Even if I just sleep, I get stronger

Sleeping alone is stronger. 115.

Lucifer faces an opponent named Schreiber.

Lucifer is the Grand Master.

If the Ormasters are sensitive to their Ora, the Grand Master will feel beyond himself to the Ora and Manas around him. You can naturally guess the other person's level.

Lucifer feels the opponent's aura is unusual. I also thought I was good at coming out instead of Belzev.


“You seem to be up to something. ”

“What are you saying? This old man? He is the strongest man on earth. Don't make excuses because you've lost, you've lost, you've seen the wrong person. ”

Belzev raised his voice.

“Hahaha. Hahaha. Is that the strongest thing on Earth? Hahahaha.”

“Oh, my God. How weak are the Demons? You said you had that kind of skill? ”

Knights of the Krutu Empire started laughing openly.

“Be careful!”

As soon as Lucifer started, Mace and his shield were pulled out.

His Mace, emitting a white glow, danced contemporaneously and freely from the start. I hit Schreiber with a bizarre amount of change because I wasn't free.

But Schreiber was not embarrassed by such peculiarities. I miss his mace just by slinging the sword.

A bulldozer-like Lucifer with a cold retreat and a slight comb of mash.

Even the idea of harassing the opponent with a small amount of power seems certain to win or lose.

In fact, Schreiber was about a dozen years ahead, but when the differences in imagination overlapped, there seemed to be more than three or four differences.

Belzev grinds his teeth. William did the same, and Galatasaigo and Thor opened their eyes in surprise.

Soon more than a hundred men passed, and Schreiber retreated and drew his sword like lightning.

I'm fine! Lucifer bounces back with a tremendous sound.

Through the gap, Schreiber draws his sword and slashes it.

I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fine!

The sound of iron bursts in a row, and Lucifer starts to step back. Even in power, it was pushing.

I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fine!

Blood splattered in the armpit, which continues. Then, at some point, Schreiber suddenly retreated.

“What are you doing? Why are you stopping? ”

Lucifer yells.

“Huh! Is it worth it? You're already a loser. Look at your breasts!”

Lucifer looked at his chest. There were X's wounds and they were bleeding.

Poop, poop!

Lucifer grinds his teeth.

William quickly stepped up and poured the potion. It's because of the scars that will hurt the pride of a lifetime, even though there are no disruptions to life.

“Get lost! This is the place of the winners. I don't raise losers and thieves. ”

Schreiber shouts confidently.

The Knights of the Faith and the Knights of the Stuart Kingdom were thrown out of the Army as if their faces were raised and their teeth were bitten.

“Damn it. Even if I was part of it. Powder!”

Galatasaigo grinds his teeth and finds a part.

* * *

It wasn't what I meant, but I was with my mother when I came to Earth.

I slept on the couch eating three meals my mother gave me.

I met Black in my dream, rubbed it again, and when the time came, I got up and ate.

Once again, the strongest version of my humankind began.

I sent her comfortably elsewhere, but my mother didn't think it would hurt again.

“Honey, look at the part. I'm so upset. How hard would it be to fight at Darius Star if I only ate and slept at home for three days? ”

My mother closed her eyes.

“Mom, too. It's not two days a day to sleep. After listening to your brother, it's different from Earth, so all the people are fighting together. Don't worry about it. ”

“This is it, really. My brother went to war, and you're not worried? ”

“Hmmm. Yeah. Mom's right. You're on a battlefield where you don't know when the bullets are gonna fly. No wonder you're worried. ”

“Bloody, so is my dad. My brother used to sleep all day. After I became a hunter, I only slept at home. Mom, you remember me, too, right? Did your mom tell you to look at the strongest tree in the world? ”

“But this is really important. You don't have any blood or tears? The brother who went to war looked at the tree. You're cutting the allowance. Half the allowance is due this month. ”

“Mom, don't you think that's too much? ”

“What are you doing too much? Your old money is making money fighting with your life on the battlefield.... ”

My mother was just a tree, no matter what grace said.

It's grace. I don't think you're too big yet. My mother's heart is always like that.

I closed my eyes again. Khhhhhh.

* * *

Three days later, I entered again through the 5th Dimension Gate.

“Welcome. The Knight of the Faith.”

“Yes, well done. ”

I greeted the Dimensional Gatekeeper and went out to the brig. The Stewart Kingdom will be informed by the steward, but I had to inform the other hunters that I was back.

There were 15 knights there who had not seen it.

“Strange. I thought you'd be here? ”

I took a step towards the listing, knowing that there was no face I knew.

