Even if I just sleep, I get stronger

Sleeping alone makes me stronger 124

I teleported to a different tribal location, guided by a sentimental tribe.

“Chief Salani. How could you bring a human here..... ”

The Zur tribe leader Mandi protested to Salani as soon as he saw us.

“Hahaha. I know what you're thinking. But they're fine. These are the Knights of the Faith who came from another planet to defeat the Demon King. Look without prejudice. ”

“No matter how much you say it, isn't man an animal of desire? Moreover, our tribe is because of humans.... ”

But Mandy's words had to be cut off. It was because the Saint who was hidden behind his back greeted him with a greeting.

“Good morning, Chief Mandy. Forgive my rudeness. These are my guests. ”

“Ah…… Argh! Hey, I... I... ”

The Zur tribe leader Mandy couldn't talk without sweating.


Only after Salani recited it to Mandy's ear did Mandy's mouth open.

“Saint, are you here? Mandy of the Jur is here to see the Saint. Welcome, Saint. Hahaha.”

With Mandy bending his back too much, the Saint also bends his back equally.

“Yeah, I'll see you in a minute. ”

“Yes. Hundred…… No, it's only been two years. Hahaha.”

Mandy sweats excessively with an awkward smile.

“I'm sure the guest I brought isn't in the way, is it? ”

“No way? Hahaha. If you're from another planet, it has nothing to do with the human beings of this star. So there's no grudge against the tribe. Welcome. If you are a guest of the Saint, you are also a guest of our tribe. Hahaha.”

“Hmm... Hmm...! ”

Suddenly, Salani coughed in a 180-degree attitude, Mandy quickly added.

“Ah! Don't get me wrong. The Saint is the savior of our tribe's life. When the plague struck our tribe, if the Saint hadn't just passed by here, all of our tribes would have died. Thank you again. Saint.”

Mandy looks at the Saint and bends his back deeply.

“Ah! I see. Saint's compassion and magic touch the sky and touch the ground. Hahaha.”

“Of course, of course. No one can follow the healing magic based on Saint's divine power. Hahaha. Hahaha. ”

Lucifer adjusts to the mood of sluggishness, and then goes back to the flamboyant mood.

That's how Tongyeong came and went.

“How are things over here? There seems to be no battle at the moment. Isn't the Demon Monarch coming? ”

“What are you doing, Saint? It's very polar these days. We had a big fight yesterday, so everyone just stepped down. They'll be here again tonight. ”

“Then the Knights of the Trust will be of great help. You can count on them. They're reliable. ”

“Of course. Even the Demon Monarchs, who were after the Glass Tribe, were wiped out at once. These are great people.”

“Hahaha. That would be a nag. It must be Saint. Then I will pay my respects to the Knights of the Trust for this evening. Hahaha. Hey. What are you doing? Make room for the Knights of the Faith! Bring me some food, and bring me all the beer in the warehouse. ”

The Dwarves around the beer ran away without a single word.

When there was no one left around except Mandy, Mandy began to make excuses for being awkward.

“Hahaha. It's funny, right? Our dwarves can't use a dead man for beer. After what happened in front of the hot furnace, a beer was the stigma of life. I can't touch a glass after the Demon Monarchs have arrived. They all do that because they're spiritual ghosts. Please understand. Hahaha. ”

“Yes, it's worth it. I understand. Hahaha. ”

Lucifer, who was also accustomed to political dialogue, received the words.

After a while, the dwarves bring a huge amount of beer. A little exaggeration was the amount you could shower with beer.

After Mandy's humorous laugh, a huge banquet took place.

The Dwives drank as much as they would drink.

We also drank beer in a wet atmosphere.

Nevertheless, there was nothing to worry about when I was drunk. The basic stats were also very good and known to hunters because after using any skill, the spirit disappeared completely.

“Isn't that weird? The neighborhood is full of saints, and no matter how much you vouch for us, it's an incredible drink during the war. ”

Lucifer lowered his voice and asked.

“Worried? You believe in the Saint's magic. And he's a life saver. ”

“Huh! I wish you were simple. There's something about this. Clearly. I need to take a good look at the Saint. ”

“Doubt is also a disease. Lucifer. Wouldn't it be a little more believable if you were a more powerful wizard than Hummel, the best wizard in the kingdom? At least nine circles. ”

“Is that so? ”

Lucifer starts to think of something with a smile on his head.

“Kim? What do you think of Lucifer? ”

The Saint's voice was heard right behind him. Looking back, the Saint stood with a beer cup in his hand.

“Hahaha. The Saint loves beer, too. ”

I raised my hands and emphasized that I was holding a drink in both hands.

“Bloody! I don't carry two glasses, though. Here! Take this from Kim. ”

The Saint gave me one hand.

