EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 562: troubled sarah jones

In the past six months, the border of the free camp has been very difficult.

The southern star field, the eastern star field, and even the central star field have been harassed endlessly by Xinyindian. The plundering of various resources is still a trivial matter, and the most important thing is that morale has become very low under such harassment.

Coupled with the heavy forces of the Carlsonian civilization, three star fields were captured in a row, and even the portal leading to the interior of the free camp was in danger.

Moreover, other lines of defense have also been attacked by justice and order, which makes it impossible for the free camp to digest the star field that it captured at the beginning, and has also fallen into continuous wars, which makes many warlike free forces The camp civilization has become very war-weary.

And all this also made Sarah Jones feel a lot of pressure. Now her desk is full of requests for help from border defense forces every day, which is very distressing.

In the end, Sarah Jones decided to use the old method, the defense zone rotation!

Separate the defense areas in the border area, and change the defense every three months, so that the entire free camp can participate in the civilized defense change.

This can not only reduce the pressure on the border, but also conduct actual combat training, killing two birds with one stone.

After approving an application for border fleet supplies, Sarah Jones couldn't help stretching, and Adrien Black Flag rubbed her shoulders with a distressed expression.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't need to work so hard. If you go on like this every day, your body will collapse sooner or later."

Feeling the strength on her shoulders, Sarah Jones squinted her eyes comfortably and replied: "Since I have ascended to this position, I must fulfill the corresponding responsibilities. The life and death of nearly ten thousand civilizations are in my hands. It should."

Looking at his daughter-in-law's tired face, Adrien Heiqi only hated that he couldn't do anything for her, and couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

And Sarah Jones frowned when she saw an incoming message, as if dripping water.

"What's the matter, daughter-in-law?"

Seeing Sarah Jones who suddenly became very dignified, Adrien Heiqi asked suspiciously.

Sarah Jones handed the information to Adrian Black Flag, and said: "We have news about the fifteen wormhole civilizations that have lost contact during this time."

"That should be a good thing."

Adrian Heiqi asked with some doubts while receiving the information.

In the past few months, fifteen wormhole civilizations have lost contact with the freedom camp.

Originally, this was not a big deal. After all, due to the celestial phenomena that appear in the wormhole from time to time, it is common for the wormhole civilization to lose contact for a period of time.

It's just that as many as fifteen appeared at once this time, so Sarah Jones was caught and ordered to investigate.

And after seeing the information, Adrien Heiqi's boy hole suddenly widened, a little unbelievable.

"The fifteen wormhole civilizations have all been turned into no man's land, all space stations and colonial planets have been destroyed, and no survivors have been found?

These fifteen wormhole civilizations were wiped out?

how can that be! "

This wormhole civilization is not the most powerful fleet in the universe, but the safety is definitely the highest!

After all, except for the wormholes occupied by demons and angels that can enter and exit the flagship, the other wormhole entrances can only enter and exit battleship-level battleships at most. In addition, although the wormhole entrances and exits appear immediately in the main space , but the existence time is only less than a day.

In other words, even if the entrance of this wormhole appeared in the enemy's territory immediately, the attack window left for the enemy was less than one day.

Moreover, this wormhole will also be affected by the shuttle of the battleship, resulting in a reduction in its disappearance time.

Even if it was a bit of a bad luck, the wormhole happened to appear in the galaxy where the enemy was heavily assembled, allowing the enemy to respond in time, and the entrance and exit of the wormhole were very stable, able to support the entry and exit of large-scale fleets.

However, these wormhole civilizations all exist with dreadnought fleets and small aircraft carrier fleets!

Once the flagship is blocked at the entrance of the wormhole, no matter how many conventional fleets the enemy comes to, it is impossible to guarantee that even their demon civilization can break through the blockade of a medium-sized wormhole civilization with the help of a conventional fleet, let alone destroy it completely up.

At the beginning, the demon civilization once attacked a wormhole civilization of justice and order. At that time, it dispatched more than a dozen conventional main fleets to attack, and successfully broke through its blockade.

But in the end, this civilization directly used large-tonnage warships to annihilate the wormhole in advance, and more than ten demon fleets were trapped in the wormhole, and finally was forced to death by this medium-sized wormhole civilization. In the wormhole.

So for the destruction of the fifteen wormhole civilizations in a row, Adrien Heiqi's first reaction was to not believe it. When did this wormhole civilization be destroyed so easily?

After continuing to read the information, Adrien Heiqi speculated and said: "Daughter-in-law, do you think these wormhole civilizations have migrated?"

This intelligence report reported that among the fifteen wormholes, all the space stations in them just disappeared, and it was not clearly stated that they were destroyed. Another possibility is that the anchors were released and migrated.

Moreover, except for a few scattered fragments detected in these fifteen wormholes, no large-scale wreckage sites were found, so Adrien Heiqi wondered whether these fifteen wormhole civilizations would secretly choose to migrate out.

Listening to Adrien Heiqi's speculation, Sarah Jones also frowned and nodded, it is not impossible.

But looking at this information, Sarah Jones always felt a familiar feeling, but couldn't say it.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sarah Jones couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think about it any more, but said to Adrien Heiqi: "Husband~www.readwn.com~ The border has been fighting for a long time recently, plus these fifteen bugs The loss of contact with the cave civilization has caused the morale of the entire freedom camp to be somewhat low.

I plan to take the fleet out on patrol some day, what do you think? "

"Okay, you just want to relax, don't be bored here all day, I will go with you when the time comes."

For Sarah Jones' idea, Adrien Black Flag naturally fully supported it.

"Is there a patrol target? I also take security measures in advance."

Sarah Jones thought for a while, then pointed to a point on the star map and said: "Then this is the Sigma Starfield, just to solve the problem here."

After looking at the star map, Adrian Heiqi nodded silently.

During this period of time, Peter Yugudis and Carlson's coalition forces have been blown up to the sky, and they look like they can only rely on them to destroy the free camp. He can also just test whether the strength of these guys is worthy of this Overwhelming publicity!

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