Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 504: massacre

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Between Song Ning's roars, Fen Tianjian flew towards Song Ning, and at the same time, Xiao Ke and Hei Feng appeared in the distance. Xiao Ke wanted to rush beside Song Ning, but he was stopped by Hei Feng: Sky Sword is a sword spirit, and she is as angry as she is, even if it is a curse, but we are different. Once we really help the master, then we will immediately explode and die. "

Heifeng quickly explained to Song Ning while talking to Xiao Ke: "Master, this is the Scarlet Pursuit Order. Burning the Sky Sword can help you, but we ..."

"Hehe." This is Song Ning's response to the black wind. There is a sadness and a sadness in his voice, but more, it is a kind of indifference.

This is not for the black wind, but for everyone surrounded by Song Ning.

The monks around Song Ning discovered the existence of Fen Tianjian, and saw Fen Tian Jian fly into Song Ning's hands like a fire. After Song Ning held Fen Tian Jian, his body shook suddenly.

Under the shock, the ground around Song Ning shivered, and his whole body began to shatter, the ground collapsed, Song Ning rose into the sky, there was no wind around Song Ning, but his hair fluttered, his The pupil flashes red awn at the moment, just like blood light, like the eyes of Xiao Fen before.

"I didn't want to kill the innocent indiscriminately, it's just that you ... deceive people too much!" Song Ning laughed, raising Tianjianjian, his sword pointed directly at the sky.

"Blood rain!"

Burning Sky Sword seems to feel some kind of killing intention under the state of Song Ning at the moment, Song Ning can also feel the trembling waves from Burning Sky Sword, as if extremely excited, the sky has become completely Bloody, **** clouds, **** raindrops, just like when the **** killing order appeared before.

The only difference is the lack of lightning.

At this moment, if the people around Song Ning had heard the roar just now, I'm afraid it would be that someone else had used the Scarlet Pursuit Order.

"You all die ..." Song Ning murmured, Chi Ruolan's death hit him, but the impact was not great, just Song Ning's sadness, Song Ning's pain, this is a love that can never be repaid, This is a person who can never be forgotten. This makes him feel his humbleness. The person he wants to save cannot be saved, but the person who saves him is going to die.

The **** wind and the rain, screaming all over the sky, all the monks are running away at the moment. When the blood rain appears, when the blood rain falls, the body of each monk contaminated with blood rain begins to melt, as if it was burned directly They are all covered with blood-red flames, but they ca n’t escape but they want to escape.

The blood rain is dense, and those monks who want to resist with spiritual power find that the spiritual protection can't resist this blood rain at all. When the blood rain drops on the spiritual protection, it penetrates directly without any pause.

Their despair, at this moment, is considered a real slaughter.

"Don't you all want to kill me." Song Ning's voice was very soft. He took a deep breath, looked at the sky, looked at everything at the moment, felt the desolation in his mind, and felt his loneliness.

Fortunately, there is the Burning Sky Sword in hand.

Fortunately, there is Heifeng and Xiaoke beside.

Fortunately ... he is not himself ...

Whenever Song Ning feels lonely and helpless, he will think about the people who still exist around him. At this time, Song Ning even has a strange thought flashing in his mind, is his parents still alive, Are his parents accompanying him at the moment?

On the horizon, in a space that does not belong to the Yulan Continent, a man and a woman looked at this scene in tears. They held hands, but they could only look at it all. Their hearts were as lonely and sad as Song Ning.

In their eyes, Song Ning was roaring, and apart from the screams of those people, there was only Song Ning's roar.

The flames burned and the blood rain fell. At this moment, it seems that there is only one person between Song Ning and the rest of the world, and the others will soon die. Those who die are not considered human.

Chi Changjian looked at the resistance in this torrential rain, but even if he could resist, it was only a part. He found that Song Ning's strength was much stronger than before.

This is not just the strength of Song Ning, but the superposition of the strength of Song Ning and Xiao Fen. It is the stupid technique of this burning sword, and it is also the result of Song Ning's inner turmoil.

Every time a monk dies, the sky-burning sword will absorb a trace of soul. The red-red transparent sky-burning sword is filled with blood again in the blink of an eye, and the blood rain and sky can be displayed again.

Before those powerful people did not do it, first of all, they did not want to participate in this Scarlet Pursuit Order, and secondly, they felt that Song Ning ’s dispute with the demon monks did not need to do it. Under the killing order, it was unfair to use the **** killing order on a Wen Dao monk. If these Dao immortals would start again, would n’t it be too unfair to Song Ning?

But now they are different. In their eyes, Song Ning now has the ability to kill Xu Xian monks. If Song Ning continues, he may be killed by Song Ning.

"The resentment is too heavy ... but it's no wonder, after all, it's still a child ..." An old man in Changsheng Mountain sighed. He has been paying attention to Song Ning recently. When he saw the Scarlet Pursuit Order before, this old man felt a little sorry. But after all, he could n’t resist the **** killing order, so he could only watch the changes. Nowadays, many Daoxian are watching this scene. The old man of Changsheng Mountain is the closest to Song Ning. It is reasonable that he should suppress Song. Ning, but he hesitated.

He faintly felt that this **** pursuit order might last for a month, and after this month, Song Ning would get a terrifying accomplishment.

He was curious, if he could not die under the chase of this **** chase order, what kind of creation would he get?

Many people have the same thoughts with him, but at the same time, some people feel that Song Ning ’s strength is too amazing at this moment, the spirit realm kills the fairy realm. Even though they have heard of this kind of thing, they have never seen it in person. Not to mention the massacre, there was only one living person around Song Ning at this time, he was Chi Changjian, Xu Xianxiu.

If Song Ning thought, Chi Changjian would die without a burial place at that moment, but Song Ning was merciful, and Chi Ruolan died, then Chi Changjian ... can't die!

Chi Changjian looked at Song Ning in horror, and watched Song Ning gradually go away. Song Ning's footsteps fell on this earth, stepping on the ashes that were burned to death, like a demon god.

In Song Ning's body, the blood rain disappeared, and the original color was restored to the sky, but at this time, although it was daytime, the sky was gray.

A few drops of rain fell, and the raindrops slapped against Chi Changjian's body, so that Chi Changjian immediately resisted with fairy power, but he found out that this was just ordinary rainwater, not a technique exhibited by Song Ning.

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