He was in good shape, but he wasn't my opponent anyway.

After concealing his skills, he dealt with them in a defensive and poignant manner, as in Vulcan Castle.

Again, I walked every human being, beating the devil's people.

Each time the plate is repeated, the plate is doubled. As the amount of money grew by 10,000, the Hawaiians could not dream, and even the Lieutenants were overwhelmed.

I've allowed a lot of people to join together to make bets, and I've also allowed them to cooperate, and I've pinched them and I've pinched them again.

Then, the humans possessed by the demons entering the backyard of Alcantara Castle were as lonely as the humans.

After the 10th edition, a million humans fell into my possession.

The sun went down. I left the backyard without registering anymore.

“Lucifer. Where are you going? ”

“Are you fucking running away? ”

As I moved my steps, many demons vomited their vomit.

“Huh! They're funny. Is there any law here that says you can't win and leave? Do you think you can leave this place until you die? ”

“You've gone too far. It's not the limit you can see. ”

All the demons in the backyard look at me and let out their hostility.

If I had been a normal human being, I would have had tremendous momentum and life that would have been torn apart, but it would have been of no use to me.

“Then come out if you have a one-on-one right now. I'll deal with it.”

But no one came out.

“Look at this. There's no one-on-one, and I yell. ”

The Demons turned their eyes, but the swearing was not stopped.

“But don't worry. You little bastards. I'll deal with you until there's no more volunteers. But today is the end of it. I have to go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow.”

I took a step.

Immediately at the exit, a new demon tribe appeared and shouted with a fierce voice.

“Hm! Where did you go? ”

It looked like a dragon, and it was about 30 meters in size.

However, with his appearance, all the demons in the backyard were as quiet as rats in front of cats.

I wanted to do something else, but from my point of view, it was there.

“All right, so are you. If you want to deal with me, I'll see you tomorrow morning. I have to wash it first. As you can see, I've been rolling the ground against you all day. ”

“How dare you! Ignore me? ”

I said it was small, but at least 30 meters of it swung my hand, and a nail bigger than my great sword swung my place.

I quickly fell to the ground and avoided the nails. My body fell into the dust and became dirty, but that was the whole time today.

I woke up like a lightning bolt and stabbed him in the chest, and there was a translucent membrane on the path, blocking the Great Sword. It was a magic barrier.


The Magic Barrier breaks and his body hurts and blood splatters.

“How dare you! ”

He flies up to the sky with his wings open.

‘V…… Les? ’

I shot Bress in the star of Darius and quickly blew myself up.

I wasn't the only one. All the demons in the backyard looked at him, and everyone blew up.


Ultra-high pressure water gushed out, destroying everything I touched.

It was an immense power that could not be imitated by magic when the earth was dug to a depth of more than 30 meters. Definitely Bress, the dragon's wholesale patent.

“Bress? So you're Hatzling? You. Are you the son of Alcantara? ”

“Yes, I am the Chogantara. He is the son of the great lord Alcantara. ”

Somehow, despite Phoenix's assurance, there is a man who ignores all the rules and attacks. He is the ruined child of Alcantara.

“I am one of the six articles in Buchan. Even if you were Alcantara's son, you wouldn't be able to handle it like this. ”

“Hahaha. Hahaha. That's funny. I heard that Buchan has five knights, but I've never heard of one like you. ”

“Today became the 6th article. If you check it out, it's a good thing. ”

I hoped things wouldn't get any bigger. But this wretched kid didn't.

“Huh! You should. I don't care. I never thought that Vulcan could be compared to my mother's name. Just die here! ”


Bress was shot again. I flew away and avoided Bress.


Bress burst out again. Scrolled the ground anxiously, avoiding all three breezes.

I stood up and cried out in the middle of nowhere.

“You. I'll make you realize how weak Hatzling is without Bress. ”

“Huh! With that filthy crowd? ”

I held the Great Sword and threw it at him.

He didn't back down, but pulled out his fingernails and threw them at me.


Our fight ended with a loud voice. Something huge fell from the sky knocked between us and had to step back in the shock waves and bounced mud chunks.

After the mud sank, it was the tail of an adult dragon.

‘Hm! I've been watching, but Hatzling is wearing all the bresses? ’

I already knew his existence.

Ever since Hatzling appeared, I've been detecting a massive manatee mass in the backyard.

