When Xie E woke up, it was late at night, in a simple and narrow room.

The furnishings in the room were very simple: a bed, a bed, and nothing more.

Moonlight shone in through the window, bringing with it a faint trace of worry.

< p > "Where is this?"

Xie E talked to himself as he sat up. Suddenly, he felt that his body had become very thin, and when he stretched out his hand, he actually saw his own arm that was as skinny as firewood.

Xie E was dumbstruck, thinking that it was already not bad that he did not become a babbling baby after being reincarnated.

After carefully looking at his clothes, he actually wore a cyan palace uniform. He didn't know which dynasty he came from, but it didn't seem like he had a noble identity.

Xie E pushed open the door and walked out. There was a small garden outside, and there was a small pathway that led to an unknown place.

Since Xie E had nothing better to do, he followed a small path to a tall, walled courtyard. The door was ajar, and upon opening the door to enter, he found that it was actually an exceptionally grand garden: pavilions and pavilions were arranged in an orderly fashion, with strange stones and cloth, beautiful trees and lilies, and ancient cypress and vines that had adorned the garden for hundreds of years. Ancient trees were scattered all over the garden, and there were all kinds of mountains and rocks scattered throughout the garden.

was almost certain that this was the Imperial Palace's garden, only, he wondered why he was there. Thinking to this point, Xie E angrily returned to his room, laid on his abnormally cold bed, and began to greet the mysterious old man from the Underworld.

In his dazed state, Xie E saw many people that had already passed by, many things that he had experienced in the past, but he could not recall any of the names, other than the name "Zhou Yu".

and "Fang Yun"

In the middle of the night, the sounds of the rodents in the room made it hard for Xie Chun to sleep. The summer night's heat and the sound of the insects in the garden made him even more agitated.

Xie E got up and went out of the door to take a break. When Xie E opened his underpants and took out the treasure he was usually so proud of, Xie E almost collapsed.

Xie E was actually castrating the heavens!

Fuck you, you old bastard!

Xie E cursed out the most vicious curse from the bottom of his heart!

Xie E didn't even need to think about it, after calculating everything that had happened, almost four hours had passed, he immediately went back to his room to find that guy to commit suicide.

Apart from that bed, there was almost nothing in the room!

Xie E was in a bit of a panic: Smash the wall?

It was as if the wall of the small house was not as sturdy as Xie E's head;

The pond in the garden was less than half a man's height deep.

Oh right, how amazing!

Xie E did not care that much, he took off his belt and randomly found a tree, tied it with a knot, stretched his neck, and with a stomp, he started to wait for death.

Xie E closed his eyes, he was thinking about how he should go back and take revenge on Old Devil. Suddenly, a cold light flew towards Xie E's head along with a gust of wind, causing him to understand some martial arts. Although his body was currently weak, he still had basic senses, so he instinctively lowered his head.

With his belt broken, Xie E fell onto the ground and stabbed the flying dagger deep into the tree trunk.

Brother Shi, do you see any improvements in my throwing knives?

Two people, both in their twenties, walked in from the entrance of the small garden. One of them, an abnormally thin and weak man, held onto a willow leaf blade and said with a smile.

You still have the nerve to boast? If that person didn't duck his head and dodge, your move would have been fatal.

The speaker was a burly man with a charred face. He was holding a long-hilted saber.

"Speaking of which, it's quite strange. He even hanged himself, but when he saw the flying dagger flying over, he actually knew how to dodge it. It's quite strange." "Looks like I've really met with something new in the palace today."

"You really speak too much nonsense. Quickly go and see how that person is. It's more important to get down to business."

The two of them walked in front of Xie E. Xie E seemed rather close to their words with a strong Shandong accent and actually stared blankly at the two of them.

Kid, how are we going to get to the study?

the thin man asked.

< p > Imperial study?

F * ck, if I knew, I would also want to see what the emperor looks like.

Xie E muttered in his heart, but he was still thinking about how he should die, and suddenly shouted, "There's an assassin! There's an assassin! "

Both of their expressions changed greatly. The man surnamed Shi raised his blade and was about to cut Xie E down, but Xie E was so beautiful that he stretched his neck out as he waited for the blade to come at them.

Unexpectedly, the thin person grabbed hold of Shi Li, "Brother, hold on! Keep him, point him to the front and lead the way! "

With that said, he extended two fingers and pointed at Xie E's acupoint.

In Xie E's eyes, acupuncture was an unfathomable skill. To be able to open one's mouth in this kind of situation, it truly did not feel good to be able to do so. Furthermore, time flew by quickly and he did not want to die yet, he would have to be a eunuch for the rest of his life.

Xie E obviously did not have the confidence to continue fighting with the two of them.

A pleading look appeared in Xie E's eyes. If this expression were to be seen by those bad friends of his from the past, Xie E would not be able to raise his head for the rest of his life.

The thin person thought of something, and walked towards Xie E while chuckling, patting Xie E on the face, "Little eunuch, I know that you want to court death, isn't the feeling of being a eunuch uncomfortable? "How about this, take us two to the imperial study. After you finish what you need to do, I'll give you a clean cut, how about it?"

Xie E carefully calculated the time; at most, he would have fifteen minutes. Hearing the skinny man's words, he hurriedly nodded and agreed.

The skinny guy and the one surnamed Shi exchanged a glance, the skinny guy carried Xie E and asked, "Where are you going?"

< p >

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