Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 479: Slap

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

While this happened, Song Ning had been meditating on the top of the mountain, and the sun and the moon alternated. Song Ning could always feel a force flowing. Song Ning wanted to seize the flow of this power, but this pattern was very It's hard to figure out that although Song Ning keeps approaching, he still can't get through.

A few days later, Song Ning finally got up from the ground, he felt a few days, these days he felt just a blink of an eye, now he got up to change his mood, in order to make himself better next Realization, and for a few days, I could n’t feel the mystery inside. I ’m afraid it would be useless to continue. He should also go to Xiaoke and them.

But when Song Ning looked at him from afar, he suddenly discovered that there were many people gathered in the distance. These people were all around Roland City. Song Ning saw at a glance that these 100,000 monks wanted to surround Roland City. , But he did not expect that when he checked the situation of Roland City, he suddenly saw Chi Ruolan!

Originally Song Ning did not want to bother, but when he thought of what Chi Ruolan had done before, and when he thought of Chi Ruolan's current experience, how could he be indifferent?

Outside Roland ...

Bai Yu's slap fell on Chi Ruolan's face, and it hurt in Chi Changjian's heart. However, no one spoke at the moment. Chi Ruolan didn't cry, but raised his head and looked at Bai Yu lightly: "You and him Compared to it, it ’s much worse, you ’re not even as good as one-tenth of him. "

Bai Yu was angry, but Chi Ruolan had been optimistic for so many years. As a result, he suddenly learned that Chi Ruolan had Song Ning's pregnancy a few days ago. How could he be calm? Now in front of more than one hundred thousand monks, Chi Ruolan also said that Bai Yu was inferior to others, Bai Yu could not swallow this breath.

Although these hundreds of thousands of monks saw that Bai Yu was doing this, they were all indifferent, but they did not say anything. After all, he was Bai Yu.

"I am not as good as him? If he dares to appear in front of me at this moment, if he has the courage to appear in front of me, then I admit that I am not as good as him! But is he dare? He is a waste, he is still afraid to show up, he The woman will also be under my crotch, and wait until you compare it to see who the two of us are, and who ca n’t! "Bai Yu has no image of a handsome man at the moment.

He was not a handsome boy, but he was dressed like a man. Now that no one is surprised when he is exposed. After all, he is just such a person, and his appearance is just a skin.

These people would not only condemn Bai Yu's words so explicit, but instead laughed, it seemed that this laughter was cheering Bai Yu.

Bai Yu heard the laughter of these people, and his heart was more vented and angry. He stretched out his hand and hit Chi Ruolan. It seems that now beating Chi Ruolan will make him feel more happy.

Chi Ruolan closed her eyes gently. She did n’t want to see Bai Yu ’s face. In her heart, if she had a loved one, she would be firm. She knew that Song Ning was not timid, but Song Ning did not. Will come, because Song Ning does not love her, if Song Ning loves her, then absolutely will not care.

Chi Ruolan put down, put down Song Ning, put down this impossible love.

But at this moment, when the wind generated by Bai Yu's slap had fallen on Chi Ruolan's face, Chi Ruolan didn't wait until the slap really hit her face, she opened her eyes inexplicably. There is an idea in her heart that she can believe in herself.

In front of her, in a trance, there was an extra figure, which was slightly thin, but he stood there as if the whole world could not pass in front of him, he stood there, Chi Ruolan would feel safe.

Bai Yu's slap was caught. At this moment, Bai Yu felt a pain in his wrist. What he couldn't think of was that this out of thin air turned out to be a person, a living person!

"I'm here, what can you do?" Song Ning grabbed Bai Yu's wrist deadly. He smiled, but with a hint of ice cold in his smile.

Bai Yu swallowed swiftly, his face pale at the moment, trying to pull his hand from Song Ning, but found that Song Ning's hand clasped it like a pair of pliers.

"Song Ling, I tell you, Chi Ruolan is ready to go with me for Roland City. She will be my woman in the future. If you do n’t let go now, the hundreds of thousands of people around me will start immediately!" Bai Yu Warned.

When Bai Yu spoke, Song Ning's eyes swept around, and he saw Bai Ru Bai Yao and others at first glance. When he saw these three people, Song Ning's expression was indifferent, without a trace of dignity.

Bai Ru was terrified, her pupils shrank sharply, and when she thought of Song Ning's volleying palm, she still had palpitations until now.

After so many days have passed, Bai Ru naturally knew that it was Song Ning who was fighting with them. Before hearing Bai Yu called Song Ling Song Ling, she hadn't thought much about it yet. Now, when I look at it, what is Song Ling? Song Ning!

Bai Ru stepped back two steps without realizing it, his eyes were alert.

Song Ning smiled faintly, and his voice was very calm. He came into the ears of people around with the wind: "Although Chi Ruolan is not my woman, but I want to protect her, although Roland City is not my city, but I want Roland City to be safe, If someone dared to move, the first person who died was Bai Yu. "

Song Ning's voice is very weak, and the wind can blow it away, but the sound falling into Bai Yu's ears is like a warning of death. Bai Yu's people feel shocked, they have never been I have heard people dare to threaten the Bai family in this way, especially the Bai Bai young master Bai Yu who is indiscriminate and unreasonable.

However, at this moment, Bai Yu didn't dare to say anything even if he had a temper tantrum, because he felt that his wrist seemed to be broken, and then Song Ning's hand fell on his neck, pinching his neck.

The raven was silent.

At this time, no one dared to speak except for the sound of the heartbeat. Chi Ruolan stood behind Song Ning, she hesitated, she wanted to hug Song Ning from behind, even if only a moment, it was still enough, but she still endured After staying, it seemed that she felt a little too shameful if she was freed by Song Ning in such a scene.

But is she not shameful enough now?

When Chi Ruolan's mood was complicated, Song Ning turned his hand and slapped Bai Yu on the face.


This sound was extremely loud, and Bai Yu's face suddenly swelled, but Song Ning's other hand pinched Bai Yu's neck, making Bai Yu unable to scream if he wanted to ache.

"This slap, you just hit Chi Ruolan's face, I will give it back to you." Song Ning said, shaking his hand was another slap.

Immediately afterwards, it was the third slap, the fourth slap ... In an instant, Song Ning shot continuously and directly slammed ten times. After the tenth time, Bai Yu was already big and small, puffy cheeks. It's not like a person at all, but more like a Japanese melon.

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