It was a massive mana mass that we wouldn't have if it weren't for the dragon, and it stopped us.

“Enough. This is it. Chogantara. Stand down. ”


Chogantara memorizes the spell with a sharp expression. A young boy appeared who only wanted to be 12 years old.

“The Demons of Human Origin..... Are you from Lacuntea Forest? ”


“Hm! The Raccoon Thea Forest captures monsters like this. Leave. I will forbid you from glaring at my castle. Whether it's the gladiator or the backyard. ”

“I got it. I've already seen the bowling alley. ”

“Hm! Cocky guy. How dare you talk to your mother like that? My mother will fix your head. Of course, with death!”

Kids in front of their mothers often do things outside their abilities. In that regard, Hatzling was the same.

I drew a sword with my head closed.

But I couldn't forgive a cowardly surprise because I was in front of Alcantara.

I lifted the Great Sword and drew it diagonally. Rider of the Raccoon Thea Forest, ONLY One Light!

Spatula! His forefoot falls with a sound.

“Stop! Recovery! ”

Alcantara's magic was fast. I took my cut off foot with magic and memorized the healing magic.

I didn't interfere with magic. I left a warning instead.

“Kid, you shouldn't get involved in adult work. ”

I left a word behind and took a step.

It was then. A great life overwhelmed me.

“Who said you'd like to go? ”

A huge manna that was clean and pure began to turn. Immediately, I became a dark magical force full of anger.



All the demons in the backyard flew everywhere. It seemed that Alcantara often made a fuss about running away from me without looking back.

“You. If you dare touch Hatzling, you'll know what happens! Water pound!”

Cowd et al.

The ground shook and split around the backyard, and the groundwater rose. How quickly the water fills my feet, the water instantly fills my feet, and I can't reach the ground.

“Mass Water Hurricane! Go destroy the world. ”

A massive water column rises over a dozen times over Alcantara's spell. Each of them began to spin around with tremendous rotation.

But they didn't stop there, but they merged one by one, and the speed of rotation began to multiply. Later, the blade with the sword on it became scary enough to cut it off and turned towards me.

It was a devastating attack that could not be fought without drowning.

“Levitation Flying!”

My body floated into the air and flew like lightning, avoiding the blade of water.

“Huh! How dare you use magic in front of me? ”

“Air four! ”

In an instant, the air clumps and creates a clear shape. A spiderweb-shaped net overwhelmed me.

In fact, I could have stayed naked, but then I could have shot myself.

I had to use something he could understand. There was something that came to mind. Heavenly Horse Self-Protection!


My body was covered in blue light. The blue light throws out its own light and forms gloves.

“Don't..... Magic Armor? ”

Alcantara exclaims in surprise.

“Huh! That's ridiculous. This is self-defense. It's self-defense that uses Mana to protect my body. ”

I tried to deny the magical armor until a strange rumor came to light.

The magic armor that I heard from Pyroco was the top technique used only recently by the Demon Monarch, even the dominant Demon tribe. So I was mistaken for the magic armor, so I became famous for my horse machete.

“Hm! If it's not magic armor, there's nothing to be afraid of. ”


I threw up the moxa bress.

I moved quickly to avoid Bress. But I couldn't do everything I had, so I hit Bress.

But the self-defense force was able to stop him for a while, so he was able to hold on until Bress was finished.

“I just gave Hatzling a nasty warning. If you hit me again, I won't stand still. ”

I shouted consciously after stopping Bress, the dragon's greatest weapon.

“Hush! It's too late to yell. Does this look like all of me?! ”

At the end of the spell, the giant dragon is gone.

And what appeared instead was a human-looking monster about two meters thick.

She has long blue hair, but her body is covered with an unmatched armor that looks strong. Beautiful beauty and barbarity were exquisitely combined warriors.

“Paul..... Remov? ”

“Huh! Polymorphs are for dragons. Ancient dragons like me are different. This is how you can use your power as a dragon. From now on, there will be no waste of power. Ocean Halbird!”

The water that filled the floor was immediately sucked into her hand. Then there was one two-handed axe that emitted blue light.

“Hmmm...! ”

I was forced to vomit. The Halbird in her hand was a condensed water that filled the squadron.

Literally, Halbird weighs millions of tons. Its power would be enormous, as if it were watching fire.

Nevertheless, when I saw her standing lightly, it seemed clear that she was the ruler of the water.

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