[Kim Il-hwan Lv.95. Free stats (56)

Force: 41 Reaction Speed: 41

Mental Health: 262 +591 HP: 41

Mana: 8530 HP: 410 DEF: 41

Retention Skills: Master, Master, Fantasy, Master (Master, Special Function Disappearance) Organ (Master), Oran Extension (1292.8%), Ora-Master (1194.2%), Reaction Speed Increase (114.5%), Detection (1.5%), Hill (2.7%), Tanking, Striking (431.5%), Hidden, Followed, Voice of Battlefield.

Wearing Artifact: Mana's Blouse, Bleach Gloves, Breakthrough Ring, Blink Ring. Giant Golem's Mana Bracelet. Legendary Grand Destination's Armguard.]

‘I also had experience. By the way, BullKay is incredibly strong and his EXP is amazing. I can't believe I climbed 14 leps at once. ’

I smiled at the black in front of my eyes.

From the Grand Master, he drew three times as much power as the stat, so he climbed 42 leps at once.

No matter how black it is, this would not have been expected.

“What? Do I still have to wait? ”

“I'm done. I'm done.”

I distributed 56 free stats evenly. And the power amplified tenfold by the magic armor twisted within me.

‘Hm! I'll surprise you. Black!'

I wanted to see the embarrassing face of Black.

“Master. Do we still have to wait? ”

“Okay, here we go. This business!”

I cast the skill combination with all the power I could pull out, imagining Black's blundered appearance.

Black waits for my Great Sword to reach the ground and swung it instantly.


Only two swords hit, and a shock wave struck with a tremendous sound.

Fast, fast, fast!

The shock wave, which looks like a large sphere, instantly enlarged its appearance.

The shock wave turned over and disappeared, a huge earthquake within a 100-metre radius of us, and the sky was full of dust.

It was reminiscent of the mushroom clouds I saw on TV.

“This... this...? ”

I was surprised.

The ground was dug about 30 meters deep around where I and Black stood.

It wasn't like the five dragons made it together the other day, but the topography changed so much that it was called a genius.

“Don't tremble! ”

Black wiggles the sword.

Then the dust that filled the heavens and the earth was sucked into his sword for a moment like a lie.

Kung! The dirt that was sucked into his hands is hard and falling down like a rock.

“What are you talking about? How are you talking about this? Was it possible for humans to do this? ”

“It is not a human power. You've already looked for traces of God left in you. Nervous training.”

Oh, my God! How could you do that?

I couldn't hide my excitement. I couldn't believe it was made by my hand.

But a word of black chills me out.

“At your level, I will catch a dizzy dragon. But I can't fight the whole dragon like I did in the past. The fight against the Demon King is more than death. ”

The lump of fire in Black's helmet was more agitating than ever.

“Part of it. Let's train the muscles. A peek at the power of God. ”

“It's okay. I'm not doing that. I need you to find another way. ”

“Not the power of God to deal with the Demon King. Why don't you know that? ”

“That should make sense. Would you be stronger in such a bizarre way? ”

“Ugh! Let's just hit it! That's right! That's how strong it gets. ”

Black shoved a sword at me.

I swung the Great Sword in haste.

But! The black dust in my hands has turned into scattered dust. It was just the end of its life with a previous strike.

But Black's sword is still alive and beaten me.

“Ugh! Ugh! Wait. Ugh! Sword. Evil! You don't have a sword. Ugh! Evil!”

I quickly ran away and shouted.

Black came after me like that and shouted as he lost.

“That's because you don't have the skills. If you gain the power of God through muscle training, you will be able to defend your sword. If you and I had used the same force, we'd have a crater that's about 200 meters in radius. You need to train your muscles quickly. ”

“Hey! Are you a hypocrite? What's with the muscular training?”

“Only the power of God can defeat the Demon King. ”

Black's beatings were indeed heinous.

While I was beating him, he put his forehead up to his nerves and hit me in a row.

“Ugh! This is evil! No! Ahhh! Even the sword! Give it to me! Argh!”

“If you don't like it, start muscle training. Then I'll give you a sword and pay you a respectful price. It also informs you of skills you don't know. Master!”

“Enough! Kill me instead! ”

“If you want!”

“Argh! Argh! Arghhhhhh!”

The Black Sword moved more prominently than ever.

To me, hell has spread.

* * *

“Argh! Argh! ”

I couldn't stand the beatings of Black. I escaped the dream.

“You're awake, Knight of the Faith. ”

She was a saint. She was still guarding my side.

“I think I had a nightmare. ”

“Ah... Hmmm. Did the Saint treat me himself? ”

“Yes. My divine power is the only thing that can control the heat of the Spirion. ”

“Thank you.”

“Don't say thank you. You're the one who saved me. Rather, I was grateful. Kim."

Does it make you feel bad? The Saint's cheek seemed to have been red for a while.

There were only two men and two women, so I was forced to slash the Saint.

