Latest website: The cold night is full of darkness, wrapped in the howling cold wind, making a harsh howling sound.

The truck drove out quickly, fled hastily, and drove into the darkness. The darkness was bottomless and soon disappeared.

Everything is so sudden!

In an instant it was like nothing happened.

The surrounding suddenly calmed down, and Lin Shu was thrown away and fell to the ground, a little bit painful, watching the truck disappear into the night like that, a cold wind hit like that, and his hair was erected.

This is the monster robbing children!

He knew exactly what happened. That monster [Ghost Tooth Po] must be the kid who snatched the kid. .

That man snatched her baby away!

Although everything was short, it was extremely clear, because the woman was still struggling on the ground, roaring, and crying desperately and helplessly.

The voice was really too sad and desperate.

The woman lay on the ground, struggling to get up, yelling in pain, and with her mouth open but unable to make any sound, she yelled like that, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

In the cold and lonely night, in addition to the silent shouts and heartbreaking, there is only the smell of blood and the residual cry of the child.

Lin Shu ignored the pain in his body, and ran to look at the woman. The pain made him clearly know that all this was not virtual, but terribly real.

The woman fell on the ground with bloodstains on her face and blood flowing on her head. The wound kept bleeding out. The blood flowed into the eyes, with red tears. The voice of despair and helpless crying and suppressed roar seemed to give everything. destroy.

Lin Shu's heart was uncomfortable, very depressed, and it really made him feel cold all over.

But he knew very well that the most important thing now was to retrieve the child. Lin Shu wanted to help the woman to stand up, but the woman couldn't stand up in pain, just screamed.

The woman's entire face was covered with blood and fear, like a lunatic.

Lin Shu helped the woman to sit up, took off her coat and wanted to stop the bleeding, but the woman went crazy and pushed away Lin Shu's bandage to stop the bleeding, making random gestures with her hands, opening her mouth to say something, but nothing at all Can't say anything.


The blood on the woman's head kept flowing down, holding Lin Shu's hand, and pointing to the direction where the truck was leaving, gesticulating anxiously and frantically, as if she wanted Lin Shu to help her find her child.

Lin Shu already knew that a woman was mute, speechless, and could not hear any sound, otherwise she wouldn't know if the child cried at that time.

This is a deaf-mute person.

The depression in Lin Shu's heart became heavier. He wanted to call the police and an ambulance, but he didn't have a mobile phone at all.

It is too remote and there are no people around.

Everything seemed so bleak in the dark night.

The helpless woman was struggling to move forward. The head injury was very serious. The man kicked very badly. There was a big hole on his left forehead. He swayed and fell to the ground, but he still wanted to get up. Chase her child.

The red blood flowed ticking all the way...


There was no one on the road, and after a long distance, I could vaguely see a dim yellow street lamp in the distance, and the surroundings were covered in darkness.

Lin Shu wanted to call someone to help, but there seemed to be no one living nearby, and he didn't know where to go. The key woman was seriously injured and had to be taken to the hospital.

Suddenly, a car passed by.

Lin Shu yelled expectantly, wanting the car to stop, but the car did not respond, and drove over quickly without stopping.

There are only women lying on the side of the road, and rubbish.

The smell of blood concealed the tattered smell and dirty breath of the woman, just like the tatters that no one would care about.

The cold wind swept across Lin Shu's face.

Before long, another motorcycle appeared. Lin Shu quickly stepped forward and stopped without any hesitation.

"Master, help!"

The motorbike driver was frightened by the sudden appearance of Lin Shu. He didn't know what happened, and suddenly a person appeared.

"What are you doing!"

The motorcycle driver was a little annoyed. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Lin Shu hurriedly say: "Help call the police at 110. Her child has just been snatched away."

The motorcycle driver was really taken aback when he heard this. Following Lin Shu's gaze, there was a woman lying on the side of the road crying in pain.

The driver walked suspiciously and glanced at the woman on the ground. The woman was all messed up and looked like a lunatic running out of a garbage dump, with blood all over her face, making random gestures, without knowing what it meant.

Looks like a crazy woman!


Although he remained skeptical, after listening to Lin Shu's words, looking at the wound on the woman's head and the blood on her face, the driver did not refuse, so he helped the police and called the emergency call.

"The police station? Someone robbed a child, in..."

The driver said the location.

"On Yuanyi Road, the trafficker just drove a truck, the license plate number is Hunan X12345, yes! Yes!"

Lin Shu was very thankful that he had recorded the license plate number.

The motorbike driver looked at Lin Shu's serious expression, and the woman's painful screaming and wanting to find a child, he couldn't help being silent.

Obviously, he also knew that someone really robbed the deaf woman's child.

The cold night seemed colder.

Lin Shu helped the woman stop the bleeding, but the woman just struggled, looking in the direction where the truck was leaving, trying to chase her child.

I don't know how long it took before the ambulance came first.

The woman didn't want to get in the car at all. She struggled frantically and pointed in the direction where the truck was leaving. She didn't know where she got so much energy, so she gestured desperately to tell her that her child had been taken away.

The blood has flowed more and more, and the woman's face is getting paler.

The woman struggled to scream but couldn't speak, tears flowed along with the blood, as if she had been stimulated, she cried and trembled, her mouth widened, trying to make a sound, but—


The woman's pleading eyes looked at Lin Shu and gestured wildly. The whole person was but there was just a dumb ahhh on her mouth.

The voices of despair, helplessness, and crying were wrapped in the cold wind in this dark night and dispersed.

Looking at the despair and madness of women, Lin Shu felt uncomfortable. He knew what women wanted to say, and he could feel the despair and pain of women.

His eyes were red from crying, and his mouth was still open, but he still made the sad and helpless hoarse voice.

Except for Lin Shu, no one knew what she had just experienced.

In the dark, the snakeskin bags and old baby bottles by the garbage pool seemed to have become rubbish, lying there quietly.

The woman screamed silently like that, looking at the dark direction that the car was driving into with tears.


This is a silent cry!

This is the silent cry and despair cry of the weak in the dark!

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