EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 501: Destroyed (Part 1)

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The Limo-class Titan, which was transformed into a missile system by Estamel Tell, instantly released missiles all over the sky. The missile rain curtain formed by these missiles became bigger and bigger in Hurt Rupert's pupils, and then accompanied by With the sound of violent explosions, they fell into endless darkness.

Gu Tu looked at the spaceship that was blown to pieces under his own doomsday, and suddenly spit out a bad breath in his heart, and couldn't help but screamed up to the sky.



Estamel Turton slapped him on the arm, looked at Gutu dissatisfied and said: "Hey, big man, now that you have taken revenge, then you have to go back to the domain of the source, after all Consciousness transfer can no longer be performed now.

If anything happens to you, my lord will definitely trouble me by then! "

After transforming these power-level titans, Stoneman immediately dispatched them to quickly support Tuwan Os and others. Before they arrived, they learned that Brian Gerdora was about to break through the center of the Eastern Commercial Complex. After hearing the news from Star City, they rushed to this remote galaxy to wait for the arrival of Hutt Rupert and others.

As for why this secret retreat route was known, it was due to the huge intelligence system established by Aura.

Originally, Shiman didn't want Gutu to participate in this operation. After all, this guy is technically retired now, but he couldn't stand it because he kept begging Estamel Ter, and then got impatient Esta Mel Tell had no choice but to take it with him.

The reason why Gutu begged Estamel Ter at the beginning was to expose his hatred in the Battle of the Buveden Starfield. Now that he killed Hutt Rupert with his own hands, Estamel Terr Immediately began to catch people.

Looking at the wreckage and debris scattered across the starry sky, Gu Tu nodded with satisfaction, and then drove a shuttle to return to the domain of the source.

After seeing Gutu leave, Estamel Ter thought for a while and stopped Gutu.

"Big guy, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"It's not safe for you to go back alone. You have to pass through the territory of several forces along the way. I will send a squadron fleet to take you back."

In response, Gu Tu nodded with a silly smile.

After assigning a squadron of regular fleets to Gutu, Estamel Ter no longer delayed, and immediately led the fleet to jump towards the hyperspace of the Chell galaxy. He had to assist the second fleet of the Shadow Serpent Completely strangle the enemies in it.

Looking at the super-flagship team of the foreign legion that has disappeared, Gu Tu had a bright smile on his face, and said proudly to several people in the squadron: "Did you see, Sister Ai cares about me!"

"Yes, sir, we should go."

"That's right, we have to pass through the territory of several forces along the way, so it's better to leave early!"

Because they had to **** Gutu back, which also made them miss the battle to personally destroy the eastern commercial complex, so these fighters who had just become clone pilots felt a little uncomfortable.

Now they only want to **** Gu Tu back as soon as possible, if they can't guarantee it, they can come back and have a drink of soup!

As for Gu Tu's feelings, they are not in the mood to eat melons now!


On the other side, following the destruction of the central star city, Brian Gerdora also immediately transferred the fleet, gave up continuing to attack the central galaxy in the Birel star field, and went to support Tuwan Os, preparing to completely Wipe out all the organized fleets of the Eastern Commercial Complex!

"Third, hurry up and start the induction, I'll be right over!"

Listening to Brian Gerdora's words, Tuwan Aus, who was struggling to defend, immediately relaxed, and scolded with a smile: "Hey, don't you come to my Shadow Sky Serpent's third super flagship team!" It's going to be completely wiped out!"

After all, the Scarlet Dawn Legion still has two full super-flagship teams, and he only has nine Conqueror-class Titans and some Hate-class super aircraft carriers left, so he can only choose to die.

So far, he only has two Conqueror-class Titans left. As for the Hate-class super aircraft carrier, he has already lost it. If Brian Gerdora's side doesn't end sooner, then he can't handle it. How long.

After complaining, Tuwan Osdang jumped out of the subspace with the few remaining Victor-class scout ships, and started the induction in the fleet of the Scarlet Dawn Legion.

"I'll come too!"

Then Brian Gerdora made a strange cry in the combat channel, and the fourth super flagship fleet of the Shadow Serpentis jumped from hyperspace, and the huge fleet group was about to squeeze away the battleships of the surrounding Scarlet Dawn Legion.

After entering the battlefield, Brian Gerdora immediately attacked the surrounding enemies. Under the ferocious firepower of the Shadow Serpentis Fourth Super Flagship Team, the Scarlet Dawn Legion, which was already exhausted from the long battle, All of a sudden, the battleship was destroyed again and again.

And far away from the battlefield, the hatred-class super aircraft carrier fleet of the fourth super flagship team of the Shadow Serpentis was also induced to leap forward, releasing heavy attack cavalry carrier-based aircraft to participate in the attack.

Under the combined attack, the super flagship teams of the two Scarlet Dawn legions were beaten completely helpless.

And after seeing this ultra-flagship team of the Sky Snake Group, Baze Malbas's heart sank. He knew that Hurt Rupert might be in danger.

Before he could make a decision on whether to fight or retreat, he saw that Brian Gerdora was controlling several interceptor ships to capture the Limo-class Titan he was driving, and then all the Conqueror-class Titans And the fierce-class dreadnought instantly activated the doomsday weapon.

Without any accidents, under this doomsday volley, Baze Malbas was directly reduced to ashes before he could even say his last words.

After the death of Baze Malbas, the remaining Scarlet Dawn Legion was also in a leaderless state, and the command system became very chaotic. They all wanted to escape from the battlefield and had no ability to fight back.

Brian Gerdora also filled the battlefield with interceptor ships, making it impossible for the enemy ships of the Scarlet Dawn Legion to evacuate, and could only wait for death while struggling.

And Tuwan Os' Titan was also restored to newness under the maintenance of the logistics aircraft carrier, and he also vented his anger towards the enemy.

Now there are only two Titans left in his Shadow Serpentis Third Fleet. If he is not an official, it is estimated that this designation will have to be removed. How can he not be annoyed.

The battle lasted for a full three hours, and with the last Limo-class Titan being shattered under the doomsday, only the wreckage remained on the field.

And after the battle, Brian Gerdora, after leaving behind several Hate-class super aircraft carriers and industrial fleets, rushed to the Chell galaxy non-stop, preparing to join forces to strangle the remaining Iris Army~www. readwn.com~Third brother, I will go first, you can stay and clean the battlefield! "

For Brian Gerdora who was leading the fleet to the next battlefield, Tuwan Aola could only raise his **** silently, sighed and then controlled the industrial fleet to deal with the wreckage of the battleship on the battlefield.

These are the wreckage of nearly six super-flagship teams!

Even if it is salvaged and smelted, it is an astronomical amount of material, so it cannot be wasted.

After Tuwan Os left the space capsule and walked into the driver's cab, he lit a cigar while operating the fleet.

Looking in the direction of the Chell galaxy, he was in a daze.

"After destroying the Elis Group Army in the Chell Galaxy, the Eastern Business Federation will be taken down..."

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