Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 459: kneel

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Chi Duanjian stabilized his mind. In his opinion, Song Ning had certainly used some powerful consumables to attack. This consumable may only have one in Song Ning's hands, so there must be only one such attack.

Although it is true that the attack is only once, Song Ning uses the power in his body, not the consumables that Chi Duanjian believes. If he knew that it was Song Ning ’s own attack just now, he might be at this moment. Another spit of blood spewed out.

Fan Tianyin's rotation continued, and Song Ning's resistance was extremely difficult. He watched Fan Tianyin reach the top of his head, knowing that there was no hard resistance, but at this time, if he wanted to resist but could not resist, he could only raise his hands. Hard against the flesh.

At this time, although Chi Xiujian was repaired for consumption, he was only slightly injured, and Song Ning under Fan Tianyin was already suppressed by death.

Fan Tianyin fell on Song Ning's hands, and Song Ning's hands were propped up with force. Under the combination of spiritual power and domain, Fan Tianyin was even resisted by Song Ning!

The sound of clicks in Song Ning's body is the sound of bones colliding with each other, obviously overwhelmed and about to be crushed.

Chi Jianjian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that even this fourth turn would not kill Song Ning to death. If that was the case, then this person was really the first demon in the world.

Chi Duanjian listened to the clicking sound of bone collision, and looked at Song Ning's eyes as if he were looking at a dead person.

When Fan Tianyin fell, Song Ning's blood vessels burst and blood poured out. Even so, Song Ning still resisted, and he was desperately thinking about how to fight these days.

All the tricks that Song Ning was able to perform were performed, but now they are all useless. At this time, his legs are shaking and his feet are being pressed into the ground. There are overwhelming sounds coming from his knees, but Song Ning is still insisting on full strength, if his knees are bent a little at this moment, I am afraid that the whole body will completely lose the resistance.

The short sword outside continued to put pressure on Fan Tianyin. For Song Ning, even enemies, he was extremely admired at the moment: "In this case, he can resist hard, the strength of this body is really not comparable to that of ordinary people. Yes, it ’s martial arts. It ’s really a well-deserved reputation, but it ’s a pity, who made you provoke me that day, and who made me already against you? If I do n’t kill you today, you ’re going to kill me in another day. You can only die if you live. "

Chi Duanjian had no slight feud with Song Ning before, so now when he sees Song Ning as strong as he is, he is also a little bit impatient.

However, genius is used to be obliterated. If Song Ning was not a genius, he would not resist that way in Baihuahai that day. If he did not resist, he would naturally not be wounded, nor would he end like this.

"Dead, after you die, I will be buried for you." Chi short sword said, has gradually canceled the control of Fan Tianyin, this continuous control of Tianyin needs to constantly consume blood, of course, if he does not Forcing the fourth turn of Fan Tianyin with blood sacrifice will not be the same.

In the short Jianjian's eyes, Song Ning's legs were trembling, and his arms seemed to be numb, and they were constantly dropping.


Song Ning's legs suddenly bent, and Fan Tianyin's descent speed suddenly increased. Song Ning's body was three inches shorter, but just before the knees were about to fall, Fan Tianyin's descent stopped again.

The expressions on Chi Shoujian's face were so stagnant that he had reached this level. He didn't know what reason Song Ning insisted on.

"Dead!" Chi Duanjian no longer cared about any blood, the blood in the body was consumed again, Fan Tianyin immediately began to rotate slowly again, and Song Ning's body under Fan Tianyin also felt the strength increase again.

"Do you want me to die?" Song Ning's internal voices were still unceasing. When he opened his mouth, there was blood in his mouth. Even the so-called "Tao" could not kill him Song Ning, let alone a hypocrite monk?

Song Ning's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, he clenched his teeth, and his arms slammed against the top.


To no avail.

Song Ning's knees kept falling, and he looked close to the ground.

"You kneel down for me!" Chi Duanjian was furious, and the mortal still stalemate in front of him, causing him to consume so much blood. At this moment, he not only wanted Song Ning to die, he wanted Song Ning to kneel in front of him dead!

Song Ning now feels unconscious, and for a moment, he seems to feel a lot lighter. If he can let go now, maybe it is a relief?

Too heavy, too tired ...

But just when Song Ning's hands were about to be revoked, a voice suddenly came from his mind. This voice was extremely majestic, like a giant's voice, thick and full of confidence.

"I have won all my life, and I haven't thought of anyone kneeling, every monk who is a hypocrite, is not qualified! Even if I am crushed, I can't kneel to anyone!"

This sound is like a sigh, but more of it is like a warning. Outsiders can't hear it, only Song Ning can hear it, and it also fits Song Ning's meaning. No one can force Song Ning to kneel unless Song Ning Want to kneel yourself!

The voice spread throughout Song Ning's body, and Song Ning's closed eyes suddenly opened, and an unprecedented momentum flashed in his eyes. In Song Ning's body, the already bent bone frame stood upright again, Song Ning immediately understood that the sound just now should be made by the owner of the skeleton in his body.

The owner of this skeleton was once a genuine giant, but the skeleton was made into a skeleton after being polished and placed in Song Ning's body.

Now, the unwillingness of this skeleton has exploded, and this life has been propped up.

Chi Duanjian's hands shook, he couldn't see through Song Ning's body, and at this moment he didn't understand why Song Ning suddenly had strength. The weight of Tianyin now exceeds one million catties. Live a million catties ...

Chi Duanjian hurriedly maintained the rotation of Fan Tianyin, and Fan Tianyin's weight continued to increase. Although he failed to crush Song Ning to death, Song Ning's body kept falling into the earth.

The ground around Song Ning was cracking, and the earth was falling when the earth collapsed, and Song Ning's body began to sink into the ground, and half of his body disappeared in an instant.


After blinking, Song Ning was directly pressed into the ground by Fan Tianyin, and at the same time, Chi Duanjian could feel Song Ning's breath. Instead of stopping because Song Ning had fallen into the ground, he was even more forceful.

There was a sound of roaring on the ground, which shocked many monks. Ordinary monks' fighting methods, no one would be in charge of killing and surpassing goods. Even if they did something harmful and harmless, no one would care, but now it is different. What is pressed is the land of the demon domain, destroying the demon domain, and destroying the mainland. No one will stand by and watch this kind of thing.

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