“Hey! There, young man. I can't believe I'm praying. Yes. Are you the Knight of the Trust? ”

“Exactly. Who are you? ”

“Me? Hahaha. You don't know me. I am an Ora-Master from the Krutu Empire. What do you think? Do you want to do it again? ”


“Yes, Vimu. I've been rubbing with the Knights of the Faith here, but I can't even unravel because I don't have a new ruler. Apparently, you're a Knight of the Faith too. Can you get us out of here? ”

I don't think that's what you're talking about. It's rubbish. I wanted to press my nose about once from the first face.

I tried to go forward with the Great Sword.

You can't.

I heard Hummel's urgent voice.

Welcome. I'm sorry to greet you like this, but please don't mix the sword with them. The Knight of the Trust.

If Hummel said so, there would be a reason.

“Oh, I'd love to, but what do I do? Stop being so busy right now. I'll do it later. So long.”

I turned my step and tried to get out of the armory.

“Hahaha. Where did you learn such a habit of grasping the sword? Very well learned. Very patient. I'll live long. I'll live till I shit on the wall. Hahaha.”

“What a relief. You're so good at saying that because you're old. I see you've had a lot of experience. Elder. Can I add a different experience today? Lost.”

I turned around again and scratched my impression. And I put my hand on the handle of the Great Sword.

“Ho. You have a temper. That's nice. Come here. I'll teach you how to do it. Hahaha.”

No. It is unfortunate that you teach such fools. The Knight of the Trust.

I decided to ignore Hummel's words and tried to pick out the Great Sword. That's when the woman's voice came in.

“Knight of the Trust. This is urgent. Please come. Are you all right with the Knights of Krutu? ”

Looking back, Goldie was standing.

“Hahaha. Of course. If it is your will, take her with you. You can look at it slowly. Hahaha.”

The old man replied with a big smile. I definitely felt like I saw Saint as a woman, not a Saint.

“Go, Knight. ”

Goldie grabbed my arm.

“What? Why did you dry me? ”

“I can't put pearls around a pig's neck. They are also blocked by walls. If you rub with the Knight of the Faith, you can pierce the wall like Sir Smith or Sir Jeremy. Such teaching is a luxury for such fools. ”

“Hmm. Wonderful. Who could have stopped the Demon King from getting stronger? ”

“I am known as the Apostle of God, but I do not even love those who have forsaken Artemias for their own good. ”

A face with a determined attitude. I couldn't tell by the looks of it. This woman, who looks compassionate without one, is also a traitor.

I followed Goldie into the temple.

“Long time no see.”

There were all the knights of the faith gathered together.

“What happened? Why are you here? ”

“No big deal. I lost the all-armed bet. ”

Lucifer said.


“Yeah, they're pretty good at what they do. ”

“Part of it. You're looking for an armoured man. I can't stand it because it's unfair. ”

Galatasaigo was furious, he said.

“No. Galatasai. Some of them have been up there for 30 years. It would be unpleasant if you got more skills to fight a part of this. To us, and to the kingdom of Stuart. ”

Lucifer was colder than I thought.

I came up with one idea.

Khh. It's a Korean proverb that Lucifer is patient and fruity. Be patient. Khhhhhh.

Lucifer seems a little pitiful, but what are we gonna do? Who's getting hit like that?

“What? What are you thinking? Are you going to kill me like that? ”

“Nothing. Lucifer, avenge yourself more than that! ”

“What...? ”

“You can be strong and avenge yourself. Don't you think?”

“Hahaha. What did you say? It'll take some time, won't it? ”

“I don't know. It might not take much..... ”

“What are you talking about, anyway? It's not even an Eastern preface. Tell me so I can understand. ”

“Well, let's go. It'll all work out. Hahahaha!”

“Soichiro, Empress Hong. Do you understand?”

Lucifer asked the same Orientals.

“I don't know?”

“I don't know.”

What were they saying, too?

That night.

[Dream-hyun, Chomong. 4 skills: Fantasy, Dream, and Fusion are activated.

Place: Stuart Kingdom armoury.

Casting Level: 73

Summoned by: Black. Lucifer.

The caller sleeps to activate the skill.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero!]

Lucifer found himself standing on the brink of the kingdom of Stuart.

But something was wrong. The place was familiar, but there were no stars, no soldiers and no knights of the Krutu Empire.

I wanted to be alone in the world because it was so generous.

Suddenly, popularity appeared.

“What... what? ”

Lucifer surprisingly picks out the Mace when he sees the presence of Death Knight.

The horror felt in his body felt like he had a dragon in front of him.

“I am a knight who defends the kingdom of Stuart. He died and became a Death Knight to succeed. When I saw your fight during the day, my fist burst into your dreams. ”

“What? Guardian? Is that possible? ”

As Lucifer, it sounded unbelievable.

“Huh! Pathetic. If it were not possible, would I have appeared in your dreams? I can't believe we got so badly beaten up by the people of the Krutto Empire. Stuart's body fell to the ground because of you. I will train you, so avenge them. Do you understand?”

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