Is it just the Riches? You mind if I come in? ’

The Green Dragon, who had already wandered through the entrance of the cave several times, decided to go inside.

It was only the Riches inside, because they thought they could overpower it enough.

I stepped inside with the preparations of 10,000 people.

“Get the fuck out of here! ”

One Richie screams and lightens nervously.

At that moment, however, a photozombie suddenly disappears, and an oak jumps in like a flash.

Spatula! Richie's neck falls out lightly due to the movement of an oak that fires the oramaster.

But at that moment, the Green Dragon realized that everything was wrong.

The moment I put my foot inside the cave, the presence of a giant demon who could not feel anything outside pressed him. It was not just a demon, it was the dominant.

‘Stan..... Is it true that this place was also a magical enchantment to hide its existence? ’

It was. It was enclosed in a magical enclosure that hid the Demon presence, like a secret door.

Thirty demons surrounded him, and the dominant Demon Zorkan was slowly approaching him.

“Are you the ones hiding at the secret door? ”

“Uh-huh. Yes. I don't know how you found me so quickly, but thanks to you, I can bring the Devil back. Your manahart will be used to serve the Demon King. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. ”

“Wait. Let me ask you a question. What does the Silver Dragon have to do with you? Is the Silver Dragon also a Demon? ”

The Green Dragon desperately asked.

“Uh-huh. It's hard to be that stupid. How can a Silver Dragon be a Demon? We're just making a deal. ”

“What kind of deal? ”

“Uh-huh. You go to hell and find out for yourself. Hell Fire! Earth Quake! Rock Golem..... ”

The dragon's magic strategy unfolded again the day before.

* * *

‘It's time to get in touch..... ’

The red-haired man is restless. I've waited another 30 minutes, but when I don't hear from him, I open the dragon's emergency contact network.


Something, Red?

Actually, I was going to investigate the monster continent the other day and asked Green to do it instead. I said there was a suspicious place.... We haven't heard from you so far.

Red told the story the other day.

Okay, let's mobilize the dragons. You don't go first. Wait till we get there. Do you understand me?

Got it.

Dragon Rod Assitar, who received an urgent answer from Red, contacted the Enhanced Dragons of each race. Then he opened his subspace.

Asitar saw a part of him lying asleep in it.

"Huh! You were sleeping peacefully in this situation? There's no reason for such a flabby person to be a phony. ’

He shook his head and called out.

Kim! Get up.

“What's going on? ”

I intend to go where Goldie is supposed to be. Would you like to come with me?

“Let's go.”

Get on my back. But you look a little tired. Ripuresh!

Fresh energy burst into the body. But my fatigue was the mental fatigue I had in my dreams.

That wasn't it, Cam Down!

It only lightened my mind.

“Thank you.”

Hahaha. I thought I was tired because I was sleeping, but my heart must have been heavy. Gasena. Let's get Goldie.

I quickly climbed on Isiltar's back.

* * *

Likewise, the dragons began to be seen as soon as they flew at great speed.

Hundreds of dragons gathered in the Sucane Mountains, including the five dragons of the Ancient rank that I saw in the kingdom of Stuart the other day.

Listen. The Green Dragon Falsenir, who was chasing after the Devil's trail here in the Sucane Mountains, is gone. It is beyond the dragon Falsener, drawn by the power of the Devil in any way. Do not move alone, but move two by two and scour the monster continent. If you find it, don't fight. Stand down and contact me.

The dragons began to mate without hiding the tension when Falsener said he had disappeared without a sound.

Hundreds of dragons mate and spread to a vast continent. If not for the purpose of finding Goldie, he would not have been impressed by the spectacle.

But for now, I just wish Goldie hadn't died, please.

“I'll look it up, too. ”

Hahaha. Please wait. More than two hundred dragons have been released in the Sucane Mountains. It'll be quick to find.

“It's better to keep even one hand.... ”

Can you research your manna? It also means the Hidden Trap set up by the Dragon.

There would be nothing to find, but it would take as long as the field was different. I had nothing to say.

Look at that. If you were helpful, I would have told you to do it right away. I know you're strong, but for now..... look at that. I've already heard from you. Come on.

All the dragons gathered together in a fierce atmosphere.

It was a cave of rocks where a lightning zombie roamed.

Five representatives shoot Bress and the other dragons are all on standby. Gold dragons spread evenly and prepare for demon attacks.


Isiltar's orders were swift.

When the five breezes are shot in one place, the whole mountain of rock is shaved off the hills. It was truly unprocessed.

