Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 441: Wangfenglou drinking

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"The two are talking about me?" Song Ning stepped upstairs, glanced at the four people present, and finally stopped at Chen Liu.

Chen Liu immediately smiled: "Yeah, we are saying that Master Song is very young, and he is among the dragons and phoenixes. Whoever wants to wait for it to finish, Master Song will come."

Both Chen Liu and Zuo Qing are already at the peak of Wen Dao. They only need to take one step further to return to the imaginary state. This is the case with the elders of Zichuan Valley, from which they can infer what the power of this Purple Valley is.

Although Chen Liu and Zuo Qing were impatient just now, it can be seen that after Song Ning's attitude changed immediately, the two of them stood up and greeted each other with a smile on their faces.

Song Ning's expression was indifferent: "The two just said it seems young and vigorous?"


The two looked slightly embarrassed. Instead, Chen Yufeng got up and bowed and clenched his fists: "Master Song has such achievements at this age, even if he is young and vigorous, what is the point? Master Song, you have proud capital."

That Zuozi Mu immediately got up and responded, apparently very respectful to Song Ning.

Song Ning didn't dislike this. He didn't respond, but instead changed his words: "I wanted to come to Wangfenglou to drink, but now it happens that a few people are setting up here, so we drink the bar together."

Chen Liu and Zuo Qing glanced at each other, and then with Song Ning sitting down, after the two elders sat down, Tang Chuan as Song Ning's side also sat down, and finally Zuo Zi Mu Chen Yufeng two juniors.

The restaurant owner is a man who knows the timing. When six people are seated, the maid who accompanies the wine immediately comes up. A total of four maids come up. In addition to the two juniors, four people are prepared for each one, but Song Ning When she saw the maid, she shook her head: "The top floor of Wangfeng Tower is slightly narrower, so don't you four of them?"

When Chen Liu and Zuo Qing heard the words, they immediately let the four go down. The dishes on the table were ready. Song Ning picked up the jug and poured the wine, but Zuo Qing moved the jug in his hand. , This wine deserves me to pour. "

Instead, Song Ning took the hip flask back: "A pot of wine, six people drink?"

Zuo Qing was stunned, but Chen Liuxian first understood Song Ning's meaning, he shouted, "Five more pots of wine!"

Zuo Qing laughed: "Master Song is really bold. Since it is so, we will not be drunk today."

Song Ning picked up the jug and waited for the other five people to have the wine, then he raised it with one hand, and then put the jug directly to his mouth to drink.

The five people next to me were still thinking of touching a cup with Song Ning. Even if they did n’t, they would at least touch a pot meaning. Who wants their jug ​​just lifted up, Song Ning has already started drinking alone, this act, or It was too arrogant to take a few of them seriously, or it was too free and easy to take a few of them as outsiders.

While these five people were still stunned, Song Ning put down the hip flask and took a long breath. He turned his head and looked at the crowd: "Why don't you drink?"

When they heard it, they immediately picked up the jug and started drinking. They were all considered to be individuals with certain identities. When did they drink alcohol like this? But if you do n’t drink it at this time, it seems that you do n’t give Song Ning a face. Although they seem to have higher cultivation skills than Song Ning, in fact, the status of a alchemist who can refine the five-pin elixir into six patterns is very expensive. It is no longer what ordinary Wen Dao monks can compare. For a sect, if two Wen Dao monks are exchanged for one such alchemist, then Zong Men will be happy to talk up and down.

Zichuangu, Zuo Qing and Chen Liu naturally understand this kind of truth. They just want to invite Song Ning to Zichuangu. If they can do so, they are not in vain.

After a sip of wine, Zuo Qing laughed: "Haha, before meeting Master Song, Zuo Mou never drank like this. Try it today, it really is a pleasure!"

Chen Liujian began to drink this wine, and naturally opened the conversation box: "Master Song, let me introduce, in the next Chen Liu, Elder Zichuangu, this is Zuo Qing, the same elder, and these two are ours The younger generation, Zuo Zimu and Chen Yufeng, both of them are disciples of Zichuan Valley. "

Song Ning nodded: "Drink."

Chen Liugang wanted to ask Song Ning's name, but Song Ning raised the hip flask again, and they had to accompany him.

One pot of wine drank quickly, followed by six more pots, they ate while drinking, and Zuo Qing and Chen Liu talked to Song Ning one by one. Song Ning was absent-minded. Now he just wants to drink. If you can get drunk, you can also put your current sorrow aside.

Seeing that Song Ning was not happy with words, Chen Liu was anxious and directly said: "Master Song, if you are free, can you sit in Zichuan Valley?"

Song Ning smiled and looked at Chen Liu: "Purple River Valley is a place where anyone can be a guest?"

Chen Liu explained: "If other people do not work, but if it is Master Song, I think Zichuan Valley will definitely go up and down ..."

"Boss, six pots of wine!" Song Ning shouted.

Song Ning was drinking and accompanied by five people. Regarding the trip to Zichuan Valley, even though Chen Liu and Zuo Qing mentioned it, Song Ning did not respond. At this moment, they already knew that this 'Master Song' would never go Purple River Valley.

This wine was considered to be in vain, but now they dare not easily offend Song Ning. It is not only Zichuan Valley who wants to win Song Ning, other forces of other families are also eager to move, but Tangchuan gave them to Zichuan Valley. Face, first bring Song Ning here to meet with them, if they both offended Song Ning, this matter spread to the ears of Zichuan Valley Valley, they may suffer.

Song Ning borrowed wine to relieve sorrow and worry, but at the moment, Song Ning wanted to get drunk and couldn't get drunk. His body, whether it be bones or veins or flesh and blood skin, was different from ordinary people. It was still sober, but it was the five people who accompanied the drink. At this time, they were rolling in the abdomen, gagged, dazzled, and vaguely, even sitting unsteady.

"It's good wine." Song Ning sighed.

Zuo Qing, who had already drunk his neck and looked at the roof of the shed, heard Song Ning's words and immediately responded: "Yes! Yes! Pour and pour good wine!"

Next to Chen Liu holding a hip flask, he staggered to the air on the left side of Song Ning: "Song ...... Master, I Chen Liujing you! This, Wangfenglou, there are, there are beautiful, I will wait for a while See the beauty ... "

Song Ning took Chen Liu's jug, patted Chen Liu's shoulder, and a touch of spiritual force entered the body. Chen Liu also slept deeply. At the moment, only Song Ning was still awake on the top floor of the entire Wangfeng Tower.

"Come two pots of wine." Song Ning said.

This time it was the boss who brought the wine in person. He wanted to tell him that the wine in Wangfenglou would be drunk even if Daoxian drank too much. These people drank so much. If the stamina came up, it would be terrible. But who knew that as soon as he went upstairs, he saw five people lying on the ground horizontally, and only Song Ning was sitting at the table, reaching for wine.

[The author off topic]: 4 chapters

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