Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 495: Song Ning, the pursued

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Xiao Fen continued: "Third, after being killed by the pursuers, they will get an amazing creation. Fourth, if the pursued person can not die for a month, then ... he will get a more amazing creation!"

In Xiaoke's ears, the first two points are still reliable, but the last two points are a bit unbelievable, and now they can only be explained by "the ancient mantra has some ability to reach the world".

"I don't know why this Scarlet Pursuit Order was used and who it was used on ..." Xiao Ke always felt his right eyelid jumping.

If the pursued person dies in the Scarlet Pursuit Order, then the killer will get an amazing fortune. This is the vicious place of the Scarlet Pursuit Order. For the sake of creation, countless monks will rush up, and for this sake. Desperately, at this moment, there have been many monks who have been difficult to break through for many years and flew towards the place where the thunder and lightning traveled, as if to start the siege when the thunderlight fell.

The movements caused by the Scarlet Pursuit Order are too large, too large, all the big family forces in the demon domain have noticed, especially the Bai family of the fairy fairy family, because the Bai family knows that the Bai family who is closed for that year In the hands of the ancestors, there is such a command of a **** chase order!

When Bai Ting and Bai Xin saw this **** chase, they thought of Song Ning without hesitation.

Originally, Bai Ting and Bai Xin were sitting next to the pond. At this moment, they suddenly saw such a color of blood clouds, and Bai Xin's eyes flashed with anxiety: "Brother, is it, Grandpa Zeng ?!"

Bai Ting clenched his fists and looked at the sky. The anger in his heart was difficult to suppress at this moment: "It will not be anyone else. Bai Yu is his grandson, his son, Bai Yu is dead, and the family passed the song. Ning's decision, but he has to use a red chase order to chase down Song Ning! "

Bai Ting said, walking angrily towards the Bai family forbiddenly.

It was at this moment that an old voice suddenly came from Bai Ting's mind. This voice was made by Grandpa Zeng!

"Ting'er, you come, I have something to tell you."

Bai Ting laughed angrily: "Oh? Tinger also has something to tell Grandpa Zeng!"

Bai Xin wants to hold Bai Ting, but when she looks at Bai Ting's state at this moment, she suddenly understands that she can't stop her brother. At this time, if his brother can still keep his reason, then he is not Bai Ting. .

The people of the Bai family now almost understand that this **** hunt order was used by an ancestor in the family, and the target of the hunt was naturally Song Ning. For them, this is good news and bad news, but Regardless of the news, someone from the Bai family still flew directly to the place where the lightning flashed, as if to participate in this pursuit.

But even if the Bai family had expected this to be the killing order used on Song Ning, they were still staring at the sky at this moment, waiting for the thunder to fall.

At this time, under this blood cloud, Song Ning looked at the sky inexplicably, he could feel a strange power, this power was like a curse, although Song Ning could not understand the source of this power, But he could feel an injustice in this power.

Song Ning looked at the Thunder Dragon in the sky and thought it was a bit inexplicable. He couldn't figure it out. He didn't refine it into a panacea, didn't break through it, didn't break the rules and used the magic technique. But why did the Thunder Dragon go straight to his direction?

Around Song Ning, all the monks saw the Thunder Dragon fall, and the first reaction in their hearts was to escape!

Before the Thunder Dragon had fallen, they fled as soon as possible, because once the Thunder Dragon fell down and hit Song Ning, Song Ning was the one who was going to be pursued by the **** pursuit order, and the entire demon domain was him If he dares to help him, the people around him will be hit by the power of this curse and explode to death, but if they rush to kill Song Ning, the result may be even more miserable.

In an instant, Song Ning found that everyone within a ten-mile radius had fled, that is, at this time, the thunder dragon slammed down in the sky and split on Song Ning.

Song Ning thought that the Thunder Dragon had not weak strength, it was the spiritual force that was ready to resist, but who knew that the Thunder Dragon fell on him, he did not hurt a little bit, but directly turned into a ball of red light into Song While condensing his body, Song Ning hurriedly looked inside, but did not find that there was anything wrong with his body, which surprised him a little.

But at the next moment, Song Ning felt that a cursed force came from his body. This force exploded in an instant. Although there was no harm, it made Song Ning seem to be the target of all the people. Now in Song Ning ’s There was a **** red light all over the body. If you look at it from a distance, people can't see Song Ning's face, only the place where Song Ning is located is a bright red 'death'.

Even if Song Ning had never seen the Scarlet Pursuit Order, he now understood what this might be. In the sky, the **** clouds slowly disappeared, and the stormy wind and rain dissipated. All the suppressed feelings seemed to have never appeared, but only The blood of Du Ning's body is still there.

Song Ning felt what power this blood light seemed to have, but before he could feel this power carefully, he heard a rumbling voice in the air, which was unpleasant, as if it came from heaven and earth.

"Song Ning!"

These two words are like the world is shouting. These two words fall in the ears of everyone in the demon domain. After hearing these two words, everyone knows it. This **** chase order The pursuer is Song Ning!

Even though it has long been known that Song Ning was being pursued, Bai Ting and Bai Xin still feel their strength at the moment.

After hearing Xiao Yan's words, he opened his mouth halfway and nothing happened for a long time.

Xiao Ke stared at the sky silly, as if he were stupid, and the black wind slumped in his chair. He didn't expect that this **** chase order was actually Song Ning, who was actually a monk who heard Dao Xiuwei. !

However, even if they were worried again, they were not as good as Chi Ruolan in Roland. Chi Ruolan burst into tears when he heard the words Song Ning, and the whole person flew up in the direction of Song Ning, If it were not Chi Changjian, he would be stunned directly, fearing that she would pass by.

At this time, Chi Changjian was also shocked. He didn't expect that this **** chase would be used on Song Ning.

Yes, the Scarlet Pursuit Order was actually chased by a Spiritual Monk. This is probably something that has never happened before. A Spiritual Monk only needs a Scarlet Pursuit Order to pursue it?

When everyone thinks about this problem, they all have a common question in mind-this thing ... is there something wrong?

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