“I came because I needed someone to drink with. As you can see, the dwarves drank so hard. I think my clothes are full of booze. ”

The Dwarves were right about pouring beer into their mouths.

At first, it was fine, but after a few beers went in, it was pouring pleasantly everywhere.

“What do you say? Would you like to come with me, knowing the scenery here? ”

“Yes...? ”

I opened my eyes in astonishment.

“Bloody. Are you going to pretend to be surprised? Is that what I hate? I'm attractive, too. ”

“Ah… no. Let's go. Let's go. Here we go.”

Exactly! The Saint bounces his finger and makes a sound. Then I and the Saint came to a completely different place.

“Oh my...! ”

Above the cliff, the resilience was too chaotic to come out. Thanks to it, the view was very open.

At the origin of a river that cuts across a vast plain, the greenery of mountains on one side and green fields on the other seemed peaceful.

I felt like I was seeing a photo of a travel agency advert that recommended a healing trip.

“Hey, it's really nice here. It's great to have a drink and a beauty with good scenery. The only regret is that there are only two beers. ”


I laughed lightly, as if the Saint didn't like it. Then I bounced my finger again.

Exactly! A beer appeared behind me with a sound.

“There's nothing to be afraid of now, is there? Right?”

The Saint smiled a little.

“That's right. Hahaha. Hahahaha.”


It was really weird.

I laughed strangely at nothing without a fresh mate. Perhaps Saint had a magical power to hold a man.

Looking at the landscape, the Saint asked me about this.

“I think I'm having a hard time. It's actually a weak drink. It's hard to stand still. It's too bad to wash with magic.... Can I count on you? ”


The Saint leans on my shoulder and raises a glass of beer.

A fragrant inner voice tickles my nose.

“This is really nice. Will this place change after the Demon King takes over the land? Nature is what it is, right?”

“Nature will be the same, but don't change people or monsters or animals. The land occupied by the Demon King is full of hatred and hostility. because the negative emotions that exist in the heavens and the earth just exist. because they combine to form dark magic, and dark magic has these horrible emotions that drive creatures crazy. At first, it seems like nothing, but over time, resentment, hatred, hatred and sadness accumulate. And that's just stacking them up, not forgetting a bit. Over time, you become more hateful and hateful. ”

“That's scary.”

“Yes, there is no forgiveness, so even if you are a child and a parent, you will hate it more and more over the years. Most people even hate their babies before they're born. ”

“So, why do you have kids? ”

“Instead of love and faith, domination by fear, desire, rape, and possession. ”

“Ha..! It's scary. I can't believe a world like that is coming. ”

“Yes. It's a world where ordinary people turn into monsters. ”

“Hmmm...! ”

I was forced to shed a heavy drool.

“Ho-ho. Don't take it too seriously. Kim's not gonna let this world go, is he? You didn't come here to do that? ”

“That's right. ”

“Okay, then. Let's not have a dull story. Let's have a better one. ”

“What is it?”

“A love story. Once upon a time, there was a girl. The girl loved the story of a white horse knight from an early age. So I decided to marry the knight on the white horse later. But there's a problem. ”

The Saint hung up on me and looked at me. It's like asking me to.

At this point, it's a fox...

“What's the problem? ”

“There were so many white horse riders in the world. It was only because the nobles bred white marble varieties because they were cool. ”

“Well, it's not a big deal, is it? ”

“No, it was a big deal. So the girl put one condition on a real white horse rider. ”

I stopped breathing a little again.

“That knight will save my life! But that's another big problem. The girl prayed and prayed to God harder than anyone else to meet the knight on the white horse. In the meantime, I became a believer, and I became a saint, and I became so strong. More than the best wizard in the kingdom. And I wandered around the world looking for a knight on a white horse, and I finally found a knight who saved his life. ”

The Saint smiled widely and said,

I can't believe you've been showing me such kindness all along.

“So you're going to marry that knight? Just because you saved yourself? You don't even know who he is? ”

I pretended not to know.

“No, so I'm going to find out now. We traveled together and defeated the Demon King. ”

The Saint shook my arm.

“Well, I guess we should travel together. ”

“Yes, I am. By the end of the trip, the girl will know who the knight is. ”

“What if the knight has someone he loves? ”

“Oh, no way. Did he get married already? ”

The Saint stood up in astonishment and asked.

“No, it's not, but maybe there's one girl you meet? if you're capable and good enough to get in the girl's eye. ”

“Well, love is moving. Well, if the knight on the white horse says no, the girl will be sad. But it's sadder to end without a challenge, isn't it? It's really hard to find an article to save a girl. ”

I thought the Saint was as beautiful as a man.

And I also remembered Eunah. Am I the bad guy? Or were we really busy?

I was frustrated with the cool landscape.

“Oh my! Can you call me Goldie now? I hate the name Saint. ”

“Let's think about that a little bit. ”

“Bloody! You're really expensive. ”

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