Although Zhao Ji had bestowed the title of a bodyguard that accompanied Xie E from the fourth stage, this Feng Liu Emperor had already forgotten about this matter. If no one reminded him, he would have probably forgotten that there was a person like Xie E in his entire life.

Xie E was like a concubine who had been forgotten in the cold palace.

Zhang Xin would frequently visit Xie E, not because he treated Xie E as someone important, but because he had been in the palace for dozens of years and Zhang Xin did not have his own person, so it was rare for Xie E to be quick-witted, but Old Zhang Xin actually started to lick Xie E's heart, and started to treat him as his own person.

On this day, Zhang Xin hurried over to find Xie E, and asked straightforwardly: "Brat, are you clean?"

< p > "Cleansing up?" What do you mean by clean? "

Xie E was still sleeping on the bed, completely baffled by his actions.

< p > "What?" Don't you know how to clean your body? So you're not clean? "Oh no, oh no!"

Zhang Xin was in a state of confusion, as if he was trying to find a way out of it.

Xie E rolled over and sat up, muttering to himself, "Hey, Old Leader Zhang, you came to bother me so early in the morning, and you're not letting me sleep? Yesterday, I played pervert with Wang Hai and the others, and only laid down after three days... "

Hmph, you only know how to sleep, and you don't even know how you die even when you sleep until your head moves!

Zhang Xin said snappily.

Tsk, didn't you just seal it, then you cursed me to death!

But when Xie E talked about moving his brain, he couldn't help but rub his neck and mutter: "That's right, what about 'immortal body', it's all bullshit! "I wonder what will happen if I get my head chopped off …"

Zhang Xin was old and somewhat deaf. He could only hear Xie Chi mumbling something, but he couldn't make out what it was.

Suddenly, Zhang Xin extended his hand out towards Xie E's groin.

Xie E howled.

With that, he jumped up from the bed, pointed at Zhang Xin's nose and shouted, "Damn, you old pervert, you actually dare to steal your young master's treasure, I'll fight it out with you!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xin's face revealed a happy expression, and brushed away Xie E's hands. He had a great feeling of rejoicing, and did not make any more unusual movements.

Xie E felt that it was strange, "Old head Zhang, what did you mean by that?"

Zhang Xin rolled his eyes strangely, "Last night, an unclean eunuch was found in Consort Shu Palace and was killed on the spot. Consort Shu was also bestowed Bai Ling. Old man, I'm worried that you might not have a clean body. If you get found out, it will inevitably be another disaster. I didn't expect that you would have already cleaned up. It's strange, why isn't your name on the list? I don't know if those idiots in the office eat shit. "

Xie E then exclaimed in realization, "So you are doing this for my own good, hehe, just now was too much of an offense, excuse my rudeness! "Please excuse me!"

Zhang Xin had long gotten used to Xie E's bullying and snorted, "But just in case, I have to open your pants and let you let me see!"

< p > "What!?"

Xie E was about to go crazy, "Didn't you touch it just now? You can't touch it, right? What do you want me to take off my pants for? "There's no need …"

Kid, what do you know!

Zhang Xin said with a stern expression: "The Forbidden Palace rules are gloomy, it is extremely dangerous to be a servant of the Palace, and there is no room for mistakes. If we were to say that we did something wrong, we might have the chance to make amends. However, if we have doubts regarding our identities, we will be sentenced to a miserable punishment sooner or later! "

Xie E's heart trembled, but his face had an expression that made others feel at ease, and he muttered in his heart: "What a joke, I'm a dignified" Young Master Xie ".

To think that he would take off his pants in front of a eunuch. If others were to find out, how could he continue staying here?

However, thinking back to the little thing under his crotch, Xie E couldn't help but feel a burst of anger.

Those who voluntarily enter the palace are few and far between. They have no status in the palace.

Zhang Xin intentionally or unintentionally looked at Xie E and continued: "Since you have entered the palace, then you must clean yourself up. Although a person who has been castrated by the heavens can be exempted from the punishment of the palace, once you reveal yourself, you will be mocked by others. You are so smart that you should know what I am talking about. Since you have chosen this path, you should walk on it and walk on a path. How is Tong Guan? "The greedy villains are able to take charge of the military and become kings!"

Xie E's heart actually surged with gratitude. This was the first time since his rebirth that he had experienced this.

Xie E got off the bed, patted Zhang Xin's slightly hunched back, and said quietly: "Thank you for your good intentions, I naturally have your suggestions. Tong Guan? Sooner or later, it would just be a ghost under the blade. If he thanks me every day for my achievement, I will never forget the old me's heart. "

Seeing how sincere Xie E was, he couldn't help but cry, "Alright, alright, with what you just said, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will ensure your safety! I'll give you some advice in the cleaning room, and I'll make it up on the roster. However, there's one thing that you should pay more attention to. "

Xie E was overjoyed, and immediately took out fifty taels of gold, handing it over to Zhang Xin, "Take this gold with you.

Foolish brat, there's no need for that much. Those idiots are afraid of me when they see me, so you can rest assured!

Zhang Xin laughed, "Oh right, there are too many sinister things about you, could it be that you are trying to deceive me? "This won't do. I'll have to find a chance to verify my true body another day …"

You old fool, why aren't you going?

Xie E spat lightly, and went out the door long ago.

"Staying in the palace like this all the time isn't really a solution. If it doesn't work, then I might as well go out and look for an opportunity!"

Xie E made up his mind, briefly tidied up the room, tidied up his clothes, and left his Taiyi Palace.

< p >

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