Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 439: Array Code

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

At this time, Song Ning had already stood at the door of the elixir. He could take another step forward to get out of the elixir directly, but he backed away. After hearing Tang Chuan's words, Song Ning's heart never came back. Unable to recover.

Remove a living person from the formation!

Song Ning turned to look at Tang Chuan, and the shock in his eyes was even scary in Tang Chuan's eyes.

"Does this matter seriously?" Song Ning asked in a word.

Tang Chuan hurriedly waved his hand when he saw Song Ning expressing this expression: "This, this is the legend. Others are spreading it like this, I don't know, Master Song, don't be angry, I'm not kidding you, people used to be That's the way it is. "

Song Ning raised his hand and directly grabbed Tang Chuan's shoulder: "Really there is such a legend? Did the Chi family's formation classics do it?"

"Accurately, it was done by the Chi family's ancestors, and it was indeed passed down like this. This matter is known to everyone in Roland City." Tang Chuan said.

Song Ning was overjoyed, he let go of Tang Chuan's fist and thanked: "Thank you, boss Tang!"

After thanking him, Song Ning strode out of the panacea.

The clouds receded, the sunlight was brilliant, the breeze was proud, and the sadness was gone. The deep sorrow buried deep in Song Ning's eyes faded a little, and a long-lost sincere smile appeared on his face.

"It is said that Chi's family stripped a living person from the formation!" This sentence kept echoing in Song Ning's ears. For Song Ning, this is the best news. This is what allows him to let go of everything. News, even if it is just a legend!

Chi's family ... Competing for marriage ...

Song Ning didn't go directly to Chi's house, he wouldn't go to join the martial arts to recruit relatives, but he must get this array of classics. When thinking about how to go to Chi's family to obtain the array of classics, Song Ning already came "Tianzihao" restaurant downstairs, the atmosphere of the storage ring is still in this restaurant.

"Show the token." Two demigod monks stopped Song Ning.

"I'm going upstairs to find someone." Song Ning said.

"Wait!" The demigod monk stopped Song Ning, and after looking at it, he found that he didn't know Song Ning's appearance: "Don't let in here, if you want to find someone, just send a voice to the other side. Come out, otherwise you can only stand here and wait! "

Another demigod monk was disdainful: "You were the one who came to find someone before? How come again? Lao Tzu is in a good mood today, you better go quickly, otherwise I'm welcome to you!"

Song Ning smiled and waved his hand gently. A strong wind directly blows away the two demigod monks beside him, as if the two of them took the initiative to give Song Ning a way. Song Ning walked through the middle and said lightly: " I ’m in a good mood today, otherwise I ’m really welcome to you. ”

At this time, Song Ning had transformed his face with Yi Rongdan, so he did not hesitate to release the cultivation base to the Huashen. A monk who smells the Tao is different. The difference between the monk who smells the Tao and the monk who transforms the God can be said to be heaven and earth. If there are 10,000 people who can transform the gods, then there are only two or three Only.

Song Ning is here to start his hands, not waiting for the two demigod monks to report that the five monk monks sitting upstairs immediately noticed that in the blink of an eye, there were five monk monks next to Song Ning. The monk surrounded Song Ning, each with a murderous face, his eyes flashing with fierce light.

"Dare to trespass into the" Tianzihao ", I think you don't want to live!" The five said that they would start, but when they rushed over, they felt that the surrounding spiritual power suddenly disappeared, without the blessing of spiritual power, The **** of monk is no different from a mortal!

"This, this is the ethereal realm, he is a man of the military!" One of the gods monks was shocked.

The remaining four people immediately felt numb. For these monks living in the city, the military people stood on their upper level, and the war did not end long. Now the military people are distributed in all directions. Those who offend the military are equivalent to offending the entire army. They dare not bear such a pot.

"I'm here today, just for a thief upstairs. I stole my storage ring when I was in a coma. I took the storage ring back and left. It won't delay you from opening the door to do business normally. If no one bothers you Me, as usual, if someone stops me, who will stop me, who will kill me. "Song Ning's voice was very weak, but it spread throughout the entire Tianzi name in an instant.

Most of the monks living in the Tianzihao are monks of the gods of God. These monks of gods of hearing heard that some people dare to put such words here. Naturally, they are very interesting. Here, for a moment, hundreds of spiritual consciousnesses ran to Song Ning, but when these spiritual consciousnesses had not fallen on Song Ning, they were directly offset by the empty spirit domain beside Song Ning.

These people's faces changed dramatically, and they immediately withdrew their consciousness as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, one Yuan Ying monk on the third floor of Tianzihao had to run out of the room, but he just ran out of three feet before hitting something and knocked it down directly. He looked up and Song Ning stood abruptly. In front of him.

"Holding someone else's things, where are you so anxious to go?" Song Ning squinted at the monk in front of her, stretched out her hand, and directly withdrew the storage ring.

"I, I, I only used a few pills, spent some spirit stones, I haven't touched other things, I haven't seen anything, I haven't seen anything!" Extremely.

Song Ning swept the storage ring, it was indeed only a few missing spirit stones and elixir, which did not matter, but everything in this storage ring should have been seen by the monk in front of him.

If everything else is okay, he has seen the gossip mirror. The gossip mirror is what the military is looking for. Besides the military, the six major forces of the Tianzong Alliance are also looking for. The gossip mirror can open the nine-day battlefield, but At the same time, it is also possible to reincarnate time. This thing is very important to Song Ning. If it leaks out, he will inevitably have trouble.

Song Ning sighed softly, raised his hand, and pressed the Yuanling Monk Heavenly Spirit in front of his eyes.

"Senior, don't, don't kill me, don't kill me, I won't say it, I don't see anything, I won't ..."

It was just that this Yuanying monk still felt the loss of vitality in his body while he was speaking. He unwillingly raised his head to look at Song Ning, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. Until the life was gone, he still stared at Song Ning, It is impossible to tell whether what is present in that look is unwilling or resentful.

Song Nings loosed his hand, his body flashed, and disappeared in the "Zhongzihao". This was his first time to kill a person and kill his mouth. The first time he killed a person who was not guilty of death. This also left an indelible mark in his heart. trace.

[Author off topic]: 2 chapters

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