For some reason I felt guilty, and the Saint was staring at me with a compassionate glance, as though this situation were familiar.

I felt thirsty and frustrated because the Saint's eyes were looking at me like nothing else.

“Well, can I go? ”

I woke up and got dressed in my Zucchini Island clothes.

“Ah! Yes. If you're ever uncomfortable, come visit us. Because the power of the Demon Mouse Spirion can only be controlled by divine power. ”

“Yes, I do. ”

I quickly got up and moved my steps to where the Knights of the Faith were.

* * *

“Part of it. Are you okay? Did you suffer while I was gone? ”

Soichiro welcomed me.

“Yes, I'm fine. Now that you're here, I'll be more comfortable. ”

“What power do I have? ”

And when everyone saw me, they came together and asked for my regards.

“Hmmm...! Hmm!”

I heard a cough in the back. Looking back, the Knights of the Krutu Empire were gathered.

“I heard the Knight of the Faith happened and ran. ”

The first to go was the masters who seemed to have been in a reversal.

“Shriever. Apologize to Knight Kim. ”

“Sorry, Knight of the Trust. I was rude. ”

“Hmmm. Strange. I remember you two being there at the time. ”

“What do you mean...? ”

“If you knew it was rude, why didn't you dry it then? ”

“Too much talk. ”

“I came to you with a good heart, but you're not doing too much? ”

Knights of the Krutu Empire blush their faces.

However, the two masters did not turn back for nothing. They were so lazy.

“I get it. I apologize, too. It's all our fault. Forgive the rudeness of that day. ”

“Hmmm. It's cool to say that, but it's too bad. ”

“What do we do? ”

There was a subtle power in the voice of the masters of the reverberation. The other day, they gave their shame to the Knights of the Faith and threw them out, and they couldn't stand the sound of this.

“Retreat! I want to retreat with Knight Schreiber and Lucifer. Of course, the winner takes over the armament, just like he used to. The loser should use this place. You have no objection, do you?”

They were knights of the Krutto Empire who were secretly giving their face to my repeated proposals, but a smile burst out in an instant.

“Hahaha. That's it. ”

“I have an objection. ”

Looking back, the Saint stood with a resolute expression.

“What...? ”

“This is where the faithful servants of Artemiers are staying. This place cannot be inhabited by those who do not serve Artemiers. ”

“Saint. What does that mean? ”

“Losing Vimu means you can't offer this place. We'll have to find a place to live separately. What, you guys have nowhere to go? ”

There is an unpleasantness on the faces of Knights of the Krutu Empire.

But the two masters thought differently.

“Hmmm...! Okay. Well, it all depends on the outcome of the nonsense, doesn't it? Do you really need to talk about this right now? Let's start with the rain.”


I answered confidently.

“Lucifer. You sure about that? ”

Belzev and William asked worrisome questions.

“Don't worry. In the meantime, the level has risen a lot and the skills have increased. ”




Lucifer's answer is that Crultu's knights burst into thin air.

Today, I'm the one who dealt with Bullkay and showed great strength, but they usually took pride in being the continent's strongest knight.

However, it was only funny that the opponent who once showed a difference of skill felt confident a few days later.

“I win. I win unconditionally. The eyes of the wind sing of your victory. ”

In the meantime, it was the words of Galatasaigo who performed a short spell.

“Huh! How dare you defile the souls of a stranger with such a spell. ”

“The eyes of the wind do not lie. Shriver lies on the ground today. ”

“What..... what? ”

Galatasaigo's words were a metaphorical expression that even the Earthlings could not understand, but Krutu's knights did not accept.

It was a great insult that the Grand Master, Schreiber, was about to roll the ground.

“Huh! That's funny. Where do you get all that crap? ”

In an instant, pride fights spread.

But the masters of the two counter-revolutionaries did not control them.

I was the only one they admitted. Lucifer and the rest of the trustees were just shaking.

“Here we go. ”

Lucifer steps into the center of the quarter with a shield and a mace.

“Let's do it well. ”

The shriveller also pulled out the sword and went forward.

With a relaxed walk and a comfortable smile, he could see that he was still wet with the winner's spare time.


With the start, the two weapons emit white light.

Lucifer swings his mace, and Schreiber teases the sword as lightly and sophisticatedly as before.

Kang! Kang! Kang!

Three beeps exploded in an instant.

Mace, who was caught by the edge of Schreiber's sword, slipped and bounced, took a completely different path to me.

The Shriver's sword, which was about to spill only a small amount of its path with less power, was fried all over the place.

Shriver had to avoid Mace by making haste.

“Huh! You had a corner to believe in. ”

Schreiber is a Grand Master. Suddenly I realized the difference and swung the sword gently.

Oh, shit! Quack!

The Mace and Sword hit each other, throwing up elongated flames and great noises.

The workshop continues fast enough that it cannot be chased by the eye, and tense tension flows.

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