Even if I just sleep, I get stronger

Sleeping alone makes me stronger.

“Really? Are you trying to harass me? I've been distracted by my nerves ever since. ”

“Huh..! Don't you know because you've been through this? That's how strong you've become. Your body is now moving as you think. Even if you were a Grand Master, you'd already have a little wrist twist. ”

“Then let's ask one thing. Are you familiar with this training? ”

“Absolutely. I learned nothing by casting it on myself. So in two years, there were no opponents among humans. ”

“Three-- oh, my God! You learned that horrible thing by spreading it yourself? Is that possible?”

“Huh! Do you learn nothing without that much understanding? I don't have the heart to remain unmanned like that in the world. If you start this king, you have to see the end. ”

It seemed genuine. No, I'm serious. That damn black guy must be serious. So I created this ridiculous method of training.

“But that's not it. No matter how much you control your muscles, you do your exercises while you walk away. ”

“If we don't do that, we won't be able to pull out the power of God in our bodies. ”

“No, that's not the power of God. It's just the power of the muscle. ”

“No. Why are you sleeping with the potential of human muscle? Surely God created man after seeing himself. To go beyond the Demon King, the only hint to God's power is to better understand our bodies. ”

I was forced to tremble. It was because he knew his objectives.

“Are you..... trying to defeat the Demon King? ”

“Yes, I couldn't win for the Demon King, but I saw possibilities from you. The possibility of having the power of God. I am already a Destiny and can no longer develop. It means you can't use it if you want to do it for me. ”

Black raised his voice as if frustrated.

“Phew... let's quit. Stop it. This is not it. Do I have to stop the Demon King by myself? You can fight with the dragons and win. Don't you think?”

“No. Even if you join forces with them, you cannot defeat the Demon King. That's why the dragons are chasing the treacherous site of the Demon King. I can stop you from being modern here by interrupting your summoning ritual. So I can't say that I truly escaped the horror of the Demon King. ”

“I don't know! That's enough for me. All you have to do is join forces with the dragon to stop the Demon King from conquering this world. ”

“Huh! Coward. If you don't have the heart to defeat the Demon King, don't summon me. ”

Black turns around and sits down. As if I have nothing more to do with it.

* * *

Ever since that day, I summoned him together, but Black no longer talks to me.

But I couldn't do that bizarre thing to my body, so I didn't speak with my voice.

However, as Black did to me, I stimulated my nerves to make them as sensitive as possible, then practiced ONLY ONLY ONLY LIGHT and practiced again.

It was seven days ago.

“Come out! Come out! Come on!"

The urgent Soichi bounces out of the dimensional gap with his voice.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shock waves have been transmitted with tremendous noise.

Looking for the cause, Smith, Jeremy and Lucifer were hanging on one of the giant monsters.

From time to time, I saw magic fire and a magic shield protecting them. Hummel seemed to be fighting together.

“He came suddenly. The fight started when I screamed to kill the soldiers and give out the Knights of Trust. ”

The monster has horns in the shape of an ogre and a dinosaur-like tail.

The beast's abilities were not surprising, and even the three Grand Masters and the Eight-Circle Wizards were defeated.

Above all, sometimes I put a sword in the monster's body, but it was only a small sneeze that ended.

It was the first time that a creature was not cut off as an oramaster except for a thousand horses or black horses.

“You or I don't seem to have anyone to work with. ”

“Yes, well done. ”

I left that word and cried out as I entered the battle.

“I'll take the right. ”


Lucifer, who was about to move from right to left, was struck by a monster's fist and bounced back.

Fortunately, a magic shield appeared between his fist and Lucifer and protected him, but the magic shield was shattered. Flying at such a fast pace was worrying about life.

I hurriedly jumped and swung the Great Sword.

When Lucifer disappeared, the monster's attack was focused on Smith and Jeremy.

Flash! Flash!

Surprisingly, the monster was facing Smith and Jeremy at the same time, but he was receiving my flash.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I poured the flash more quickly in a row. Then he turns his head and turns to me.

But thanks to Black's training, I was still able to speed up. I started swinging the Great Sword more and more quickly.

Then his eyes became more and more bitter, and he spit something out of his mouth.

I avoided it by writing a BLINK. It was surprisingly hot to throw up from his mouth as he retreated.

But he threw fire all over the sky in a row to see if he didn't think he should hit me.

Everyone retreated, avoiding the fire.

But that wasn't the end. The fire he throws up falls to the ground and burns without going out.

