Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 483: How to solicit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

There are two top schools in the demon domain. The two top schools are Chiyanhai and Luoshen Valley. However, although these two schools are the strongest in the past, they can unite after the tragedy of the three monsters of the demon. , Established Tianzong with the other four schools, and vaguely opposed Nali Temple, the two top schools started to unite, and the nine major schools below naturally would not sit idly by, so they also discussed the union Things.

Now when they are discussing, it is near this Roland City, and what happened outside of Roland City is also seen by them. If they are fighting in ordinary ways, they will not care, but Song Ning ’s battle with Chi short sword before There was too much movement. At that time, they paid attention, but did not pay too much attention. However, after that, hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside the city of Roland. This matter is not trivial, so they have been watching.

When they saw that Song Ning had dismissed more than 100,000 monks with one person, they became interested in Song Ning.

Of course, what was on the scene were basically the peak of Xuxian or Daoxian. This kind of cultivation person also knew that Song Yuguo had a Song Ning at the time, and even knew that Song Ning had rejected the invitation to leave Tiangong. They wanted to see this young monk. At that time, they failed to do so, but now they are.

Because Song Ning did not really play against the two Xu Xian monks in the Bai family, they did not know what strength Song Ning is now, but when they saw the three-dimensional combination of the imperial domain at the foot of Song Ning, they saw Xuan Tian eighth When the steps were taken, they were all horrified.

"Moyun Daoxian ... This Song Ning certainly has a deep relationship with Moyun Daoxian." One of the long-bearded Dao said.

"This son is indeed very strong, and is a fellow initiate of Xianwu. I have heard that Luoyu Kingdom is a good place. Although it is sealed, if the monk in it can practice to the Tao, it must be a dragon and a phoenix among people. It seems that this The rumors are not false. "An old lady murmured.

Although others are silent at the moment, they already have some understanding of this Song Ning. They are all elders of the second-tier forces in the demon domain. The ordinary monks are not worth mentioning in their eyes. They They were all touched by some pride of heaven, but now in their eyes, the pride of the heavens they touched before were eclipsed because they saw Song Ning.

"I heard ... After a while, Luoshen Valley and Chi Yanhai will arrange a large formation in order to break through the two chief disciples."

"Yes, those two disciples have been in the Daoist period for a long time, and they seem to be preparing to break through to the fairyland. I don't know if they can light a few magic lamps."

The magic lantern is actually a fairy lantern. When a monk buys a fairyland from a spiritual realm, if he is a strong man with talent and talent, he can light the magic lantern. Historically, all monks who light the magic lantern when they break through to the fairyland, the future Achievements are incalculable.

However, whether it is a magic lamp or a fairy lamp, it depends on the number of lights. The more lights, the higher the future achievements are likely to be.

"In my opinion, they should all be in the fifteen to twenty, after all, they have been smelling for several years, and there is a supply of heaven and earth."

These people suddenly mentioned the magic lamp, in fact, they wanted to involve Song Ning in this matter.

Nine people looked at each other, and suddenly you all smiled: "This Song Ning is not ordinary. At present, it seems that he does have some problems with Moyun Daoxian, but since he has refused to leave Tiangong, Explain that he is not necessarily the person on the side of Moyun Daoxian, if we can pull it over ... "

"Linghai Daoyou said very well. If Song Ning could be brought to our side, it would be a good choice. When the two chief disciples of Luoshen Valley and Chi Yanhai break through, Song Ning will also break through at the same time. We provide Song Ning with heaven, earth and earth. From the perspective of Song Ning's strength, I initially estimate that the magic lamp he can light is not under twenty. "

This group of people talked about each other, and they united. Although they seemed to have the same strength as Luoshengu Chiyanhai on the upper level, the backbone was too weak. If Song Ning could become their side, even if they did n’t They fight, as long as they can support the scene, this is enough.

"Hey, if there was no such thing as Roland City, I still have a plan, but now it seems that I am afraid it will not work." The elder of Luoxia Mountain was speaking.

"You just listen to it now, maybe it will work." Said an elder.

The elder of Luoxia Mountain said: "Don't you say that the hero is sad about the beauty? I was thinking of giving Song Ning some sweetness, which sectarian beauty is with Song Ning, but now it seems that even Changsheng Mountain is coming Even Chi Ruolan, a disciple who was brought under the door, could not enter the eyes of Song Ning. It is estimated that Song Ning could not look down on others. "

Chi Ruolan, these people were all aware of the girl ’s physique. Many Zongmen wanted to win over Chi Ruolan at the time, but Chang Shengshan eventually won. Now I want to come, Song Ning repeatedly rejected Chi twice. If Ruolan, then others really can't get into Song Ning's eyes.

"Beauty is not good, we can use Baodan medicine." Some people suggested.

"Don't even think about panacea, don't you know Song Ning's alchemy technique? Six-level panacea are all hand in hand." A man smiled bitterly, he was pulling his beard, and no one knew he was in luck. Although he has now reached the strength of Xuxian Pinnacle, if he was born a few hundred years later and was in an era with Song Ning, then he might not even have the strength to cry.

"The magic weapon is feasible. So, the content of our meeting today will be changed to what magic weapon each school can come up with to Song Ning. Every school will talk about how?"

As soon as this was said, everyone's face changed, and they said that the magic weapon in Song Ning's hands, they thought of the frightening sword of burning heaven at the first time. It is said that the sword of burning heaven is an artifact. Sword, what kind of magic weapon can he see?

Lingbao is definitely not good, then only Xianbao, but Xianbao is very precious for every school, just take it out will make them hurt, let alone take out a Song Ning can see Eye-catching.

But just when the elders thought about how to buy Song Ning with their treasures, suddenly an elder's eyes were distracted, as if listening to someone's voice. After listening, he showed a smile: "You, I heard one Interesting news, I believe it can help everyone to solve the puzzle. "

Everyone looked at each other, and now it was their primary task to discuss how to recruit Song Ning. Since someone suggested it, they would naturally be happy to listen to it.

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