster. It is also "Crazy" and "Zombie". It is also extremely dangerous. It really makes Lin Shu have a very Bad premonition.

Lin Shu saw the monster waiting for the elevator and said, "Would you like to check his bag?"

The security guard was puzzled, but listening to Lin Shu's words should have asked him to pay attention to the man, so he went forward to ask the man.

The man seemed to notice Lin Shu and the security guard.

It was really an instant, the man didn't wait for the elevator anymore, but rushed directly to the stairs and ran upstairs.

This really surprised the security!

This must be something!

If there is nothing wrong, how can you run suddenly?

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The security guard ran after him, trying to stop the man.

Lin Shu saw the [mad zombie] gaze collided with them, and then ran towards the stairs in an instant. This instant let him understand that there must be something.

Lin Shu also hurriedly put down the packed lunch box and caught up. The key to his surprise was that he saw that the monster's level seemed to have changed!

[Lv11 crazy zombies]!

No, it's still rising!

[Lv12 crazy zombies]!

[Lv13 Sick Zombie]!




What the hell!

Lin Shu's eyes widened. This was the first time he saw a monster's level soaring in an instant. This level rose straight up, soaring rapidly, it really looked like a pretty terrifying picture.

Monster upgrades are so easy!

It's really scary!


This is how many experience points and cultivation bases he has accumulated, so he can actually increase his level in such an instant.

Could it be that he suppressed his true strength, and now the seal has been lifted?

Lin Shu caught up and saw that man rushed directly to the fourth floor, and then rushed into the corridor on the fourth floor.

The security guards were also chasing after him, but obviously he couldn't catch up with the monster at speed, and he couldn't match Lin Shu, so he saw Lin Shu overtake him a few steps and rushed forward.

The security guard was panting, and was calling his colleagues in the Security Section with the intercom.

Lin Shu didn't dare to delay. Although he didn't know what the monster wanted to do, he knew it was definitely not that simple.

Lin Shu caught up and saw the [mad zombie] rushing to the orthopedics clinic, the key is that its level has broken through to [LV20].

It's really terrible!

Lin Shu's speed is very fast. The lunch box in his hand has been placed on the first floor long ago, and it has not affected his ability to draw swords and kill monsters. No, he should run and chase monsters.


Lin Shu shouted, no matter what this monster [Frenzy Zombie] was going to do, Lin Shu was already reminding the people in front.

The patients in the corridor and the medical staff saw that the middle-aged man had taken a fruit knife from his bag and rushed to one of the outpatient departments to cut it off.

The moment the fruit knife appeared, the surrounding people realized what was going on and ran away in a panic.

The doctor in the outpatient department obviously also knew what had happened, because he recognized the middle-aged man who was kicked to the ground. This was his patient.

However, the man just took out the fruit knife and was kicked to the ground by the young man who was catching up behind him.

[Frenzy Zombie] Lin Shu was kicked directly to the ground, and the fruit knife of the monster's natal demon weapon in his hand also fell to the ground.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are brave, invincible, and ruthless. You have caused a certain amount of damage to the monster Lv24 monster crazy zombie with one foot. You will gain 1. experience +10025; 2. gold coins +999. 】

I go!

This should be the first time he really used force to fight monsters.

This thought only flashed in an instant, Lin Shu didn't dare to take any carelessness, because that [Frenzy Zombie] really seemed to be mad, and was going to get its natal demon weapon.

Lin Shu didn't dare to be careless, and kicked the monster's demon weapon far away.

The monster seemed to still want to attack the doctor, it was as if it was irrational, it was really frantically going to attack the doctor in the white coat.

The key is that its level is still rising, Lin Shu is really surprised by the speed of this continuous upgrade.

I really hope that I can also upgrade in place so quickly!

Can you blow up this kind of equipment for me!

However, Lin Shu didn't need to fight the monsters anymore, the security guard rushed over and grabbed the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was still struggling and wanted to get rid of the security, but the speed of the security was not good, but he was obviously not a vegetarian, so he directly pressed the middle-aged man to the ground.

A colleague from the Security Department also rushed over after receiving news to help subdue the [mad zombie].

Lin Shu saw that the situation at the scene had been controlled and the monster had been subdued, so he really didn't need him.

Thinking of the lunch box I had left in the hall just now, I wonder if it will be taken away.

Lin Shu also glanced at the doctor in the white coat and was about to leave.

The doctor in the white coat still had lingering Lin Shu looked at the completely suppressed monster [Frenzy Zombie], and couldn't help sighing because he saw that the level of the [Frenzy Zombie] was actually rising.

Oh my God!

It's really scary!

This has been subdued, and the level is still rising, is this a plug-in? Is there such a crazy upgrade?


The Lv29-level [Frenzy Zombie] was also cursing frantically, "I **** xxx!" "I said, I'm going to hack you to death!"

Arrogant enough!

Lin Shu has never seen such an arrogant monster.

It's really awesome to be like this, and even say harsh words.


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