The whole mountain flew away, revealing the magic camp that concealed the dark magic energy.

Oh my...!

Oh my God...!

E……. That's ridiculous!

Many dragons spilled their invasions in unison.

Do not be agitated. You must aim for the moment when the enchantment breaks.

“What's going on? ”

I asked Isiltar.

This is completely different from what we saw in Krutu's Emperor. It is the skill of a dragon, which is incredibly good at completing.

‘De... dragon? Are there any traitors among the dragons? ’

* * *

Inside the cave just before the dragons gathered.

“Jortan, the dragon. The dragons are swarming. ”

One of the oramasters, who was watching the outside with a Wizard child, yelled.

“Huh! It's too late. I already have two manaharts. This is not enough. ”

Behind Zorkan was Fiberinna. There, the heart of a giant green dragon was split to the size of a human being.

There was also a huge Manahart, roughly one cubic meter in each hand of Zorkan.

“I'll ask you again. Are you ready to avenge the Crultu Empire?

“I'm ready. Giorgan.”

“Are you willing to put an end to those wicked people? ”

“I'm ready. Giorgan.”

“Are you ready to fight until the day you destroy the dragons? ”

“I'm ready. Giorgan.”

Thirty knights of the Krutu Empire shout for help. Their hearts were filled with grievous hatred for the revenge of the families who lived in the Emperor.

The day the dragons came to find the secret door under the Crultu Empire, Jorcan teleported them all here. And what I did after teleporting here was I shared Wizard's child with them.

The dragons pour breezes into the empire's empire. They did not give us time to flee, nor did they call on the Emperor to tell the truth. The Emperor and his descendants, together with the inhabitants of the Emperor's Castle, all disappeared.

That day, in fact. The Emperor of the Krutu Empire is gone.

“Are you willing to destroy them, no matter what you sacrifice? ”

“There is. If we can eradicate them, we can do anything. ”

It was Schreiber. His voice was filled with grudges.

“Good. Give blood and lie there. I will use summoning to give you the power to exceed the Black. ”

Thirty of the knights took their fingers with their respective prepared fangs. Dropping a drop of blood in the middle of the enchantment, he went to the ready place and lay down.


The mountain flew away with tremendous vibrations. A chip came into the dark cavity.

“Huh! You're late! Sharpness!”

A sharp energy originating from Jorkan's hand spread to the place where the knights lay.

The energy of Sussex Furan was a young boy who passed by the knights and lay like a doll right behind him.

Less than five years old, the children lost two cavities or raw materials to the magic of Zorkan.


When the blood of the children rises and falls, light bursts from the place where the blood touches. Strangely, it was a dark black light, but it felt like it was glowing.

When the blood of the children was poured out and the whole magic camp was soaked, the magic camp sucked the blood with a dark glow.

“Uh-huh! That's the end of it. Hhhhhhh.”

The manahart that Jorkan was holding in his hand was placed in a circle in the middle of the enchantment.

Two manaharts were sucked in and the black smoke boiled up.

The smoke contained a great deal of hatred, sadness, grudge, and grief, and a strong feeling that just being there would drive me mad.

Smoke sucks into the nostrils of 30 people like a living creature.

I wanted everything to happen in an instant and everything was over, but it wasn't over.

Still more smoke was seeping into Schreiber's nostrils. More, more. I was sucking in like crazy that I couldn't miss the last one.

“Uh-huh. Yeah. He was just as special as you. He cut his own children and absorbed the dark magic. Heheheheheh. But you didn't know. It was not all a means to give you power, but a ritual to summon the Demons. Hhhhh!”

The mountains shake and the enchantments shake in response to Jorkan's laughter.

But at that moment, 60 eyes flashed and threw up light.

Thirty knights opened their eyes. Their eyes were all black without any white masturbation. Yet it was shining like a lie, and it was throwing up its eyes.

Thirty knights got up on their own and wrapped themselves in dark magic armor. In their bodies, the dragons were overwhelmed with oil.

But the last thing that took place was Schreiber.

The tide that flowed out of his body was stronger than all the others combined.

Jorcan cries with his knees bent.

“Are you here, Demon King? Welcome to the world. ”

29 other knights also cried out on their knees.

“Hahahaha. Hahahaha! This was the 17th man in the universe? ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. This land will be your new territory. Your Majesty.”

“Hahaha. Well done. As expected, human beings have thin ears, so it was a good way to send someone with weak powers to use their head. ”

It was a Zorkan who could capture a dragon, but in front of the Demon King, it was just a powerful, hairy one.


The magic camp exploded with a tremendous noise.

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