The surrounding area instantly became a sea of fire, vomiting the heat of eagles. I wanted to be like this if there was a hell of a deterioration.


With Hummel's voice, there was a blizzard, but the sea of fire did not disappear at all. It only cooled down.


Hummel's spell froze the earth. But!

Ten seconds later, all the ice melted and the fire burned again.

“Don't... don't be ridiculous! ”

“Undergraduate studies!”

He shows his embarrassing Hummel teeth. Probably laughing at us.

Lucifer rushes and shouts.

“What is he? What's so strong? ”

No one answered. At that time, an unexpected woman's voice answered.

“It's Vulcan! One of the Demon Kings. The more heat, the stronger the force. When the sea of fire is complete, it's twice as strong as it is today. Blizzard Storm!”

Hummel's blizzards and ice columns hit the sea of fire.


A tremendous amount of water vapour gushed out and the ground cooled down in a moment.

Looking back, a beautiful blonde woman, who doesn't seem to exist in this world, stands with a long staff. It must have been the magic this woman shot.


Bullkan throws the fire again. Immediately the sea of fire was being rebuilt.

“Leave the fire to me and fight. Wizard, all magic below 8 circles does not work except physical magic for the Wizards. Blizzard Storm!”

The woman casts a blazing clan Blizzard Storm and evolves a fire.

Flash! Flash!

I successively blew a pleasant sword to gather his attention, and each one attacked him with his own rubber.

But he was still not pushed out of our fight. Even though the Ora Master was a huge body that stopped him, we had to fight to avoid constantly throwing up fire.

‘Oh, my God! Four Grand Masters and at least two Circle Wizards. What kind of bobbing is this? How strong is he? And when there's a sea of fire, the ship gets stronger here? ’

I realized that the opponent in front of me has a different dimension than the opponent I've ever seen.

I needed stronger skills. So I used a new skill that has been cleaned up. Only One Light!

The Great Sword sparkles.

The monster instinctively swung his arm to block my flashes. But!

Kung! With a heavy sound, the right hand of Vulcan is cut off and thrown into the ground.

At the same time, the fire is rising! Khh!! Khh!

I had to avoid it urgently because Vulcan had used me as a target.

I could have stopped him with a magic armor, but I didn't want to be a puppet of instinct.

“Avoid it! Blizzard Storm! ”

In front of me, the fire of hell blows Blizzard Storm behind me. When I blew up, the two of them hit in the air and started to struggle.

Vulcan gave up on chasing me and devoted himself to stopping Blizzard Storm.

I swiftly used the Blink to blow the Great Sword forward.

Bullkan dares not turn the fire on me in the face of Blizzard Storm, but swings his arms and stops me.

ONLY One Light! ONLY One Light!

Every time the skill is unfolded, his arm is cut off. Then a great sword fell on his neck and his neck fell to the ground.

Phew! Tons of black smoke are thrown out and scattered into the air. It was an enormous amount that was completely different from the amount you could see in Des Nights.

For a moment I could not forget the sweet cheer of dark magic and looked at the smoke.

Even though I can't absorb it because I'm not wearing magic armor right now, the memory of the previous day was so sweet that my heart was excited and pounding and I was sweating all over my body.

“There's a Richie about three kilometers northwest. Catch him. If he summons the Demons now, he will be hit with nothing. ”

I ran along the woman's voice.

Upon arriving where she said she was, she exhausted the myocardium and found a rich one that fell to the ground.

He became so weak for some reason that he couldn't even hide the dark magic he shed.

I cast the magic armor. I was filled with the dark magic that was wielding in me.

When I swung the Great Sword and cut Richie's throat, a black mist emerged from Richie's body and sucked into me.

Ahhh! I fell into joy again in an instant. I was filled with a tremendous amount of excitement that forced me to call my whole body.

But because the sheep were so small, the moment was so short. I turned back with regret, releasing my magic armor.

It was then.

Pot! A presence appeared in front of my eyes as the space grew. That was a beautiful girl.

Headache! Headaches!

As soon as I saw her, my heart beat.

Brightly shining shining gold blonde with white-skinned, mild-looking eyes with contrasting energy, and small, red-lipped lips. A slender, slender figure. Everything was perfect.

She was like a living statue. I didn't think I was born, but someone thought that I had finished my work by trimming and trimming it for years.

“ ……! ”

I felt like she was looking at me and saying something, but nothing came to my ear. It just felt like time had stopped.

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