Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 453: Who wants to kill me?

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Just when Song Ning was trying to combine ‘Domain’ with spiritual power, just as Song Ning ’s body retreating speed was slowing down, somehow, the Bazhe fan suddenly fanned for the seventh time!

At the same time as the folding fan was fanned for the seventh time, the seventh heel fan also began to shine. At the same time, a terrifying force emerged from the eight folding fan, and the strong wind suddenly appeared, seeming to be restrained by a big hand After everything around Song Ning, he rushed towards Song Ning.

Seventh time!

Is this lei ready to kill?

No one thought that lei could actually fan the eighth folding fan for the seventh time, and the eighth folding fan could fan seven times. No one could survive under the fairyland. Before the competition, lei's weakness appeared in everyone's mind. At this moment, everyone thought that lei was all before Pretending, just to let Song Ning relax his vigilance, and at this moment this fan is clearly wanting Song Ning's life!

Bai Yu was overjoyed, almost trying to laugh, but Chi Changjian was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect that. Lin Linlei was able to fan the eighth folding fan out for the seventh time. Who is his opponent? The eighty-fold fan is equivalent to a nightmare for a spiritual monk, and it cannot be resisted at all.

Under the stands, Zhang Tianqi also pinched Khan for Song Ning. Although he already knew that he could not have any intersection with Song Ning, he admired Song Ning in his heart and could not have deep contact with Song Ning, which was his personal reason. .

However, if the outsider is very surprised at the moment, then lei will have 20, because this seventh time is not his fan!

To be precise, lei did not have the ability to fan the seventh time. His limit was six times. Just now, just when he wanted to close, he suddenly felt like there was an invisible hand behind him. , Directly grabbed him and fanned out for the seventh time.

At this moment, it is stronger than the strength on the test bench, even lei himself is in a terrible position, a feeling of 'spiritual mortal' is born from the heart, even if he is the spellmaker himself, he feels uncomfortable at this time, there is a kind of Fear of death.

Song Ning is in the process of understanding, and this perception can be completed with only a touch of a trace, but suddenly he feels that a force of desperation is sweeping, even though he closes his eyes, he seems to see a palm clutching at him, as if to be Crushing him directly to death, Song Ning suddenly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of lei. Just at the moment, Song Ning felt that there was another invisible power on the test bench, that power did not belong to lei, But it is fleeting.

Unless Song Ning's soul was hit hard before, he would not be so sensitive to this force at this moment, even Chi Changjian, who was already a virtual fairy above the stands, could not feel the presence of the power just now. The competition was stopped. If Song Ning died on the competition platform, it would be interesting.

After all, he Song Ning is a member of the military, who died on the Chi family's contest to recruit relatives, then the Chi family will be in great trouble!

However, just as Chi Changjian raised his hand to stop, the atmosphere around Song Ning suddenly changed on the test bench.

Song Ning suddenly laughed: "Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, interesting, interesting! If it weren't for the seventh time, I still couldn't realize it, it turned out that it was just breaking the power!"

The domain of Song Ning's body also changed in an instant. The force of the violent wind rushed to Song Ning with the power of destruction before, but the next moment completely disappeared, as if never appeared, and at this time Around the body, a strange 'domain' appears. This looks like an ethereal domain, but there is a strong spiritual force in the ethereal domain. This spiritual force walks in the ethereal domain. The combination is just like the two forces of ice and fire in Song Ning's body, which is constantly circling, but ordinary people can't see it with the naked eye.

Than the wind dissipated on the test bench, the silence on the stage, and the audience was even more surprising. Just now, everyone thought that Song Ning was going to die, but he did not expect that he would easily take the eighth folding fan for the seventh time. Eliminate the power.

They seemed simple, but they did not see the difficulty of understanding in them. If it was not the last seventh fan, the power suddenly increased, and Song Ning felt a trace from this power, then Song Ning may not be able to do so at this moment. Sentiment.

Next to lei, the invisible power seemed a little hesitant, but after all he gave up and didn't grab lei's hand and fan it for the eighth time.

"Why not fan it and kill it for the eighth time!"

"The eighth time ... that ... it will only make him realize more ..."

These two dialogues disappeared with the disappearance of the invisible power beside lei. In this world, except for the two of the dialogue, there is no third knowledge.

The competition is not over yet, but lei has softened his legs and almost knelt on the ground. At this moment in his eyes, Song Ning is already a fairy-like existence, able to survive the power after the seventh fan of the eighty-fold fan, it has been proved that Song Condensed extraordinary.

No one can survive under the fairyland, but Song Ning is now standing here in good manner.

"Song, Song Daoyou, me, I wasn't me just now ..." Lin Lei panicked. If Song Ning really started, he didn't even have the power to fight back at the moment.

Song Ning walked slowly towards lei step by step.

Although the rule of martial arts competition is ‘do n’t hurt anyone’, but the other party has already killed his opponent just now, even if Song Ning now shot Lin Lei directly, it ’s nothing wrong.

However, when everyone felt that Song Ning was about to give Lin Lei the final blow, Song Ning stood beside Lin Lei, and the position where Song Ning was standing was where the invisible power had just been.

"Just now, who is the power here?" Song Ning's voice was low, only Lin Lei could hear.

Lin Lei's pupil shrank sharply, and he didn't expect Song Ning to feel it.

Seeing that Lin Lei did not reply, Song Ning said, "Or I asked, who wants to kill me."

Lei slowly turned his head to look at song ning: "not me, i ... i don't know."

Song Ning smiled faintly: "Go down."

Lin Lei froze for a moment, then bowed down to Song Ning: "Thank you, thank you."

Chi Changjian got up: "Lin Lei admits defeat, Song Ningsheng."

Everyone could not help applauding, this was not because Song Ning won, but Song Ning ’s graciousness of not killing. From this contest of recruiting relatives, they saw Song Ning ’s various behaviors. Later, I saw that Song Ning was not afraid of Bai Yu, and then Song Ning was able to dissolve the power of the eighth folding fan for the seventh time with the power of the spirit realm. Now, Song Ning has let Lin Lei go.

This is a contest to recruit relatives, it is clearly Song Ning's one-man show!

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